After the strategy meeting, we return to our room.

It’s just the two of us in the room.

I sit down in a chair.

Mil sits down next to me and leans against me.

This is a usual scene, but Mil seems to be in a bad mood a little.

“Ms. Kriemhild, I know, but… I wonder if she couldn’t have told Al a little earlier. It’s important information, isn’t it?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

I don’t feel like getting angry when someone else gets angry on my behalf.

“Yeah, I guess so. I guess it was a story she would have taken to her grave if she could have.”

“Still, you’re fighting the demon tribe, so you’d have to be crazy not to know about it.”

“That’s true. But it’s no use saying it now…”

Mil seems to be still angry.

“I know it’s inevitable. But…”

I put my finger over her mouth.

“In times like this, all I can think about is how to keep everyone together.”

She gently grabs my finger and pulls it away from her mouth.

“It’s not like everyone’s scattered, right?”

“No, I’m not talking about now. I’m talking about the future. What I’m going to do now is to cover the mud my men will get in for their blunder.”

Mil looked down a little and thought about something.

“Do you want her to owe you?”

“No. If I blame her for being bad, if I fail to tell her in the first place, she’ll never be able to talk to me again. I don’t want that… At least, if we muddle through together, there won’t be any doubts or fears in the future. Besides…”

Mil stared at me.

It seems that her anger has not subsided yet.

“The main reason is that I didn’t listen to her properly in the first place. I should have listened to her when we were fighting the demons.”

“But if you say that, she has to ask you everything in detail, right? It’s impossible to do that. Al is always too strict with himself.”

I wonder if that is the cause of Mil’s anger.

“I’m not really aware of that. This time I don’t feel like blaming her because of my fault.”

Mil suddenly pinched my thigh hard.


“You don’t blame others for anything, and that’s one of the good things about Al. But it’s also not good that you go overboard. That’s what Al always says.”

I always say that balance is the key.

But I don’t have any words to reply when you say that.

“Indeed, you’re right. It’s really hard to find the right balance.”

Mil stared at me and then sighed in resignation.

“You really can’t fix this one flaw, really. I hope you’re not too nice and spoil everyone.”

“I’m not a nice person. The reason I look that way has to do with a major flaw I’m aware of.”

Mil looked at me with a slightly stern expression on her face.

“What is it?”

“My nature is a terrible thing. I am selfish, arrogant, and ruthless. Such flaws are not conducive to what I’m trying to do. So I try to control it. It’s a difficult balancing act, because there is so much that is broken in me as a person… When I correct my flaws, if I do too much, it’s just enough for people to see me as a good person. That’s how I see it.”

I didn’t want to talk about this stuff, but this is how worried they are about me and how seriously they are mad at me.

So I felt like telling her how I really feel.

Mil stared at me and gave a small sigh.

“That’s how you belittle yourself… But I guess you can’t stop thinking like that. You’ve told me how you really feel, so I’ll let you off the hook this time.”

“I’m grateful for that. When Mil gets angry on my behalf like this, I realize that I’m going too far. That’s why I’m very grateful for that.”

She glared at me with a stern look.

“I know that. You always try to cover it up by saying that…”

After that, her eyes went from serious to normal, and she let out a small sigh.

“No one is hiding anything anymore…”

There is the biggest reason why I can’t strongly blame Kriemhild.

She is hiding the fact that I am an apostle.

I couldn’t blame her because of that.

“Maybe. And if there’s a need, everyone will talk to me.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“By now, the enemy is probably making plans. But time will tell. The further into the future I go, the less accurate my predictions will be and the more I will have to rework them. Besides, the longer it takes, the less tense the soldiers will be. That’s what I’m aiming for. That’s where I’ll be able to take advantage of them.”

Mil looked at me and smiled.

“I guess the normal Al is back. I feel safer watching Al as usual.”

“I hope you’ll point out to me in the future if you think I’m acting strange. I didn’t notice the self-conceit myself.”

Mil looked a little offended.

“I guess so, I always thought Al would be fine… This time I realized that you’re not perfect either. So next time, I’ll tell you.”

“Please do.”

Mil nodded, then her face changed like she realized something.

“Come to think of it, I wonder what’s going on with Mr. Oliver.”

“I don’t know yet, but I think he’s imprisoned. I think he’s only giving advice on what to do when the fight becomes inevitable.”

“Is that so?”

“The demon tribe would probably find Sir Oliver’s knowledge and wisdom valuable. I think they’ll make some use of it. And he must be well-liked. If they kill him, there will be a lot of unrest. They wouldn’t be able to attack with an entire army.”

Mir looked a little relieved.

“Well… He seems like a nice guy, and I wouldn’t want someone like that to die.”

That’s an excellent first impression.

”However, if we defeat the current demon tribe, there is a possibility that he will be killed. If the demon tribe wins, he won’t be killed.”

“If they lose? Why?”

“It’s a simple story, and the quickest way for those in power to tighten up when they lose or fail is to execute the opposing party.”

Mil looked sad.

“It’s a terrible story…”

“It’s a terrible story, but it’s a common one. It’s just… I’m not going to let the people who are coming now off the hook so easily.”

My voice changes, and Mil’s face turns surprised.

“You’re not going to let them go?”

“I don’t have a concrete plan yet. My blunder cost them. I’m partly to blame, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let the attackers get away scot-free.”

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