The countermeasure meeting continues.

I watched the meeting carefully.

I was trying my best not to make any facial expressions.

If I showed any expression, everyone would start discussing based on my expression.

This is quite hard work.

The discussion went on, unaware of my difficulty.

I can almost accurately read how they will act if I move directly.

But …… that’s not enough.

I look up to the heavens for a moment.

I see that the discussion is at an impasse, so I decide to offer a helping hand.

“What do you think? Why don’t we take a break here? If you worry too much, it will be easier to jump to conclusions.”

It seems everyone’s relieved since they were all struggling with the unfamiliar discussion.

Then I suggested that we start over.

“Shall we discuss it again tomorrow?”

They all nodded.

I waited for everyone to leave.

However, only Mil and Kiara remained, staring at me.

As a result, there were only three of us left in the room.

Looking a little uneasy, Mil said.

“Al, how did it go ……?”

Kiara was also anxious.

“I tried to follow my brother’s intentions as best I could, but …… I don’t think I did well.”

I smiled to reassure them.

“You’re doing fine. Even if you do well …… you can often get stuck. And you don’t have to follow my intentions. It’s important that you all think together and come to the right conclusion. And there’s no guarantee that I’m right.”

Kiara looked unconvinced.

“I can’t even imagine that brother is wrong ……”

“I can be wrong too sometimes, you know. I’m just trying to avoid being found out. I’m trying to do something out of the ordinary …… so I needed their trust in me as the lord. If you’re full of mistakes, no one will follow you.”

Mil’s face took on a powerful expression.

“I’m definitely on Al’s side. That’ll never change. I’ll always be with you.”

Kiara nodded as if it was obvious.

“I’m on your side, too, brother. No matter what happens.”

“Thank you, but please …… point out to me if I’m wrong.”

Mil had a complicated expression.

“Of course …… I know you want that …… But …… I know how hard you’ve been working, so …… at least.”

Well, that’s true.

I’m on your side, but I’ll also point out your mistakes.

It’s easy to say, but difficult to do.

Correcting a mistake without hurting the other person takes much more care than just pointing it out.

“Thank you …… It really makes me happy. I’m well aware that both of you really care about me. I’m also aware that I end up being spoiled by the two of you no matter what. So… please do what you can. And just don’t overdo it.”

They nodded happily.

“I understand.”

“Yes …… of course.”

After saying that, Mil looked as if she was sure of something.

“When we were all talking, Al seemed to have a look on his face that something was missing.”

Kiara nodded her head, as if she agreed.

“Yes …… it was mostly good …… but he did look like he was missing something.”

Ugh, they know ……

“I really can’t hide anything from the two of you ……”

I sigh in resignation.

“You’re lacking a certain point of view.”

It seems that she couldn’t come up with anything even if thinks of this word.

Mil nodded her head.

“A point of view?”

Kiara seems a little unsure of herself.

“I’m trying to figure out how to get them to think about …… that point, but ……”

I say as gently as I can.

“It’s about what they’re thinking right now ……”

Mil’s face turned serious as she tried to read my thoughts.

“What now?”

“If I do nothing, It’s how they think and how they act.”

Kiara gave me a surprised look.

“Is that what brother meant when you said …… in case you do nothing? Is there such an option?”

Mil nodded her head in agreement with Kiara.

“If you’ll do nothing, did you really need to call everyone to think about it?

It was now that they could consider the various possibilities that I left the discussion to the others.

“If the situation works out in our favor, that’s the right answer. It’s not always …… necessary to do something. If the result of your thinking is that you get better results by moving than by sitting around, that’s the right answer. But …… I think it’s wrong to think that doing nothing without even considering it is wrong.”

Kiara’s face looked like it was vexing.

“You’re right …… It seems that I haven’t studied brother’s study enough.”

“There is no such study.”

Kiara looked as if it was natural for the sun to rise in the east and set in the west.

“No, it’s the most important subject for me.”

Mil seemed taken aback.

“What the hell do you study about Al ……”

She smiled like an angel.

That’s the face I make when she’s trying to hide something.

“Don’t tell anyone.”

She’s definitely thinking of something yandere-like things.

I don’t really know, but I’m sure of it.

Please, at least don’t go out of control…

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