Chapter 41 - Woman's Intuition is an Observant Eye

At dinner, the four of us reminisced about the pilgrimage and got excited.

Mil wanted to hear about the time before she joined us.

The mourning woman, Silvana who wanted to erase the history of her lasciviousness, makes a fuss.

The teacher makes a vain attempt to pretend that the perverted remark never happened.

Mil looked at me with a caring look.

“Uh, Al, are you by any chance the guardian of the two?”

As expected of my future bride.

“In reality, yes.”

The two of them looked unhappy.

” “Objection.” “

They hummed.

Mil looks at them with a scowl.

“Mr. Fabio, you’re Al’s guardian, and Vana is older than him, right?”

They nodded.

“Looking back at your actions, do your words and actions fall under those categories?”

The two stiffened in pursuit.

“W-Well …… I guess we did get off on the wrong foot once in a while…”

“Well, yes. Sometimes, really, very occasionally.”

Mil looks at them with a frown.

“So you’re aware of it”

The teacher was flustered.

“No …… wait. It just feels like the kiddo is older than me, and not sixteen years old …….”

So what about calling me kiddo?

The mourning woman Silvana, agreed with the teacher.


“Yes, yes, he smells like an old man. That’s why I …….”

I’m sixteen.

The sum is …… no comment.

Mil sighs.

“Well, I’m not going to …… deny that, but ……. You’re depending on Al a little too much.”

It’s a delicate situation , but …… That’s good! Keep going! 

The teacher flinched.

“Kuh! It’s not a good idea to make enemies with Milva ……”

The mourning woman, Silvana, looks indignant.

“How can two lovers collude to attack, we’re both single, you know. Don’t you have any compassion?”

What unsightly adults …… And I’m not attacking you.

And don’t use the word alone as a shield.

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“No, kiddo, don’t laugh at me, help me!”

“That’s right, heartless!”

“No, that’s my Mil. I expect you to do more.”

I smile back.

Mil looks at me and blushes.

She’s the passionate type, but she’s also the type that blushes when she gets embarrassed later.

That’s what makes her cute.

“Don’t be so quick to say that!”

“Damn, you’re just trying to get on us singles…… you devil!””

This is a good opportunity, it might be fine to fight back a little.

I hugged Mil’s shoulders in silence and attacked them with a smile.


“Is that so? If you’re jealous, why don’t you find a partner? I think the teacher and Ms. Silvana are quite a good match.”

Mil panicked and turned her head, but she didn’t shake me off.

“W-Wait a minute, Al …… Doing that in front of so many people is a bit ……”

She’s still so cute.

The two adults stared at each other and hummed again.

” “No way.” “

“No, wait a minute! Mourning Plains Woman! You don’t know that!”

“Huh, Perverted Eternal Virgin God! You don’t call people by their made-up words! There’s no such thing!”

They start arguing together.

“I think you two are getting along just fine in a roundabout way.”

“That’s right. I think so too.”

” “That’s not true!” “

I guess this fooling around is almost over.

I thought it was annoying, but I guess I also thought this was fun.

He left the two of them alone, drinking and arguing in good company.

I decided to return to the room with Mil.


After a pause, Mill looked at me with a frown.

“Al seems like someone who’s used with a woman ……”

“Really? I can’t treat everyone that way, right?”

“That’s right, but that’s why it’s so annoying.”

Mil shuts up without seeing my cue and casts an audio blocking spell.

Is this becoming a pattern?

“What’s wrong? You wanted me to do this.”

“How did you know?”

Mil smiled at me.

“After all, I’m watching you very closely, Al.”

“Am I …… pretty obvious and easy to read?”

Mil winked wickedly.

“You know …… women really do look at their significant other. So I can tell. I know what you’re thinking. It’s called a woman’s intuition.”

I raised my hands in a pose of surrender.

“Thus, the husbands of the world will be the butt of their wives.”

“Even if they don’t love them, they’re still watching them. Just for a different purpose.”

“Oh, scary, scary. I’ll be careful.”

“You don’t even think I’m scary, though. You don’t have to be afraid of me, you just have to love me. So what were you pondering in the carriage?”

So I left out the story of my reincarnation and told him about God’s selection of the apostles …… and the codependent system of the Church.

“It’s no use, I’ll just say, that it’s because it’s Al now. It’s the only way to keep from being surprised. So you’re talking about how the apostles call them …… when they build their harem, right?”

We’re talking about something pretty risqué.

I’m sorry, but I don’t have the courage to explain that I’m an apostle now.

Mil smiled gently.

“You know, I believe in you, Al. I’m not going to change my mind. I know you’re thinking about something. So please let me know when you’ve sorted out your feelings.”

Oh, …… indeed, she really knows me well.

This girl is unbeatable.

I’m not sure if I caught her …… or if she caught me, but …… I guess I I don’t care anymore.

I couldn’t help but scratch my head and continue talking.

“This is the only part I don’t understand. How can they conveniently call them. How can they have an underdog conveniently.”

“Is it possible that that God has done a lot of things?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t think he has the power to interfere in the first place.”

Mil nodded her head, not quite getting it.

“He can’t interfere?”

“If it were possible, God would have done it a long time ago, and he wouldn’t use apostles who are more likely to be objects of worship than he is.”

“He can choose and create apostles, but that’s all he can do?”

“I guess so.”

Mil put a finger to her mouth and made a thinking gesture.

When you’re in love, such gestures seem cute. 

It’s a strange thing.

“Do you think that the apostles are attracting people to be their lovers?”

“That’s my guess.”

Mil looked at me thoughtfully for a moment.

“Well, I’m sorry if I’m wrong. The magic that Al is talking about, is it similar to that?”


“You see. The kind where you generate internal magic power and attract natural magic power. You unconsciously attract the people you want like that, or you go to the people you want.”

That’s interesting.

“Please continue.”

“They attract each other mentally, and then they meet their lovers. And the …… underdog? They just happen to be in the right place at the right time, I think?”


“Loving someone is an emotion, right? That emotion comes out strongly. When that happens, your rational mind is blown away. I’ve experienced it myself, after all. You will be pulled by the power of their heart. That’s why, even if you’re not a good person to begin with, your emotions will run wild and you’ll act on instinct.”

I kept a straight face.

Mill blushed a little and looked embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I’m off the mark ……”

I stood up quickly, took Mil’s hand and started dancing, skipping.

It was instinct.

I wondered how it was possible to dance on instinct, but I was happy.

“That’s it! That’s it! Thank you, thank you. It’s finally connected!”

Mil chuckled at my dancing.

“You’re like a 16-year-old only when you’re like this.”

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