It’s been a while since I’ve been able to use magic in a real battle.

I, Sylvana, am a little excited.

Al is very concerned about the damage to his allies in this war.

He’s a nobleman, but he has strange values.

Especially, he doesn’t like children going into battle.

I think he is too nervous.

I like him a lot better than the guy who just counts the number of deaths.

But he’s going to break someday.

It’s a world where death is so easy, but he doesn’t accept it.

Mil, you’ve fallen in love with a troublesome guy.

I don’t know if she fell in love with him or was fascinated by him.

I think it’s amazing that she can love someone so much.


Mil’s infatuation is amazing.

I think it’s a big deal that …… Al accepts it all without being disgusted by it.

The way Al lives his life doesn’t really fit into this world, though.

I don’t think he will ever go crazy because he thinks too much.

He’s the type of person who would never do anything to hurt the people around him.

When things are peaceful, he might be an ideal husband.

That is, if we don’t have any differences in values.


Fabio, the virgin who’s waiting with me at the designated spot, is looking off into the distance like it’s a bother. 

“It’s just as the kiddo predicted.”

I think there are about 40 of them flying in the sky.

On the ground …… I can’t see.

There are a good number of them, but they are dispersed.

If they were all in one place, I could make them go boom with one shot.

It’s all about the number of moves.

I’ve been cutting through the forest to make it easier to detect attacks by foreign enemies.

Thanks to this, though, we have a surplus of wood.

I thought that such enemy attacks would …… rarely happen.

I was wondering what good it would do to cut down the trees in such a serious manner.

But then I saw this …… and realized.

It’s so easy to seize them.

“Make sure you stop the ones at the sky! I won’t think about the sky, after all!”

Fabio, a virgin, ruffled his hair in a completely unsuitable gesture.

“It’s okay. I can blow them up even without that trick. Don’t fall for me, okay?”

This guy not only can’t read the atmosphere, but he also has no sense of conversation ……

“What …… stupid things are you talking about?”

The virgin Fabio seems to be smug.

I don’t know what this guy’s actual strength is, but Al trusts.

I’m sure he won’t drag me down.

Al never takes personal feelings into account when appointing people.

I trust his judgment.

“The kiddo said that when you use the trick, they won’t be able to fly suddenly and the winged tribe will panic. That’s the time he said to hit them.”

“Mil said that Al was like the great sage of fairy tales.”

Fabio, a virgin, snorted.

“I don’t want a sixteen-year-old great sage. Why don’t you try to be lectured by a kid. It’s not even close to being cool. Well …… I guess I’d better get this over with.”


At the meeting to deal with the winged tribe, Al suddenly told us a story about his childhood. 

He was trying to figure out how a magical flying messenger could fly.

The way he was interested in it was strange.

And then he realized something.

The messenger is flying with magic power, but it couldn’t fly over a big river. 

It crashed in deep water, so it has something to do with flying and something to do with the ground.

And he tried various things to see if it could always fly if it was on the ground.

Is there anything between the ground and the messenger that prevents it from flying?

It seems that he looked into it from all sides.

I repeat, the way he is interested in it was crazy.

He talks about this stuff with a lot of fun ……

He found that it was extremely difficult to fly on the glass.

If you break the glass and scatter it around, they can fly, but it’s very difficult to fly.

That was the first time I saw Al’s smug face.

I wondered what he was doing.

Glass is very expensive, you know …… As expected of a great aristocrat’s young master.

And he said that the principle of flying should be the same for winged people.

I didn’t hear a single story about them crossing a big river, much less an ocean.

Dragons, he said, must have a different principle.

He seemed to enjoy talking about it.

He looked like he was sixteen years old at that time.

They were all taken aback and dumbfounded.

Then he gathered up the glass that had been used for building materials and discarded.

He was happily breaking them, singing some strange song by himself.

I think it was something like, “Breaking the windows at the school building at night”.

It made no sense at all.

