Let’s forget the name of the plant for the moment.

I feel like it’ll only bring unnecessary troubles if I retort to it.

We should send scouts to the area where the tiger and dog tribes were and gather information.

It’s a good gather in one place, but the downside is that it reduces the area of influence.

I think it would be better to build forts where soldiers can be stationed in places that could become towns.

It takes about a month to build a fort, because we can’t just do it like in the game.

This is because they are made of wood.

It would take longer if it was made of stone, though.

Currently, we have 30 knights.

There is no point in dividing them up and garrisoning them in the fort.

On the contrary… they need to consolidate to a certain extent to become a fighting force.

I heard that there was a funny story near the end of the war.

“The Imperial Army is alive and well with a million troops. We will never surrender.”

If there were a million of them ……

They would be dispersed across the vast Chinese continent.

They ignored this fact and clung to the total number.

Numbers are meaningful only when they are in groups.

I like the idea of having humans, wolf tribe, dog tribe, and tiger tribe garrisoned by knights as rangers.

That way, we can secure a workforce of about two hundred, if we cut back a bit.

Then we need to build roads that can calculate the speed of movement.

This is also true for development.

Even if we simply increase the population and secure a workforce, we won’t be able to keep up with the food supply.

It is also essential to take measures to prevent epidemics due to the concentration of the population.

Military training is still needed.

We haven’t even started military training yet, since we’re still recruiting retired adventurers.

The port is not yet ready, so ships don’t come often.

I guess I was a little too hasty.

It’s easy to forget about the stabilization of society over time when you’re under the influence of games.

It takes time for society to stabilize.

And the administrative structure is still in the process of restructuring.

It is impossible to support a massive influx of people.

I guess we have to wait and see.

At any rate, we should ask them to arrange for the poor people at a pace that is possible.

However, it’s a shame that there are so many poor people in the world’s social structure.

The Scala family itself is well developed and better off.

The rest of the region must be much worse ……

That’s why there are quite a few people in these Ravenna regions.

(T/N: The poor people mentioned here is the people living in the slums.)

Once the administrative structure is grown up, we can distribute those people to the towns to be developed.

We can increase the pace of development ……

The saving grace is that there is no shortage of food due to the expansion of farmland through land reclamation, fishing and hunting.

That’s a top priority for us to take care of.

No matter how lofty my ideals are, I’m powerless in the face of hunger.

It’s all about being well-fed and well-behaved.

I don’t want to walk an unnecessary tightrope in a hurry.

If this were a game, I could just load it, but I can’t do that.

The fate of many will be decided by my decision.

If I think too much, my stomach hurts.

Let’s keep it firm.

Yeah, that’s good.

As I was thinking this, I saw Kiara looking at the letter from the head family with a reluctant look on her face.

“Brother. I have received a very troublesome letter from the head family ……”

“What kind of trouble?”

“It seems that a famine has broken out in the D’Este family next to the Scala family.”

That would limit the content of the letter.

“Has the family asked for food aid?”

“Yes. Which will reduce the Scala family’s stockpile and the distribution of food in the territory. The royal family has also requested the Scala Family to support the D’Este family. This is probably an attempt to weaken the power of the head family.”


“The price of food is going up, so there’s a possibility that the poor will starve to death.”

So that’s how it is

I understand the letter.

You’re right, it can’t be helped.

“They want to send the poor people here?”

“Yes ……. They must’ve brother is working very hard to keep everyone from starving. …… It’s very annoying, but ……”

“So, how many people do they want to send here?”

Kiara sighed and then opened her mouth.

“About eight hundred. I’m sure there are some people from the D’Este family that have come over. It’s too many, to be frank.”

Wow, that’s more than half of our …… population.

As I recall, the number of them has increased to about 1,500.

“800 people ……”

Kiara looked apologetic.

It wasn’t Kiara’s fault.

You don’t have to look at me like that.

