A large population of wild boars.

Almost no other tribe would have the know-how to deal with them.

Their know-how is limited to using the apostles.

Such is the world.

The other tribes would surely be in chaos and face food problems.

Even if they did use the boar as food, they wouldn’t be able to think about processing it.

If they don’t dispose of the bodies properly, they’ll have a lot of problems, starting with a massive outbreak of maggots.

I don’t think they’ll be able to handle it.

I can say this with confidence.

That I’m fighting with the world’s lamest and most humble means.

It’s also a very simple story.

And we’re on the defensive here.

We have food supplies, and we have taken measures to deal with the wild boars.

If the population was dispersed, it would be difficult to deal with.

But since they’re concentrated in one place, we can concentrate our labor force.

Since we already have time on our side, there is no need to force ourselves to move.

Our strategy is basically to make time our ally.

I’ve been taking steps to make sure that happens.

No matter what kind of surprise our opponent has in store, it will be based on the assumption that we will make a move.

Strategically, there was nothing left they can do but to take us by surprise.

Even if the cat people tried to draw us in, we would stay back and do nothing.

The only moves they can make in this situation are kidnapping children and assassinating important people.

“Thinking mode again?”

Mil’s voice jolted me back to reality.


She is a little angry, her cheeks puffed up.

Oh shit …….

After the day was over, we went back to my room and unintentionally ……

“I told you that if you have something on your mind, you should talk to me about it.”

“Sorry, sorry, just a habit ……”

Mil sighed.

“Yes, yes. Then …… Spit it out. “

“In this situation …… the other tribes is thinking what they can do against us.”

“Al said that if we wait, they will raise their voice.”

“Yes, and what can the other tribes do in such a time of distress?”

Mil started thinking.

“Hmmm, what do you have?”

“The cat people are trying to drag us closer to their stronghold.”

“Yes, they are. But Al doesn’t want to do that.”

That’s right.

It doesn’t matter if we don’t do what the opponent wishes us to do.

“What are the situations in which we really need to attack?”

Mil folded her arms and pondered.

“If Al gets hurt …… or a child gets kidnapped, I guess? I think that’s what will happen when I’m furious.”

“Yes, it would. Then what are the chances of me getting killed by someone?”

Mil gave me a heartfelt look of disgust.

But I can’t say I don’t like the fact that she spoke before I could even say what I’m thinking.

“That’s impossible because I have my search surrounding on the house. They don’t know where Al’s traps are, so it’s not safe from the air either.”

“Yes. In this case, they can’t rely on their flight ability unless they know what’s causing them to lose their ability to fly.”

“You don’t think they used their familiar?”

(T/N: Changed the messenger to familiar, because the familiar of the cat tribe is a cat, after all. I guess they can use cats and get information that way, just like how the Elves use the trees, plants, grasses, etc. I’m wrong before, so I’m sorry for that.)

Mil has been with me for a long time now.

That’s how she got into the habit of thinking.

It made me happy, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“You’ve got a good point. The only thing they could find out through their agent was that I was breaking glass and scattering it. What do you think they’ll think of the purpose of all this is?”

“Hmm, I’m guessing it’s to stop them on the ground …… It wouldn’t work with boots. I think they’ll think it doesn’t make sense.”

“Well, the winged tribes have lost their ability to fly. I’m sure there are people who would relate to that. “

“Yeah, I guess that’s how they’ll know of it?”

I replied with a nasty look on my face.

“I’m sure they’ll have their suspicions, so the question is, what are they going to do about it? Where are the places we can’t fly, are there any blind spots? We don’t know that. And if that’s the case, what do we do?”

Mil smiled as if something had just occurred to her.

“Cats aren’t their only familiar, right? There are birds too, right?”

But that’s not enough.

“They can check with the birds. But they don’t know why they can’t fly. The principle of flight is different between birds and the winged tribe, after all.”


“Winged people can fly because of magic. Those wings can’t fly without magic.”

“Is that so?”

My knowledge from before my reincarnation came in handy.

“Birds and insects can fly without magic. If the winged people want to fly without magic, they need bigger wings and lighter bodies.”

Mil seemed to be under the impression that winged people could fly with just their wings.

“Hmm, that doesn’t quite make sense to me, but I see now.”

“I’ll explain it to you later. My trick is to interfere with their ability to fly with magic. I don’t know if it’s possible to use magic to fly a bird familiar that can’t fly. “

“So that’s why they don’t know if it can fly or not.”

I got a mean look on my face.

“They can’t make plans like that, right? They’ve already lost about twenty men in the last battle, after all.”

“You’re right, they wouldn’t do that unless they were stupid enough.”

“No, not even an idiot would do that. That would be different if they were afraid of their tribe being wiped out, though. “

Mil nodded.

“So that’s why Al is accepting more and more people as citizens. It’s amazing.”

“It’s a byproduct, though. It’s also a great strategy to keep your opponent from despairing.”

“The other thing is the cat people, but …… can’t we disguise our appearance and get close to them? Like changing my appearance with magic.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve become so thoughtful. It makes me so happy. Even so, it’s hard for strangers to get close to our town.”

“Is that so?”

“The inhabitants are concentrated in the town, not dispersed. And It is quite a distance to the town and has been cut down. So it’s hard to get close enough there to get past the patrols.”

“Don’t tell me…… Is that why you keep all the inhabitants in one place?”

I waved my hand in denial.

“No, it’s just an advantage as a result. Let’s say they’re able to get through and get to town. My behavior is fickle, so it’s hard to attack me in town.”

Mil seemed to be thinking back to my usual behavior.

She laughed at me.

“You really are fickle, aren’t you?”

“They can’t go to the mansion, so the only place they can go to go after me is outside. It’s no good sending an assassin if he can’t get to you.”

“You’re right. But there’s still something I want to check.”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. I want to use the rest of my time for other things. I have a very attractive wife in front of me, after all.”

Mil smiled shyly.

“You’re right, we can talk about this tomorrow. The rest of the time I’ll be in front of my wonderful husband, too. I’d rather spend my time there.”

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