In the past, the Tale of the Heike had no intonation, but now it has rap background music, and everyone is getting along well.

I’ve been thinking that Sir. Pervert and Mourning Silvana are good friends all round.

But, you know, if you mix chlorine bleach or cleaning agent with acidic cleaning agent, you get chlorine gas.

Yeah, and I don’t have a gas mask.

The only saving grace is the fact that I’m only at peace when I’m thinking about natural magic power.

Thanks to this, I’m still alive today.


Without knowing how I felt, the teacher pointed to the town in front of me.

“Kiddo, we’ve finally arrived at the base of the First Apostle Alessandro Touya Orsini.”

“Touya is an unusual middle name.”

“It seems he only named himself with it after he became an apostle.”

It’s probably his name before he was reincarnated.

“What does the base look like now, anyway?”

“It’s just the outside of the old base, restored and turned into a museum. Inside, there are exhibits and records of activities.”

Activities in that area are just catalogued things that we want to pass on to future generations.

Rather than that, I’m more interested in what happened to him after his magic was weakened.

That’s the difference between before and after his death.

This is probably the key to the problem.

Silvana, the mourning woman, said as if she had an idea.

“I think it’s the apostle here, right? He was the first to use the word harem.”

The word “harem” doesn’t even exist in the Ottoman Empire, unless you’ve been reincarnated.

There are no known Islamic countries in this world.

There may be some, but strangely enough, the scope of human activity is limited, as if separated by a wall.

It’s like a game.

The teacher stopped looking around the town and turned to Silvana, the mourning woman.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s settled. Anyway, let’s go through the formalities and find a place to stay. The tour is tomorrow, okay?”

Unusually, the teacher said something like a proper teacher would say.

Silvana, the mourning woman, broke into a big smile.

“I agree! The sake here is quite good.”

You should marry the sake, mourning woman Silvana.

(T/N: Sake is alcohol, in case you don’t know.)


On the way to the inn, I noticed a huge rectangular lump of rusty iron sitting in the middle of the town.

I’ve seen this form somewhere before.

I point to the object and ask.

“Teacher, what is that?”

“The first apostle said something about a train. After the death of the apostle, it became inoperable and no one used it anymore. If you don’t carry on the will of the apostle properly, your great deeds will become a spectacle.”

It’s not enough to just put a train in operation, though.

“You said it was running while the apostles were alive.”

“Yeah, it was operated by the Apostle’s direct disciples. They became useless about 20 years after his death.”

I think I’m beginning to understand why, but I guess we’ll have to wait for the conclusion.

“Al really cares about things that don’t matter, doesn’t he?”

“No, it’s very interesting.”

Silvana, the mourning woman, smirked.

“I think young boys should be more interested in girls, you know? But it’s difficult, because most of the valuable girls I’ve met are after the apostle. Like me.”

You’re not one of those valuable girls.

While having a fruitless conversation, I completed the formalities and entered the inn.


Then came the ordeal of dinner.

I’d avoid it if I could, but I’ve been listening in on other people’s conversations, and I think I might hear something useful. 

I’m still in the process of gathering information.

At the dinner table, with her fork stuck in a potato, the mourning woman Silvana , made a face that reminded me of something.

“Come to think of it, there are no descendants of the first apostle left, right? There are descendants of the other apostles, though.”

That’s surprising.

It was an unusually useful conversation.

The teacher’s face turned serious and rotten.

“The apostle’s blood is perceived as noble, so people only marry within the clan. If other blood is mixed in, it loses its value.”

As I recall, the structure of the human body is much the same as it was before the reincarnation.

So what’s waiting for us is a family with a squat jaw, or a royal family like the boy kings whose only claim to fame is their graveyard.

“Wasn’t incestuous marriage forbidden by church doctrine?”

“In those days, no one practiced incestuous marriage outwardly. That’s why it wasn’t forbidden.”

Ahh, I knew it.

The Habsburgs, no matter where you go in the world, you’ll always find people being stupid.

The Habsburgs are close to Europe, so they should be the Habsburgs.

“But the first apostle created a harem, right? Didn’t their descendants have a harem?”

The teacher shrugged his shoulders.

“The first apostle may have had ten wives, but he did not have thirty children. If they only married within their own family, they would have lost their harem. They were monogamous.”

“As a result of repeated incestuous marriages …… abnormal children were born or died quickly, and eventually the family was broken up.”

The teacher nodded, exhaling a breath that smelled of alcohol.

“In the end, it was too dangerous, so they tried to bring in other blood. The time has come for a second apostle.”

Silvana, the mourning woman, nodded her head.

“If you’re a descendant of the first apostle in the age of the second apostle, you’ll not get much attention …… If they’re healthy, that is. I don’t like it when people ask me too.”

“But I’m sure there are still families that want the brand of the descendants of the apostles, aren’t there?”

The teacher puffed up his chest.

“The descendants of the apostles lived a life of great luxury. When the apostles settled down, they pledged that the country would take care of them from generation to generation. You can see …… that the house is no longer valuable at that time and is just a big money-grubber.”

“You’ll want to crush it. So they blocked the marriage proposal, even if there is.”

“That’s what I mean.”

The essence of a person does not change even in another world.

Maybe it’s because it’s a similar world that makes it possible to reincarnate.

Anyway ……

“Anyway, the natural magic around this base has weakened, right?”

The teacher’s face became as if he were about to reveal the culprit in a mystery novel.

“There’s that too. If it’s just that they can’t use magic …… but, there’s been some sort of aberration, like divine punishment.”

“A mutation?”

The teacher continued his lecture in a pompous manner after stirring his drink.

“The growth of crops is slowly deteriorating. Large dark spots on the skin that look like moles. The pain in their eyes is so intense that they can’t stop crying. That’s pretty much it.”

“The area is around the base?”

The teacher looked like a dirty old man and pointed at the mourning woman Silvana’s legs.

If it had been before my reincarnation, he would have been called a sexual harasser.

It’s a good thing this world doesn’t have that concept yet.

“That’s right. And the ex-lascivious woman also has her legs exposed. You’re going to get a lot of black spots.”

“Stop it! You’re giving me the chills!”

I wonder what it is, a punishment, a mutation, a curse. It’s no good …… I need more information.

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