“They know that development here is finally starting to take off. They can’t force you, but they want you to accept some of it. That’s a maximum of eight hundred people.”

“I can’t ignore the request of the head family. Gather all the representatives.”


Well, I guess I’m just covering for my neighbor’s mistake.

You have to protect your own people.

This is why people who have lost track of time are so annoying.

To be honest, I was quite irritated.

Over here, the dog tribe and tiger tribe were still living in tents.

The immigrants will be living in tents.

I won’t be able to stand if people asked me to put them before demi-humans.

Reincarnation stories are all about convenience.

It’s okay for things to happen that are convenient for me.

But when it comes to me, there’s nothing but trouble, isn’t there?


And then, at the meeting, I explain that we’re being asked to accept up to 800 people.

Everyone becomes restless.

The teacher takes one look at me.

“And …… what do you plan to do about it, kiddo?”

“I don’t think they’ll accept any refusals. I called the meeting because I just wanted to see how many people I could get.”

Umberto Orengo, the man in charge of agriculture, stood up.

“We have a stockpile of food for now. It’s difficult to take in all 800 people. We’ll have to go back and calculate the exact number of people we can take in.”

Joseph Paoli, the fisheries officer, spoke up afterwards.

“We’re taking the amount we’ve adapted to our current numbers to subsidize our farming. We can’t increase the catch indefinitely, so it’s hard to say. If we increase the number of people going fishing, we can manage to get enough for a hundred.”

Abraham raised his hand.

“If we expand our hunting range and gather wildflowers, I think we can get by with about 100 people here.”

I blurted out.

“Do you want to add a fort or hunting ground?”

Charles said, as if he had no choice.

“We’ll have to gather food to survive for a while.”

While all of us were silent for lack of a better idea, Kiara opened her mouth with a sigh.

“It’s not a quick fix, but we need to increase the amount of land under cultivation.”

However, if we rush to secure food without planning, we will have problems later ……

“Hunting is good, though. But if we hunt too much and destroy the forest’s ecosystem, we might have a lot of problems.”

Mil didn’t seem to understand what I was saying.

He looked at me curiously.


I decided to give everyone a quick explanation of the ecosystem.

“When one part of the food chain diminishes, the top of the food chain decreases, and the animals at the bottom multiply. And then nature is destroyed.”

Everyone pondered.

We can’t take too much.

But, in our current situation, it’s not enough.

It’s usually a dead end.

Rabo Villani, an ex-poor man, raises his hand fearfully.

I silently encourage him to speak.

“I was also a poor man. Now, thanks to my lord, I am able to contribute to society and gain confidence. If there are people in the same situation, I want to help them as much as I can. I’m aware that I’m saying selfish things. I don’t mind if food rations are reduced for the former poor. So please accept as much as you can.”

Well, you’re right …….

I guess I can’t think of it as irrelevant anymore.

But unfortunately, I reject it.

“I can’t reduce it. Even if it’s okay for you, it doesn’t mean everyone else will agree. If they get frustrated, it could lead to more conflict.”

He can be patient.

But he can’t be under the illusion that they all are.

There is a possibility that we can deal with the food shortage.

It’s forbidden, but we have to try ……

I let out a deep breath and look around at everyone.

“If you can endure a few months …… we might be able to get by to some extent.”

They all look at me.

They may think I’m thinking of something strange again.

But I don’t care about that at this point.

I’m just going to do my duty.

“The wolf tribe, dog tribe, and tiger tribe also farmed, didn’t they?”

Oracio’s makes a face like it made no sense.

“They did, but …… they’ve abandoned it now.”

It’s the fact that they’ve abandoned it is the goal.

“I’m not saying a year …… Do the math by just holding out for six months.”

A question mark appeared in everyone’s head.

But since I said it, they nodded ……

After six months, we should be able to make it work.

It’s just that the food will be identical and they’ll get bored.

I couldn’t stop sighing inwardly.

Please don’t do this to me.

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