Chapter 126 – Tea House (Not Green)

First of all, it was strange to talk outside, so we decided to move to a nearby teahouse. But somehow, I ruined the date and felt lost to Glaceon. So while I was on the way, I apologized to Glaceon for sneakily ruining the date, but she replied like this.

“It’s okay. The goal for today… has already been achieved.”

All she did was eat at a commoner-style restaurant, but what did she achieve… Well, if she’s happy, then that’s okay. Because I am a man with a heart as wide as the sea.

We sat down and started ordering drinks in turn. Of course, I ordered melon juice, and Glaceon ordered plain black coffee.

Squah flipped through the menu and ordered with a bored expression.

“In the chocolate cookie latte, replace milk with soy milk, add honey and syrup, preheat the glass to 90 degrees, and don’t forget to sprinkle coconut powder on top.”

It’s really complicated to order once. When the waitress was flustered, the heavenly horse, Oh Chun-yeong, also covered the menu. Looking at the atmosphere, he seems like a nobleman who should drink grain or green tea…

“Please add strawberries to the musk melon parfait and chocolate parfait.”

Is there another spell that doesn’t go well with your face like that? It was the end of the world for an old man who seemed like he would drink just by looking at his face and become addicted to parfait. I was worried that the old man was going to the goal because he had diabetes.

However, it seems that the fact that medieval fantasy is overflowing with sweet things is really hard. Well, some other world waters say that they are making boiled burdock roots as a way to cope with food shortages, and they add sugar, so I guess there is no problem.

After some time, the drinks I ordered came out and I drank one shot of the cool melon juice and asked a question.

“Squaa, so what are you doing here? No, before that, the letter said, ‘The two of us are going.’ What kind of country’s law is it to write and send it? I’m an orphan who hasn’t learned anything, so I don’t know.”

Squaa, who brought the ordered drink to his mouth, answered with a grin.

“Hmm… It’s not something to talk about in a place where there are a lot of people listening like this.”

she said and snapped her fingers. Trump cards then flew all over the cafe, and when Squaa clapped his hands, everyone in the teahouse disappeared. Glaceon was startled and started to look around. From the customers to the employees and the store owner, everyone disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“What the hell did you do with people…?”

“Don’t worry too much. Those people are sleeping comfortably in the false space I created.”

“How the hell did that many people…”

“Revealing the principles of tricks is against the virtues of a magician. Such trifles are contrary to the disposition of a phantom thief.”

In short, it just meant that it was too much trouble to explain one by one. That was the phantom magic that Squaa used, a magic that was said to have been developed by her mentor, Darkwing, the thief who was said to have stolen the country.

Unlike conventional magic that uses the spirits of nature, it has a complex technique that interferes with the space itself, and it is a complex technique that uses a combination of alchemy, artifact utilization, assassination techniques, and weapon techniques.

“Heh… Didn’t I tell you not to tease young children with trivial witchcraft?”

Oh Cheonyoung, the Heavenly Demon, said that and had already emptied a whole parfait.

“So I don’t need all of them and I want you to tell me why you came.”

“Heeing… This older sister came to visit us and this kind of reaction made our maknae picky.”

Squaa covered her eyes and started pretending to cry.

“That kid will be thirty tomorrow, so stop it. So stop being so mean and get to the point.”

“Oh yes.”

Squaa stopped pretending to cry. I was worried that someone might not be a half-dreamer, so my personality was also very demanding.

“First, a message from our leader.”

[There is a traitor among us. Location information can be explained by a first-class scout or spy, but it must be that there is a traitor who can dig into our personal weaknesses. There is no way to confirm who the traitor is yet, so be careful, Werner. And… Be healthy, Werner.]

“Well, it’s pretty important information, so I understand something that can’t be conveyed by letter… Do you need two people to come just to convey that?”

Then, the Heavenly Demon old man’s educational auditorium was pierced straight into my head. Even though it was just a fist, it stung like an electric shock, and it hurt like being hit with a hammer, but it didn’t come out.