Sometimes it doesn’t make sense, but this time it made perfect sense.

And it was daytime.

There were a lot of pieces to break, but …… he didn’t let anyone else do it, saying it was a way to relieve stress.

When they ran out, he started removing them from buildings that already had them.

Everyone pretended not to see it anymore.

Finally, he pointed to a huge amount of debris, gave instructions, and went away.

“Put this on the perimeter of the town. Let’s see …… Please scatter them in a line about three meters wide in the direction the enemy will fly in. The line should be drawn at the very edge of the defensive facility where our attack can reach.”

He liked the idea of breaking them, but scattering them seemed to be troublesome, he said.

It seems he was planning to neutralize the enemy’s air force.

It’s hard to keep up with …… that idea sometimes.

While I’m thinking about that, the enemy is closing in.


I could shoot arrows at them, but they’re too far away.

I can easily repel them with a wall of wind.

The winged tribe has flown to a position where it is difficult to defend with walls.

This was the moment when they reached the glass line.

The winged tribe’s flight altitude suddenly dropped, causing them to panic.

Then the arrows of the beastmen rained down on them.

They were so close that even if you shot a bow at them from the ground, it would hit them.

Fabio, the virgin, posed strangely and cast a thunderbolt magic. 

He’ll only look like a fool even he tries to look good, though.

Regardless of hid appearance, they were almost destroyed by one shot.

He’s pretty good.

It’s just a step above advanced. He could be a top adventurer.

By the way, Al is really scary.

Seeing this, the cat people and humans on the ground were also shaken, but they didn’t stop their assault.

The squires of the knight’s order went to the front, and the enemies in the distance were shot by the bows of the beastmen.

And then, with my magic, I blew them away with a huge bang.

After all, magic is limited to explosions ……

It’s sad to say, but I was also forced to blow up the ground in civil engineering works.

I applied that to actual combat and dug back under the feet of an enemy who was trying to get close.

That’s where the arrows come flying.

The beastmen’s skill is quite impressive too.

The enemy can’t even move forward properly.

I dig up the ground randomly.

The spattered dirt is a good way to blind them.

…… I’m going to make up for all the hard work they’ve put me through.

But even if they can get past that, they’ll be confronted by the squires. 

The enemy is also desperately attacking, and arrows are flying.

It’s the same as killing each other …… but it’s no different than defeating monsters.

You have to think it’s the same.

If I hesitate like Al, I will die.

But this time, the enemy’s attack was not going as planned and it was one-sided.

Al’s preparation was amazing.

If he were an adventurer, he would be a very capable leader.

Oh …… that’s no good.


I remember that he has no physical strength.


There was some damage, but after about two hours of fighting, it was almost over.

It was like when the winged tribe’s flight was interrupted, the game is already decided.

I think it was Jules D’Avorio, a serious-looking knight, who led his troops to the mansion in a hurry after the battle was over.

Apparently, there was an attack on the mansion.

There might be a raid on the mansion, Al had pointed out.

He worries about others, but he doesn’t worry about himself at all.

Mil’s magic is not that strong.

I was worried about her, but I don’t think Al doesn’t have a plan, so I can only trust him.

Besides, if the raid is successful, the enemy will come to inform us.

If it’s quiet, it must have failed.


Rather than that, we should hurry up and take care of the injured.

“Virgin. You take care of the perimeter! I’ll go help treat the wounded!”

“I’ll leave it to you!”

At the temporary hospital, I helped treat many injured people.

As an adventurer, this kind of treatment is a must.

It’s not every day you find a healer, after all.

One of the injured was a girl from the wolf tribe.

She was defending another child and got an arrow in her back.

She’s seriously injured, but they said that she’s going to survive.

Even so, I could see Al’s expression of blaming himself.

It would have been much easier if he had taken it out on the people around him.

Instead, he kept it to himself and blamed himself.

I imagined such a scene and felt …… very depressed.

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