We arrived at the next base.

The scenery here has changed dramatically, and the base is located near a large river and forest.

And we crossed the border without a hitch.

I guess crossing the border is a free pass if you have a pilgrimage card.

The teacher pointed to the town.

“This is the stronghold of the third apostle, Adelard Ryuuki Mantonon.”

Honestly, I don’t care.

We were on our way to the inn when we ran into a bit of a commotion.

It wasn’t a pile of onlookers, but there were people gathered there and I could hear them arguing. 

The voices were male and female. 

If it was just a fight, I would have gone through with it, but …… this was different.

A man is forcefully picking up the woman.

It’s a common template.

In a template, the first encounter is like this.

In my case, it was …… the Mourning Woman, Silvana ……

I couldn’t help but sigh.

(T/N: Template is the same as cliché.)

If you look at the Template theater, you’ll see one elf woman, and the other party is an aristocrat young master and his cronies involved.

The elf woman is a common blonde, green-eyed, pale, slender, and petite beauty.

The aristocrat young master has dark blond hair, blue eyes, and a somewhat pretty face.

He’s also quite tall.

But I guess I can’t overlook it.

I don’t like this kind of scene.

And since I have a position that can solve this, if I overlook it, I won’t be able to sleep well.

My family is a great aristocratic family, after all.

This is the time to put my aristocratic title and parental glory to good use.

The man puts his face close to the elf.

It’s really ugly.

Not in appearance.

But it’s what’s in his heart that shows on the surface.

“I’m telling you, Eugène of the House of Maintenon here is going to escort you.”

The elf struggles to resist.

She doesn’t look around as if she needs someone to help her.

You don’t think help will come?

It’s too pitiful.

“No! No thanks!”

I’m unimpressed with the template when I watch them ……

It’s embarrassing when you’re no longer a bystander ……

When the teacher sees the expression on my face, he gives me an earful.

(The Mantonon family are descendants of the Apostles and are the nobility of this country.)

I nodded silently and had no choice but to go up on the stage of the Template Theatre.

I stepped forward to a prominent position and spoke to the aristocrat as calmly as I could.

“Is it a nobleman’s style to force himself on someone?”

Then he shouted at me with a template-like expression.

“You! Don’t interrupt me! Are you trying to go against the Mantonon family?”

Even the line is a template. I sighed deeply and Eugène blushed. 

“You must be prepared to get in my way!”

I tried to keep a calm demeanor on the surface.

“Are you prepared yourself?”

If I replied calmly, the other party would be upset.

It was too cliché, that it made me laugh.

When Eugene saw that, he blushes and pulls out his sword.

It’s standard procedure to show your power here, save the woman, and make friends with her.

But there is no need to show power when there is no need.

My parents’ glory is enough for me.

I looked at Eugène and snickered.

“Is this a sign that you’re willing to fight against the Della Scala family?”

The Della Scala family is famous, so there’s no way he doesn’t know them.

Eugene was visibly flustered. 

In the meantime, the elf came running up to me.

“I’ll take care of this, young lady. It’ll be better if you leave now.”

The elf bowed lightly to me and stepped back behind me.

The mourning woman, Silvana, ran up to the elf and asked what happened.

I’ll leave the elves to you.

I give Eugène a troublesome look and return my gaze.

It seems that Eugène has finally come to his senses.

“What? Stop lying! Why would there be a noble from another place here!”

I don’t know what it is, but this level of stupidity is …… not normal.

You’d think a nobleman would learn that rash actions would lead to ruin.

There’s so much discomfort.

“I’m in the middle of an apostolic pilgrimage. You don’t know even know that?”

A crony whispered to him.

I’m sure the cronies know at least why I’m here.

Then Eugène’s face turned red and purple.

One of the cronies ran off to somewhere else.

So far, this is as expected.

I wonder if people’s faces change color that easily, I observed emotionlessly.

I folded my arms and put my hand on my chin, striking a pose of a pompous aristocrat.

Eugène is still hunching over and glaring at me with a terrible expression. 

“Then you should know what it means to interfere with the Mantonon family, the descendants of the Apostles!”

Oh, I need a cigarette at times like this.

Now, how should I cook this up and get this over with ……

“Are you saying that if you are a descendant of the apostles, it is okay to force yourself on a woman?”

Originally, this was not even a contest.

It’s impossible to pass this demand.

If I can’t reason with him, there’s another way.

I’ll go easy on them for now and continue the attack.

I open my hands exaggeratedly.

“So that’s the common sense of the Mantonon family. I’m afraid I didn’t know that. We must spread the word.”

