Eight hundred poor people, I wonder how many ships they will come …

After informing them that we would be accepting them, we asked the children to help us build temporary tents and houses.

Occasionally, I’ll visit the injured, but ……

Manora, whose pain has superficially subsided, wanted to help.

I had a hard time stopping her.

The pain of an injury …… throbs when you mistakenly think it’s healed and try to move.

There’s no way I can ask her to go through that ……

I managed to soothe her back to bed.

However, it’s not a good idea not to go visit her.

I want her to rest for 2, or 3 more months.

For meals, the injured and sick should follow the same diet as before.

We can’t afford to cut back on this, after all.

Hygiene, including water and bathing, seems to be fine.

Everyone was preparing to stockpile food reserves.

But we can’t neglect the maintenance of the mining town, so we’ll leave that one untouched.

We were walking a tightrope of manpower.

We have to make sure that there is enough room for the injured and sick ……

When I think about it, my head feels like it’s going to explode.

I can’t just throw everything at them, so I have to give them a lot of instructions.

But it’s not all bad.

We need to make the best use of our human resources, and our political staff has become much more capable.

It’s just a matter of necessity.

This is a really nice thing.


“Brother. Do you want me to call an official from the main family to support us?”

Kiara suggested, but I rejected the idea.

The food is the same as the citizens, and the grade of life is definitely lower.

We can’t afford to let them connect with the common people …… and incite a riot.

The only time a dissatisfied group will break out is when there is someone who incites them and brings them together.

I don’t want to put myself in danger.

Mil smiles at me.

“You know, there’s a big difference between when Al trusts people and when he doesn’t. “

“It’s foolish not to question everything, but it’s also foolish to question everything.”

That was my only answer.

I believe it if it’s okay after confirming it.

I can’t bring myself to trust a stranger.


After a few heart-warming exchanges, they finally arrived.

It’s not exactly 800 people.

About 800 people.

803, to be exact.

That’s about right, I guess.

Once everyone was gathered, I greeted them.

I asked the representative to come up behind me.

They were all surprised to hear that the beastmen was the representatives.

I knew it.

I greeted and explained to everyone.

If they think I’m a naive young man at first, they’ll probably underestimate me and think they’re superior.

It can’t be helped. ……

I’ll use a rather stern tone.

“I am Alfred Della Scala, the lord of Ravenna. I’m sure you were informed of this when you came here, but I’ll explain it again. As you can see, there is no hierarchy of races here. We are all citizens of Ravenna. If you come here and think that you will be treated better because you are human …… please leave.”

I look around at the immigrants.

They are all frozen in place.

Well, I don’t blame them.

“As a fellow citizen, I welcome only those who agree with this one point. In other words, the people who tell you what to do regarding your jobs and lives are not necessarily human. When you heard about this, there is no discrimination between humans. In other words, you probably came to Ravenna believing that the treatment would definitely be better than before ……. Of course, you will not be treated any differently. You are just citizens. If you speak or act in a manner that disrespects any non-human species here, you will be punished or exiled in my name.”

I looked around at the 803 immigrants, and they were all looking down.

They must have gotten off on the wrong foot.

I felt a faint sense of repulsion and discomfort.

But nothing good will ever come from indulging them.

And if I don’t get their word, it’ll be troublesome.

I was fooled …… it’ll be troublesome if they say something like that later.

It may cause dissatisfaction and complaints to the residents who come later.

“I’ll give you some time. Talk it over and decide if you want to accept these terms.”

I kept my tone low so as not to be overbearing.

Everyone was silent.

Then, as I was about to leave.

Mr. and Mrs. Villani, formerly poor people, came to me.

” “My lord. Please give us some time to explain to them again.” “

“I understand. But please be careful not to offend them and hurt them.”

I put my hand on their shoulders to remind them.

With this pose, they would be a little more respectful.

In reality, the immigrants were surprised.

Every once in a while, a lord would address his people directly.

But rarely does he touch them physically.

They are valued so much that their lords can touch them …… That’s what they’ll think.

In fact, I do value them.

Now they won’t be made a fool of.


When I was on my way back with the others, the teacher gave me a hard look.

“Kiddo. Is that okay? If you talk like that, they’ll hate you, you know?”

I’m aware of that.

“That’s fine. If you have a vague or weak attitude, they might get high and start acting selfishly. I’d much rather be hated than have everyone get hurt for believing my words.”

They’re in a state of food insecurity now.

I’m sure they’ll listen to anything we say.

But it will be different when you can afford it ……

I had no choice at that time.

It’s a common line.

Oracio furrowed his brow in concern.

“We all know and appreciate that you recognize us as your fellow citizens. But …… aren’t you being a little overzealous?”

Yes, I suppose it looks dangerous to others.

I guess I’ll explain what I think with my gratitude.

“Thank you very much. But if we let the humans have their way here, all the other tribes in this region will become our enemies. It would also put you in a bad position, since you are the ones who recommended the migration. It’s a dangerous bridge, sure, but …… it’s not a big deal if I’m the only one who gets hated.”

Touko, who has already grown accustomed to the place, shook his head.

The more you get to know a muscle brain, the faster you’ll be able to close the gap.

“It’ll be fine if we just protect our lord. The lord is protecting us, after all.”

“I’m worried about the children, you know. The children will be responsible for the future of this town, after all. When they can live a normal life, their dissatisfaction will naturally disappear.”

I don’t think that’s going to happen, though.

That’s why I didn’t want to let a bunch of people in at once ……

In the midst of the seriousness of the conversation, the teacher began to laugh in an irresponsible tone.

“One of these days we’ll just have to start a campaign to make the kiddo more likeable.”

Kiara’s immediate response with a straight face.

“Professor Fabio. I think you need to educate the people who don’t understand my brother’s appeal unless you go out of your way to tell them, though?”

That’s not funny.

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