I Reincarnated As A Stone

Chapter 25 - The friendly and welcoming city

The inner zone was already what I imagined a real city would be. A large street stretched out in a straight line, filled with crowds of people walking everywhere. From time to time, a carriage could be seen entering or going out from the door.

‘Ahhh, my adventurous spirit starts to burn again.’

Without thinking twice, we went further into the city, until we reached an area that seemed to be of a higher category... behind which another damned wall blocked the way...

‘Wow, those people really like building walls.’

Without a doubt, there was the neighborhood of the nobles or wealthy people.

"Go aside, beggar."

And when we were practically next to the wall, another retard, of greater caliber than the guards, gave Limy a strong push and threw her out of his way... Something even more unpleasant than the previous two, since he had plenty of room to pass even if Limy were a hundred times bigger.

“Return to the suburbs, you just bother around here.”

As soon as she was pushed, another man kicked her, making her fall down. A lot of insults and spitting from the occasional passerby followed. Limy didn't seem to mind in the least, but my blood was burning.

—Let's get away from this wall before I end up killing someone myself.

We had not finished touring the city, but it was enough for me to understand more or less the structure. The southern part was the largest. By having the river next to it, the vast majority of the fields were placed there, although the entire city would probably be surrounded by crops anyway.

However, there was an important part of the city that we had not explored either, the southeast. From how some people were pushing us there, I deduced that it was the suburbs. I decided that it would be best to retreat to that area temporarily. It was unpleasant to be treated like that and I didn't want to be pushed there, but at the moment I preferred not to be the center of attention.

Apart from the wealthy, who despectively glare at the girl dressed in dirty clothes, the poor also took a lot of notice of her because of her blue hair and eyes. I imagined that extravagant colors like blue, green, purple, and all kinds of unnatural colors would be normal in a different world… but no, no human had extravagant hair or eye color. It almost surprised me that no one other than that guy called Tzari had said anything to us.

‘This was a pretty big miscalculation.’

So I thought that the best thing would be to go to the most abandoned neighborhood that we could find. There, even if we were to attract attention, the danger would be less... At least that kind of danger... Without a doubt there would be others.

It didn't take long for us to reach the suburbs. The difference in people's standard of living was immediately noticed. The buildings declined in quality blatantly, and more than one was dilapidated. Trash and nasty animals ran through the streets at ease. Even a rat passed a few centimeters from Limy's foot... and from that same foot came out some tentacles that swallowed it...

—Limy, stop eating everything that comes close to you! And most importantly, don't liquefy any member or part while we're in the city!

—Sorry, master. I will not do it again.

She probably didn't do it consciously, it was her primary slime instincts... These monsters were a mass of snot without intelligence that crawled around devouring everything in its path, not even caring if it was a simple stone... I can ȧssure it from my own experience… The fact that Limy was able to reason already made her quite a special monster.

We keep going into the suburbs without paying much attention to our surroundings. The people there were almost completely ignoring us. From time to time they cast a curious glance at the blue-haired girl, but they seemed to care less than her own misfortune. Some were even worse dressed than she was.

‘I almost wish this sort of commonplace hadn't existed.’

I couldn't help but feel a bit heartbroken seeing how these people had to live their day to day, if that could be called living. However, I did not have the strength or the ability to do anything about it. Even in the modern world there are people in the same conditions.

‘It seems that even in a world with magic, one is tied by his social status. From what I've seen, humans seem to be weak… There are probably not many who can hope to improve their life even with the existence of stats, abilities and all that… Facing monsters can be quite a challenge for them. They have enough problems just trying to survive.’

Due to a mixture of emotions and a false sense of security from being practically ignored, we let our guard down too much. The moment we passed in front of an alley, a net fell on us and dragged us inside in less than a second. The cause was a man who looked even worse than the thieves of the day before… although the one who worried me the most was not him.

"I can't believe there are still children stupid enough to wander by this neighborhood alone."

Behind him, a fat man stared at Limy as he smirked. He was well dressed and appeared to be wealthy. Everything pointed to him being a nobleman or some successful merchant.

"But look what we have here, a girl with blue hair. What a beautiful merchandise. Without a doubt I will be able to make a lot of money selling such a special product."

When he finished speaking he gave us a wide and unpleasant smile of satisfaction.

—Limy, you can eat this one ... What's more, I encourage you to eat it right now!

—Master… I can’t move...

—My body does not respond.

Limy tried to move a little, but she could bȧrėly move her fingers.

“It’s useless to resist. This net is enchanted with superior paralysis effect. You will not be able to move a muscle, not even talk.”

—Then I will do it myself… Shit...

And the moment I tried to move I was also unable to use skills or magic.

[High paralysis affects you.]

‘It’s a bit late to say that! Seriously… is there anyone with worse luck than me?’

And without being able to do anything at all, that man kidnapped us....

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