I Reincarnated As A Stone

Chapter 37 - You need a medal...

Limy started running to maintain the same pace as Aeldrya. Little by little, Aeldrya was increasing her speed, until she ended up running too. She probably could have left Limy far behind, but she held back long enough to not lose sight of her. Still, Limy ended up running full throttle. After half an hour of running, the elf finally stopped.

"I can't believe it, how much agility do you have?"


"Impossible! You can't have that much just at level 5 and without a class!"

Again, the girl talked too much... I was beginning to prefer that she had the mouth full of food than that she spoke...

"You are definitely not a normal person at all… Perhaps…"

Aeldrya put an exaggeratedly serious face.

"You have neither skills nor titles? Hard to believe… Very high stats, but no skills or titles… You are not fooling me, are you?"


She stared at Limy for a few moments, but eventually she sighed and gave up.

"Well, I can't blame you… After all, we all hide something…", Aeldrya muttered.

'If in your case it's being a pervert... you don't do it very well...'

Aledrya touched her chin with her right hand and thought without moving or taking her eyes off Limy.

"Anyway, it's no use having high stats if you don't have good skills to take advantage of them. Come on, I'm going to teach you a couple of basic melee skills."


"The first is called "Impulse." By its name, it is easy to understand what it does, increase your speed considerably for a few moments. It is a good ability to jump on top of your enemy or escape an attack. The problem is that it is very tiring and the mana consumption is quite high. Still, for classes like Warriors, who don't rely on mana for everything, it's a great ability."

As she indicated, she showed the skill to Limy. She braced herself in a clear direction and activated it. The result was that she covered a distance of about fifteen meters in just one second. An Olympic runner would love to have this ability.

"The next one is "Cut"."

'Great, and with that we would be able to remove bushes that block roads?'

"This skill allows you to deliver a quicker and sharper strike than normal surrounding an edged weapon with mana. At high levels, it also allows you to cut even with blunt weapons."

She drew her sword and also showed it to us. She cut so fast that I could bȧrėly see a trail of light.

"As you have no talent for magic, I will train you only at melee. I hope you learn these two as soon as possible. When you master them I will teach you more."


Limy started trying to use the skills under Aldrya's instructions. First, she started with "cut", although there was a problem... Limy couldn't do it no matter how hard she tried... or maybe she couldn’t use it out of combat... After half an hour of training, Aeldrya decided to get back on track.

"I didn't expect you to make it in a moment, either. For now, rest, you will continue training at another more suitable time."

And so we continued down the road, with Limy swinging her sword even as she walked. In the end, Aeldrya herself forced Limy to stop because she made her nervous.

'Although it seems strange to me... I learned skills very quickly...'

[Artificial creatures cannot learn skills by themselves. Once created, they are limited to only those that were given to them.]

At Helpy's response, I felt my weight increase until I became a two-ton rock. The feeling grew even stronger as I continued looking at Limy swinging her sword from time to time despite Aeldrya telling her to stop. I was thankful that at least he had created her as an elite.

'Should I tell her? Probably yes... If she finds out later the blow will be worse.'

I mustered up enough courage and spoke clearly to her.

—Limy... You don't have to try to learn that... You can't... Apparently, created monsters can't learn new skills...

Hearing my message, she stopped swinging her sword and sheathed it again.

It was difficult to know Limy's state of mind since her face and tone of voice never changed… However, that pause she made in the middle of her sentence said a lot about it. I would feel even worse if I found out that I could not learn skills... I would have stayed all my life lying on the ground…

—Probably in the future I could do something about... Don’t be down…

Limy just nodded without saying anything.

Still, the journey went on, and quite a bit faster than Aeldrya imagined. Excluding meal breaks and the emerging of odd monsters or some problematic animals momentaneously stopping us, we walked all day at a good pace.

When there were at most a couple of hours to reach a town, I noticed that Aeldrya used to look sideways at Limy. At first, her glances were quite distant from each other, but little by little they became more common and indiscreet.

—This erofu doesn't stop looking at you… she's making me nervous! Ask her what the hell she wants?!

"What the hell do you want?!” Limy repeated.

“You ho… How can you last so long?!”

"How can I last so long?"

“Ehm… Don't you need to go to the toilet?”


"Impossible! We've been together all day and I haven't seen you go once!"

At that moment I noticed that the elf seemed to have certain “problems”.

‘The hell, just go pee by yourself!’

I had completely forgotten the situation... Obviously, anyone would ask about that... especially the girls, who usually go two by two to the toilet... Although I came up with the best excuse in the world. I quickly told Limy to reply...

"Real ladies don't go to the toilet!"

"That's just an excuse!"

"Shit! If you don't even believe it yourselves, why do you always say it!"

We ended up convincing her by telling her that Limy would go when we reached the town... Aeldrya's face didn't improve much, but she ended up accepting... I started to believe that the erofu wanted to see Limy pissing or worse... Imaginations... Yes, just imaginations... Probably....

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