I’ll give you the money, you just have to figure out how to spend it.

Each department panicked because they have no experience.

But I’ll just sit back and watch.

They have a history of their own.

I want them to create a new history based on that history.

It’s not something that I, a stranger, can do.

Therefore, I’ll accept that the conclusion they have reached is the correct one.

However, I won’t accept relying on me as the right answer.

Just then, Touko came running into the office.

“Milord! What do you mean, you have to figure it out yourselves?”

“That’s what it means.”

“What the hell do you mean? We tiger tribe don’t know anything about the others.”

“Then you should know.”

“That’s easy for you to say!”

Oh, man, I have no choice.

I’ll manipulate his thoughts a bit.

“You tiger tribe have been protecting your tribe using strength as a measure, aren’t you?”

“That’s right, what of it?”

“What is the significance of showing this strength?”

Touka looked as if it’s natural.

“You know the answer to that question. It’s to protect the tribe.”

“Then …… considering the system, isn’t it strength to protect people?”

“But we don’t know about the rest of them.”

“Is it the tiger tribe’s way to say you don’t know? Knowledge is power, you know. Do you give up just because you don’t have the power?”

“Well, that’s ……”

It’s easy to manipulate a muscle brain …… I’ll hide the devil’s smile inside and make a serious face. 

“And since you came to Ravenna, there is no difference in race. Whether you are a tiger or a human, there is no difference at all.”

“I’ve heard that. I also know that it is not the ravings of the lord.”

“Then …… you should do the same. Please make use of the tiger tribe’s ability to learn about other species. Or are you too weak to do so?”

Touko jumped up from his seat.

“Don’t underestimate us! We’ll do it! I’ll make sure you’ll acknowledge us!”

And then, he left like a storm.

Naturally, the Ministry of Immigration turned into a hellscape of shouting and screaming.

Then, each party was motivated and rushes.

What does that mean …… Well, it doesn’t matter to me.

I just set a budget and threw the rest to them.

Kiara smiled in the office, which was now peaceful thanks to her.

“You’re such a bad person, brother.”

“But it’s effective, isn’t it?”

Mil glared at me with a scowl.

“It’s because you’re doing something like that. You’re going to get a lot of weird names again …….”

Is it my fault ……?

Mil sighs.

“There’s someone running towards here again …… Oh, that presence looks like Vana.”

I’ve been asking her to keep an eye on the mansion for a while now.

It seems that while she was taking care of the houseplants, the connection became deeper.

If there was anything unusual, the plants would let us know.

That’s an inconvenience in itself, but that’s another story.


I was more impressed with how skilled they became.

The expected disaster, the unpopular woman Silvana came running in, half-crying.

“Al! People aren’t coming!”

“You’re talking about the letter teacher, right?”

“Yes! Why aren’t there more people coming for such a high price?”

“Because they have no use for money in such a remote area.”

The unpopular woman Silvana’s expression changed like she realized it for the first time.

“Guh, that’s why you paid so much for it…”

No matter how high the salary, it’s useless if you can’t use it.

Even before my reincarnation, I’ve been working on an isolated island with no internet connection for a couple of years now …… and I say that the monthly salary is 1 million yen, and how many people will come.

But on the other hand, if the salary is too high, people will think it’s too high and strange people will come.

So it is difficult to find the right balance.

“So, there’s no need to be so hasty. It’s Ms. Silvana who will have a hard time, after all.”

“Demon! Devil! Womanizer!”

Hey, what’s with the last one?

“People who want to send money will come forward sooner or later.”

“When do you mean “soon”?”

“All right.”

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