The cronies, realizing that I was not going to back down, whispered in his ear.

I guess they’re trying to convince him to back off here.

And it’s going to be so much trouble that they’re going to settle this physically by killing me.

There’s no way they can win with logic.

Can’t they even do this simple math? I’ll act like I’m trying to teach a child a lesson.

“It’s time for you to back off, so you can minimize the damage. Let’s see …… You got drunk and let yourself get carried away unintentionally. I can summarize it like that for now.”

There’s a lot of commotion, and I think it’s safe to buy time and win a decision ……

Eugène was trembling slightly in anger.

It’s a typical all bark but no bite that also works as a template.

It’s an excellent template.

As long as you don’t get directly involved, though.

“Oh, are you insulting the Maintenon family!”

Eugène shouted with bloodshot eyes.

It looks like your capillaries are about to cut off ……

If they’re that severed, you’re going to die of a brain hemorrhage one of these days.

I laughed with a pretty bad grin on my face.

“It seems like you’re very hungry for honor. I can’t understand you, because my family isn’t that honor-hungry, after all.”

Eugène’s hand was trembling as he held his sword.

“W-What did you say!”

In the distance, I could see my objective running towards me.

So, should we start moving towards the end of the show?

“No, I don’t understand how you can force yourself on a woman and then insist on an honor that can only be maintained by threatening with sword or position. As far as I’m concerned, that’s not honor, that’s disgrace.”

A little more agitation and outrage would make the rest of the conversation easier.

So let’s put a stop to his reasoning.

It’s pathetic that this is the extent of his outburst.

I don’t feel like being smug, in fact I feel ashamed.

I put on a look of disdain that Eugène could easily understand.

“It’s the ancestors who are great, not you, right? Everything is borrowed? Do you have nothing, so that you mistake even the filthiest of things for honor ……?”

This will make you pout.

Eugène shouted something unintelligible.

He forcefully shook off his cronies who tried to stop him, and rushed at us with his sword raised.


Right on time.

A loud voice rang out, and Eugène went rigid as if he had been tied up.

So he stopped him with magic.

What I was waiting for was this.

His son caused a commotion in town, and he was the son of a great nobleman.

The cause of the commotion was the son’s folly.

A report was hurriedly made and the head of the family came to stop it.

He must have brought a magician with him, just in case.

I’m glad that the mourning woman, Silvana, didn’t go off and get her hands on him first.

A well-dressed, middle-aged man came out and bowed to me.

There were many attendants behind him, and one of them seemed to be a magician.

He must have been the one who cast the binding.

“I’m sorry for my foolish son. My name is Octavian Ryuuki Mantonon.”

Did he inherit his middle name as an honor?

Fortunately, he seems to be a decent person.

I’m not that worried about it because it’s probably a template.

I also returned the bow.

“No, the apology should go to the lady over there.”

Behind me, I pointed to the mourning woman, Silvana, and the elven woman who had been watching the proceedings.

“I see. Please forgive for the rudeness of my foolish son.”

The elf, who was suddenly interrupted, panicked.

“Oh, n-no. Please raise your head.”

Octavian signaled his attendants with his eyes.

The attendants carried the frozen Eugene away.

The sight of a living statue being carried sideways is truly surreal.

Then they turned to us.

“Gentlemen, please accept my apologies again. And I would like you to stay in our house.”

The Mourning Woman, Silvana, comes up next to me and whispers.

(Isn’t it dangerous to accept the invitation? No matter how you think about it, It’s not safe.)

I shake my head in unnecessary concern, then bowed to Octavian.

“We accept your invitation. And I think it would do well to heed it, lady. You may find this hard to believe, but I, Alfred Della Scala, can assure you of your safety.”

The elf looked at me closely and then smiled.

“I understand. I trust Sir. Alfred’s guarantee.”

The elf then bowed to Octavian.

“I accept your invitation.”

I looked from the elf back to Octavian.

“Would it be all right if I visited the mansion later?”

I don’t think they’re prepared to invite people in right away.

“No, I would like you to come right away.”

Hmm, so that’s it.

Hmm, so that’s it. You’re saying you don’t want to do any extra preparation.

“Then, I’ll head straight there since I haven’t decided where to stay yet. But, um…”

I look at the elf.

“I haven’t decided on a place to stay yet either, so I’m fine.”

Octavian nodded.

“Then let me show you around.”

We decided to follow Octavian to the mansion.

The elf came up to me and bowed lightly.

“I’m Milva Rayala. Thank you very much for what you did for me earlier.”

Seeing the smile on her face, I was truly satisfied that I had helped her.

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