“No, old man, why are you hitting me?”

“What kind of foolishness are you talking about by sending only one person to you when there might be a traitor?”

Ah… I only sent one, but if that one was a traitor, something could happen, so they sent two. After listening to it, it sounded like a pretty reasonable decision.

Squaa shrugged and said in a bitter voice.

“I haven’t been directly harmed yet… but thanks to that, it’s an atmosphere where colleagues watch each other. There’s an old friendly atmosphere… but it’s just a superficial story. Relax and go fishing alone at night. I can’t even go, because someone sneaks up on me.”

It was intimidating enough to have these suspicions of one another with one’s colleagues. Suspicion is the worst enemy of a group.

“It’s hard to imagine. Watching each other like that, we still haven’t found the traitor.”

“So the leader was suspicious of Ricardo at first. But he wasn’t. He gave false information in the report to the imperial family, and the enemies noticed it.”

“Ah yes, fake love… No wait, what? You wrote fake information on the document to be submitted to the imperial family?”

Deliberately writing a lie in a document submitted to the imperial family was one of the most serious crimes, punishable by death. However, to do such a thing calmly, it seemed that everyone’s liver had come out of the boat.

“But that was the only way to know if Ricardo was a traitor or not.”

“I’ll add my testimony to that. Brother Ricardo is not a traitor.”

It’s because his name sounds like an old man who dances a little strangely, Ricardo was definitely a good person.

“Yeah yeah oh and… I recently found one of the Black Round Table’s chapters near the capital.”

That’s not information to brag about like there’s a tomato sale at the store next door.

“So how did you know that?”

“We decided not to tell each other about the source of information. It’s suicide to reveal who the informant is when you don’t know who might be a traitor.”

In short, she meant that even the Heavenly Demon could not be trusted.

“I’m thinking of going to the old man’s restaurant next Thursday… Do you intend to follow me, youngest?”

“Oh, can you put that off until Friday?”

“I could do that… but is there any particular reason?”

Looking at the sharp eyes of the Heavenly Demon and Squa, if it’s something related to the Black Round Table, first of all, they should be wary of it. What did you do?

“I have an important appointment next Thursday.”

“An important appointment?”

Even Glaceon began to stare at me curiously. Saying you’re meeting a god can sound like a crazy person…

“My mother was alive.”

Then Skua and Gleisa jumped up in surprise and shouted.

“Werner-sama, what the hell is that…!”

“Maknae, what’s the sudden…!”

The only one who remained calm was the old Heavenly Demon.

“So you must be your mother…?”

Even if I hold a glass of parfait and say that, I won’t get any foam… But the Heavenly Demon old man was worried that I might be being deceived. Well, even in the world I lived in, there are countless people who came from orphans but approached people who have reached great heights, claiming that they are their real parents, so it must be a natural concern.

“A person you can trust… No, it’s the information given by an informant, so it’s certain.”

“Who is that informant?!”

Squaa was startled enough to grab my collar and shake it. It’s safe to say that it’s almost panic.

“No, my sister said it was forbidden to disclose the source of information.”

“It’s okay in front of my sister, so tell me quickly!”

“There’s an old, prickly informant.”

The Heavenly Demon old man said while eating the chocolate parfait with a calm expression.

“Okay…then see you.”

“No sir! It’s not such an easy decision! What if this is a trap!”

Read at

No, I don’t think there’s any reason to bother selling traps because he’s in a position where he can crush me if he decides…

“Shouldn’t we go too?”

“There is nothing more foolish than having others interfere in the affairs of parents and children. My teacher, the Black Wing Swordsman, also asked me not to interfere in the affairs of other people’s families.”

I don’t know who you are, but you are a great person.

“Don’t worry about us, let’s go.”

I thought I had solved the problem to some extent, but suddenly Glaceon pulled my sleeve.

“What are you doing?”

“Um… can you tell me when to say hello to my mother?”

The blushing girl was cute, but… It was painful to deal with all of this.

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