The next day, we began marching into the demon tribe territory.

Probably, the demon tribe would be in chaos after losing the dragon’s blessing.

But that does not mean we should let our guard down.

It is precisely at times like this that there are those who will attack and try to repel the attackers.

As expected, there were sporadic attacks, but they were not organized.

There were a few wounded, but not enough to stop the march.

It is difficult to send the wounded back at this point.

The wounded will be moved on horse-drawn wagons.

It seems that the demons are unable to unify their consciousness.

The postwar process is going to be very difficult.

Three days later, we passed through a narrow passage.

A basin surrounded by mountains spread out.

However …… there is a somewhat unique atmosphere.

There are many forests and scattered villages.

The nearest village was deserted.

Supplies have been left behind, but looting here is prohibited.

This was because of the danger that moderates and standoffishness would drive their gray opponents into the enemy’s arms.

The most frightening thing was that the extended supply lines would be targeted by guerrillas and others.

If the entire demon tribe is united in resistance, it will be impossible to capture the guerrillas.

If that were to happen, I was prepared to procure supplies locally.

I had already discussed this with Charles.

While marching, I felt a sense of discomfort.

Is this the kind of land that is filled with magic power?

The air I felt on my skin was different.

I can’t be more specific, but I guess I could call it an inspirational spot.

We found a map in the village and borrowed it.

We also checked the location of the town and the port.

I kept the map.

If the owner comes forward later, I will pay him or her.

After that, we found a good place to camp, so we spent the night there.

We quickly set up camp.

I felt uncomfortable just watching them, so I tried to help them, but everyone looked at me with cold eyes.

It was sad.

This is the first time for me to camp in enemy territory, so I feel very nervous.

Subconsciously, I was clutching the object that the Queen of the Third Sky had given me.


The next day, we departed from the camp.

During the trip, we saw an interesting sight.

A lake of natural asphalt.

I would be happy if I could have this analyzed and put asphalt to practical use.

If the common practice in my previous life could be applied, there would be oil…

That would be in the future.

Science has yet to reach the internal combustion engine.

I am not going to present the internal combustion engine.

Because I don’t know the detailed structure ……

Critical technological innovations should be arrived at by themselves.

There were no demon attacks in the territory.

When we reached a relatively large town, a few people who looked like representatives were waiting for us in front of the town.

They offered to surrender and begged us not to loot or assault them.

Since that was the original policy, I agreed to that in a straightforward manner.

Since there was a possibility of a surprise attack, I instructed them to build a camp outside the town.

In addition, I forbade everyone to enter the town.

This was because about 1,000 men who had been living a life of celibacy would absolutely hustle and cause problems if they entered the town.

If that happened, the entire town would turn against them at once.

If they don’t enter the town, the residents will be relieved.

In addition, they fear that if they turn against us, the environment will become much worse than it is now.

If they are instigated to attack us, they will reject it with a high probability.

While we were building our camp, the town offered to provide us with food.

We suggested that we buy it rather than receive it, but they said they would not accept the money because there is not much money available in the demon territory.

In the end, we decided to make up the difference at a later date and handed the military voucher to the representative.

He promised to repay the money with money or supplies needed after the war is over.

I guess this is about as far as we can get.

The soldiers are given one day to rest.

Since they are not allowed to enter the town, they are allowed to drink to reduce stress at least.

Here, we decide to get some information about the territory.

When I asked the representatives about the current situation, they told me that they had been instructed by the chief not to resist us.

The representatives are relieved that I am not being overbearing.

There is no animosity, and they will not antagonize us for profit or loss.

But …… we are the occupying forces.

We are feared while being watched.

We must not let our guard down.

While I was resting, a messenger from the demon tribe came to me.

He claimed to be a messenger from Oliver.

I don’t know if this is a lie or not.

He was a middle-aged man and called himself Anastasius Haushofer.

I interviewed the messenger from the camp.

“Does Sir Oliver have a message for me?”

Anastasius seemed nervous.

“Yes, Oliver is thankful that the soldiers of Ravenna are not looting and assaulting. Therefore, he asks that you come to Kusanten, as he wishes to end the state of war as soon as possible.”

“is Kusanten like the capital?”

“Yes, he’s waiting for you there. He said he would like to conduct negotiations there, as it is difficult for him to move right now.”

Is he in such a frail state?

Can he be a negotiating partner in the first place? I’m curious about a lot of things.

“Is Sir Oliver the head of your group at this point? This negotiation is the kind that cannot be concluded without the approval of the top management. And can your policies be enforced throughout the tribe?”

Anastasius is sweating coldly at my question.

“Oliver has been delegated all authority by the Chief. The current chief is eight years old, so Oliver is leading us. The leadership of the clan is a bit of a mess at the moment, but I’m sure it will be ……”

Was the chief killed? So he was replaced? I guess they can’t even move around with a young chief ……

There are so many things I don’t understand.

“What happened to the previous chief? I thought he was in his prime.”

“He died of illness just before the recent battle. His son succeeded him, but was killed in the battle. Now, the only remaining relative of the former chief is taking over the reins.”

Illness, you say, was he poisoned or something?

The radicals, instigated by Suzana, staged a coup d’etat.

Did they carry off the son of the chief and launch a surprise attack on us?

Or …… are they trying to put all the blame on them?

It’s a bit complicated.

“Is the current chief not the son of the previous chief?”

“No, he is the son of the former chief’s mistress.”

If he were the son of the former chief, I would have had a hard time dealing with him, but ……

I’ll be the enemy of his parents, after all.

Worst case scenario, I had to make a decision to kill an 8-year-old.

If not, we’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, I’ll have to meet him.

“I understand. I’ll head that way. Can I assume that there is no resistance from the demon tribe as a whole?”

“Ah, yes.”

“If there is an attack, we will consider it as a deception against us.”

Anastasius visibly paled.

“Of course, we have instructed them not to attack.”

In other words, they are not in complete control.

So there’s a chance that they would attack us.

I decided to make a clear statement in a tone of voice that would not allow for any refutation.

“If there is an attack, we will take action at our discretion.”

Anastasius nodded emphatically.

“I understand, but I would like you to understand that this is not the case for the entire demon tribe.”

“That would be a matter of frequency. I hope you will at least do your best to take control of the tribe. Otherwise, we will not be able to recognize you as a negotiating partner.”

I am not sure how to rely on them.

As long as the other party is unreliable, we will have to come on strong to a certain extent.

If there is an opening, they will use us to strengthen their position.

In other words, they want us to defeat the dissidents.

I will not risk the lives of my men for my personal sentimentality or vanity.

If, at this point in time, they think I am the one who needs to show warmth or make concessions …… I will not recognize the need to negotiate.

The only side that needs to make an effort is the losing side.

I have no intention of having a foolish post-war process like the Treaty of Versailles.

But we, and only we, can’t accept bloodshed.

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