The unpopular woman Silvana squealed to the surprise of everyone around her. 

“I can’t do it! I can’t teach the letters by myself anymore! We need more people!”

As I thought it wasn’t enough.

“How many people do you need? People who can teach reading and writing are very valuable, aren’t they?”

The unpopular woman Silvana begins to fidget.

Seriously ……. She’s always so energetic, isn’t she?

“If it’s just one person, I can do 20 people. But …… if you want me to teach them properly, the limit is 10 students! And we’re going to teach the dog people too, right!? It’s impossible!”

“Do you need at least ten people?”

The unpopular woman Silvana was surprised by my reply.

“Can you get that many?”

“How many of the retired adventurers can read and write?”

The unpopular woman Silvana turned into a pondering face.


“Hmm – not that many. We have a receptionist, so it’s not absolutely necessary. We can manage about ten if we look hard enough.”

I announced seriously.

“Then, Ms. Silvana, you should protect yourself. Hire someone through the Adventurer’s Guild. I’ll guarantee a high salary. The number of people you can hire is limited to 25 per day.”

The middle class was spending 25 copper coins a day.

Even after all this time, the money in this world is rather cumbersome.

The value of a gold coin is quite large.

It’s a good thing we don’t have platinum and mithril coins, which have a dubious value relationship.

One gold coin = 25 silver coins = 100 large brass coins = 200 brass coins = 400 copper coins.

“The reward is 25 brass coins (50 copper coins) per day.”

The unpopular woman Silvana was surprised at the unbelievable reward.

Twenty-five coppers in the middle class are the cost of a typical family of five or six.

That’s a lot of money for a job with no risk.

It must be an amazing world for adventurers.

“Wow! Are you sure that much is okay?”

“Do you think they’ll come with that?”

If it’s a valuable human resource, I can’t spare any money.

If I’m too stingy, we’ll have problems later on.

The unpopular woman Silvana nodded her head.

“There’s plenty of room! I’m sure there will be a rush. …… Wait a minute! Then you should raise my wages too!”

The reward for the unpopular woman Silvana is 25 coppers a day.

But still, it’s an unbelievable reward.

“If you can manage all of them, too. How about 5 silver coins (80 copper coins) a day?”

“Seriously? But …… are you sure you want to pay me that much?”

“We’re producing crystal, and we’ve started mining gold. That’s about right.”

“I’ll make arrangements as soon as I can. Oh, by the way …… I was wondering if you could give a job to a retired adventurer?”

She saw that I had money to spare and wanted to do something about it.

“It’s a little further in the future, but we’ll need about twenty military trainers. There are other areas of expertise, and if they fit into our plans, we may need more.”

“When it comes time to recruit them, let me know! I’ll call on them!”

“Do retired adventurers have trouble finding work?”

The unpopular woman Silvana looked a bit sorry.

“Only about thirty percent of retired adventurers …… are able to make a decent living.”

She added with a sigh.

“I have a master who taught me how to be an adventurer. It’s not easy for him to make a living after he retired too.”

“Shall we talk about it after we’ve accepted the dog people?”

Without waiting for my reply, the unpopular woman Silvana left.

She’s quite reasonable and takes good care of people.

She’s a pretty good woman.

She’s got the unpopular word attached to her, though.


I said that I can afford it, but I am currently supported by my family.

I can’t bite the hand that feeds me.

“Kiara, please send all the crystals we produced to father. In return, please negotiate for more financial aid. I will continue to send them crystals as long as we need financial aid.”

With a cute gesture, Kiara nodded her head.

“Are you sure about the money? And how much is the increase?”

“We don’t know how much of it is buried. It would be wrong to let them take advantage of it. Besides, the crystal alone is enough to make up for it. Of course, if you just ask for more aid, they will refuse. I’ll leave it to you to increase the amount, but just barely enough to avoid the intervention of the main family. You know a lot about that, don’t you?”

I’ve heard from Onyxim that the gold reserves are quite large.

So that’s why I’m lying.

If word got out about the existence of the gold deposits, the whole house would be in an uproar.

As a result, there’s a big chance that the government officials will stick their necks out for my development.

I had been using the idea of being transferred to this undeveloped area as a weapon to threaten officials who resisted administrative reform.

But there is gold to be mined there.

This would turn the area into a sweet paradise.

Then they would try to take over the growing government of Ravenna and destroy it.

A child with a weak immune system will die easily due to its weak resistance to pathogens.

