After the conversation with the teacher, I returned to my office.

I then notified everyone that Prytanis would be his successor as the advisor.

Mil and Kiara wanted to know what we had talked about, but I just told them I would tell them later.

Three days later, I received a report that the teacher had passed away.

When he did not show up for work by noon, they went to check on him and found him dead.

There was a bottle of alcohol lying on the floor in his room.

I almost laughed a little at the report.

Perhaps it was the teacher’s sense of humor.

Mil and Kiara hugged each other and cried.

I still envy them for being able to express their grief in such an honest way.

I told them to take three days off for the funeral.

They were surprised, but in their state of grief, they would not be able to make a calm decision.

If anyone could grieve with that and with all their heart, I wanted to let them do so.

But I received two protesting glances.

“Due to my nature… I can’t grieve even at a time like this. But I can at least make time for those who are grieving. So please use that time to grieve for Teacher. I will take care of the aides during that time.”

They looked at me for a moment at my nonchalant line, then nodded silently.

The aides were not very involved with the teacher, so they were only aware that someone from the same office had died.

So let’s have the aides do their best as usual.

I made the aides prepare the funeral arrangements.

It will not be a state funeral, but an official Ravenna funeral.

Even at a time like this, work is still chasing us.

My workload will increase, but I can handle it for a few days.

In the little time I have between jobs, I plan for the inspection after the winter, and draw up logistical plans for the defense system.

I don’t let work distract me.

Right now, I wanted to focus on making time for everyone.

After a day’s work, I returned to my room.

I need to write the eulogy for the funeral.

It looks like Mil was back in her room.

During the day, she is helping with the funeral.

That would make the doctor happy.

After a brief conversation with Mil, I went to my desk to think about my eulogy for Teacher.

Since it is a public funeral, I write down his past accomplishments.

I was absentmindedly writing, when I was tapped on the shoulder.

Mil looked extremely worried.

“Al, are you all right? I tried talking to you earlier, but you didn’t respond.”

Oh, because I was writing mindlessly.

I scratched my head.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize.”

Mil looked over the eulogy and gave a small laugh.

“I didn’t know Mr. Fabio’s accomplishments were that many. I didn’t know.”

I suddenly turned and looked at the eulogy.

I realized that I had written several pages of eulogies.

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“He’s an advisor, so he’s been involved in a lot of things. I wrote down as much as I could think of, and that’s what I came up with. I’ll put it all together later.”

As I was about to start my eulogy again, Mil hugged me from behind.

“The funeral is the day after tomorrow. You should get some rest today.”

“Does it look that dangerous?”

Mil tightened his arms around me a little more.

“A little, but I think it’s more about comforting me.”

She’s joking, but she’s probably worried about me.

“All right, that’s enough for today. Is everything okay, since I left all the funeral arrangements to you?”

“Mr. Oracio is very eager, so I’ll be fine. I and Kiara are just helping him out.”

“I see, then I guess everything’s fine.”

Today, I decided to follow Mil’s words and rest.

I got into bed and fell asleep after talking with Mil for a bit.

Apparently, I was more tired than I thought.

The next day, I continued to deal with political affairs, just as I had been doing.

My workload is fairly low because the aides have been well trained.

I didn’t get a good look at them, but I guess Mil and Kiara are doing a good job of training them…

The work is going well… but the aides are nervous because they are temporarily under my direct control.


I have to be careful so they don’t get overworked.

From time to time, Prytanis comes to me and I give him advice on political matters.

It’s not dizzying, but it’s hectic.

Even if I eat lunch with Mil and Kiara, I can’t taste the food.

Maybe this is my way of grieving.

I unconsciously laughed, but the two of them becomes worried about me.

After work, I finished the rest of the eulogy.

It’s pretty thick, but… it’s okay.

Before my reincarnation, long eulogies were boring.

It’s partly because I don’t really feel it, but there’s something broken about me that makes me feel that way about eulogies.

When it was time for me to deliver the eulogy, I couldn’t think of any episodes to cut.

Still, I cut out too many details and finally completed it.

Mil looked puzzled when she saw how thick it was, but then she looked at me and smiled.

“If it’s Al’s eulogy, Mr. Fabio will be delighted. So I think it’s best to do what Al thinks is best.”

“I hope so. I hope I’ve given a good eulogy.”

“Al, a eulogy is a way for the living to share their memories of the deceased with others. It’s all about communicating how you feel about the person. It doesn’t have to be difficult.”

Did I make it sound logical again?

Apparently, I’m not very good at natural interactions.

“You’re right, thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Let’s rework the eulogy and get some rest.

After reworking, I go to bed.

I must have been tired after all, because I fell asleep immediately.

Then came the day of the funeral.

It was a little cold today, but the weather was fine.

The funeral was held in the town square.

With the Teacher on the casket stand, each person delivers a speech of condolence.

I am the first to stand next to his corpse.

I hold the manuscript in my hand in front of the people gathered in the square.

I am at a loss for words as I try to read out the thick eulogy first.

Suddenly, I turn my attention to Teacher’s corpse.

Of course, the body does not speak to me.

But I felt like I was being told, “Kiddo, get on with it already”.

The people around me started to make a little commotion at my silence.

I inhale quietly.

“I have given a lot of thought and drafted my eulogy for today’s funeral for Teacher. But now I realize that the words I should address to him should not just be a list of his accomplishments…”

I put the manuscript away in my pocket.

Then I bow to his body.

“Teacher, thank you very much for all you have done for me.”

I thought these were the last words I would ever say to him.

I then placed the draft of my eulogy next to his body.

Read it in the afterlife if you have time.

After that, each of them delivered their own eulogy.

After my words, everyone seemed puzzled.

I wonder if I did something wrong…

After everyone finished their eulogies, the casket stand was placed on the firewood.

Then everyone said “Goodbye” in unison and lit the fire.

I watched in silence as the body was burned.

Mil and Kiara were crying in public.

I could hear the men sobbing.

I looked and saw that they were members of the expedition team.

They’d gotten to know each other personally since that expedition.

Then, Charles arrived late.

He was busy preparing for the defense, but he must have forced himself to make time for the expedition.

In front of the fire, Charles raised a bottle of liquor from his pocket.

“To Professor Fabio’s fulfilling life.”

Then he sipped from the liquor bottle.

Charles then held out the bottle to me.

I gave a small smile, raised the bottle and sipped from it.

I didn’t want to dilute the memory by repeating unnecessary words.

The sake, which was not diluted with such sentimentality, was very bitter, just like the memories.

The men saw this and thoughtfully raised their sake bottles and sipped from them.

A fitting send-off for Teacher.

After the funeral, Charles returned.

I’ve announced that the whole of Ravenna will be in mourning for about three days.

Until then, I hope everyone will mourn the teacher and send him off.

Even in mourning, everyone’s work will continue.

My work will never cease.

I will do what I can do in silence.

After the mourning period, Mil and Kiara returned to work.

I handed it over to them and sit down in my chair.

Suddenly, my body feels heavy.


I wondered if I had loosened up, but I felt a deep and very heavy fatigue.

Mil, seeing this, came up next to me.

“Al, thank you for the past few days. You can take a rest today. You must be very tired.”

“I guess so… I’ll take your word for it and take the rest of the day off. If there is anything urgent you need, don’t hesitate to report to me.”

As it was, I went back to my room and in the blink of an eye, I fell asleep.

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