Kiara nodded her head as if she understood my intentions.

“I understand. That’s fine, but we need to solve that riddle first.”

Everyone nodded.

It was time for the usual explanation.

It’s about Abraham, isn’t it?

“Oh, it’s not that difficult. In addition to his age, his story is very specific and he sees the important parts properly. And if they’re going to emigrate, they’ll want to do a character assessment of me as the lord.”


Looking around at the group, I decided to continue my explanation.

“Furthermore, even the best emissary can’t immediately tell you how many carriages they’ll need. You need to have access to the appropriate authority and information. So I’m thinking the chief or someone equivalent. I’m not sure if I’m correct, though. He came here alone, because he was trying to get to know me.”

“Is it because he came here alone?”

“You won’t know what to do when you hear that someone is playing with lies and that there’s only one messenger. If you hear that there is only one messenger, you will take it lightly, and if you say that he should send someone more important, you will not be trusted. And how will they react to what you say? I think they were also looking to see if I would take it easy on them just because he was alone. It’s a kind of test. And I guess he couldn’t leave this decision to others.”

Kiara gave a small shake of her head.

“Wow. It’s amazing how much information can be conveyed even by the smallest of details. I need to learn more about my brother’s studies.”

As I said, let’s not do that ……

Let’s get back on topic.

I have to tell them that I also had my own personal desires.

“In any case …… I think it’s a shame to let him die.”

Mil’s face turned worried at my words.

“Al, if you’re saying that, does that mean they’ll come after him?”


“It’s very likely. If he were to be harmed, there would be no more tribes to join. And after that, the three tribes might join forces again.”

Kiara didn’t seem to agree with my prediction.

“But …… Is there anyone who would benefit from such a thing?”

That’s the point, though ……

It’s a trap I find myself falling into.

“It’s not that all of us have far-reaching plans. It’s just that many of us only see what’s right in front of us.”

Mil pointed at me in astonishment.

“Well, If there were more than one Al …… the world would be in trouble!”

They all burst out laughing.

I really am everyone’s plaything, aren’t I?

It’s okay, though.

After the laughter subsided, I explained the possible motives.

“I’ll move to a place where there are wolf people with grudges. There will be some who don’t like that, even among the dog people. If we can make the migration go away, that’s all that matters.”

Charles nodded with a wry smile.

“He had no choice but to comply, but he didn’t really want to.”

The teacher, who had been listening in silence, opened his mouth.

“Kiddo, is there a chance that the other tribes will interference?”

In a way, it’s a natural question, but ……

That’s a bit unlikely.

I shook my head.

“The risks are too great. I also don’t think we can figure out the exact movements of the dog people. If they find out that we were scouting each other with suspicion …… they might think we are hostile and attack us.”

The teacher was unusually intrusive.

“Isn’t there a possibility that if the other tribes learn of the dog people’s migration, they would be displeased with the dog people?”

That’s a good question too, but …… it’s a bit unlikely at the moment.

“The only option for the dog people is to fight, and we may have to fight with all three races. Now, the three races will want to avoid fighting. We’re not the only enemy, after all.”

Kiara’s face became thoughtful as if she had been inspired.

“Brother. After provoking the dog people’s discontent, then another tribe is taking our side. Isn’t it possible that we can get a better deal by making them grateful to us ……?”

The point of view is not bad… but there is a problem.

“It’s good for the moment, but the other tribes won’t trust us and will turn against us. In fact, we might even come under intensive attack. In addition, we will be distrusted and abandoned by them as well. It’s a course of self-destruction.”

Mil didn’t seem too bothered by all this trouble.

She was smiling.

“Even if all the others became enemies, wouldn’t Al be able to win?”

Mil …… that’s an overestimation.

“It is a strategy only if a good knight is alive and well. Without it, any plan is a pie in the sky. That’s why I’m reluctant to fight.”

Charles grinned and nodded.

“The better the warrior, the more he dislikes useless fighting.”

Even Hannibal could have won that battle with Carthage’s elite and the Numidian cavalry.

If they adopt the Fabian strategy with enemies all around them, there’s nothing they can do.

My task is to conserve my forces without surrounding ourselves with enemies.

The Fabian strategy is a special move when fighting a strong enemy…

Not only Hannibal, but also Napoleon was hit by this.

I don’t know if it’s possible for a genius to do better than that.

You need to be prepared for it …… but if you can’t win and don’t want to surrender, that’s the natural strategy.

We have to win without pushing our opponent to the limit.

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