Authors Note: It was written fast so everyone can enjoy this and do point out the mistakes. Also sorry for not updating this since unlike my other fanfics this always has at least 4500 words which is kinda hard also not dropping it.May even edit this chapter completely.

Matt's POV

I saw Bella take Edweird inside. I went after them. I saw both Rosalie and Alice had reached. We just pushed the door open. I saw two of them make out. I cleared my throat to get their attention and said, "The two Volturi guys are coming, and please stop this. I really don't want to see it."

Edweird told both Felix and Demetri coming toward us, "I won't be needing your services anymore after all, gentlemen."

Felix ordered, "Aro wants to speak with you again."Edweird replied, "No rules have been broken."

Demetri said politely, "None the less perhaps we should take this conversation at a more appropriate venue."

Edward looked at Bella and said, "Bella, why don't you go enjoy the festival."Felix cut in and said, "No, the girl comes with us."

I said, looking at Demetri, "I really like your accent and style, bro."Demetri, who heard looked at smirked, "Thank you, and who are you, by the way."

I just smiled, and he replied, "Mathew Swan at your service."Demetri smiled back and said, "Nice to meet you, Matthew."We both shook hands.

Edweird, Alice, and Rosalie looked at me. I shrugged and asked, "What."Rosalie just shook her head and said, "I don't know how you can stay calm in such a situation."

Rosalie asked me mentally, "Aren't you afraid for your sister's life."I replied to her, "No, she will be safe. I saw this, so I know nothing will happen to her."Rosalie nodded since she knew about my visions.

I was literally thinking of Demetri's life " He was born in Greece and transformed by the Egyptian coven's leader Amun. They were very close at the time. Demetri saw Amun as a mentor, but Amun was just using him. From what I gathered from his memories, he wanted to be free from Amun's control even during his time with Amun.

When the Volturi heard of Demetri and his powerful gift, he was offered a place in the guard. He easily manipulated due to Chelsea's power over emotional bonds. The Volturi already had a tracker, but once they found out that Demetri's power proved stronger, they had him replaced.

Demetri has been their tracker ever since anyone tried to elude the Volturi's grasp, usually out of fear of fatal punishment; Demetri was in charge of tracking them down. As a tracker, he was significantly more talented than James and Alistair and known as the best tracker in the world: his power allowed him to follow anyone anywhere as long as he had physically encountered the individual or anyone who had encountered him.

I pitied him. He just changed one prison for another. He will never be able free of Chelsea's control.

I saw Jane coming telling both Demetri and Felix to bring them to Aro. I saw her another victim Jane was born in England around 800 A. D, an Anglo-Saxon woman, and a Frankish soldier. She was born a few minutes before her fraternal twin brother, Alec. Both Jane and Alec had already started display abilities even as humans since anyone who was bad to them or their parents something bad happened to those people but if they helped the twins, they would have good luck.

I was thinking, "I want to burn the bastard right now, but that would be to easy escape for him I make him suffer. When seeing the movie or reading the book, I hated her to an extent. You literally hate the person without thinking about their side of the story fuċk it. He is getting tortured."

I had no interest in Felix since he was basically Aro's dog, even without Chelsea's control.

Jane, Demetri, and Felix were leading us to Aro. I was with them in the elevator as I looked at jane and asked, "How old were you when you turned."Jane, who looked surprised but turned around replied, "I was changed at 12."

I just nodded my head when I was going with them as I watched Bella question their secretary knowing what they were, and Jane just replying she will turned or be desert.

I feel sorry for the woman we reached the so-called throne room I saw The bastard Aro standing in front of his throne with an uninterested Marcus and Caius beside him.

I heard Alec say, "Sister, you were sent to bring back the one you bring back Four and a half such a clever girl."

Alec, the twin of Jane said to be the sane twin he does not seem to have changed much I saw his memories he seems to resist loyalty to Aro since his loyalty to his sister surpassed it. He seems to want the vampire world not to be discovered since he knows Volturi is necessarily interesting.

I watched another member Marcus and thought, "A poor tortured soul who just wants to die since his mate Didyme and Aro's sister died but is forcefully being chained here by Chelsea's power. The poor guy believes werewolves killed Didyme, but in fact, it was aro who killed her. Marcus and Didyme wanted to go away from Volturi, but Aro was okay with letting go of Didyme since he viewed her power as insignificant, but he valued Marcus's power Relationship identification which is really helpful in ruling Volturi."

Aro, while smiling asked us "What a happy surprise Edward is alive after all isn't that wonderful."

The greatest bastard of them all Aro he was born in Greece in the 1340 B.C. He was transformed into a vampire in his mid-twenties and joined forces with Marcus and later, Caius. Together with Caius's wife, Athenodora, they created the Volturi coven. The more I read his memories the more I want to kill the bastard but reading his memories. Even is so-called mate is just tied to him by Chelsea's power.

I found something interesting Aro has two prisoners one is his own sister who said to have died he did almost kill her. But just didn't have the heart to set her on fire he knew if Marcus finds about this he will kill him.

So he faked her death also manipulated Marcus, making him believe Didyme was killed by werewolves, which in fact were a threat to their species at that time so he killed two birds with one stone by killing all werewolves and making Marcus stay in Volturi.

Which did not work since Marcus wanted to die. Aro can't bring Marcus to Didyme, So Aro made Marcus forcefully tied to the Volturi so that he can't commit suicide. The other prisoner interested me greatly he was something I want to find more about. He is the first werewolf although Aro just seems to think him a freak of nature. He is kept in high-security prison since they can't kill him it seems.

I sent probes to the location of both of them. I thought with anger "Fuck it I am definitely torturing this bastard."

Aro came towards Edward and eagerly took his hand, asked: "I love a happy ending."I always found his eagerness to grab people's hands slightly creepy, is it just me.

Aro, reading Edweirds mind then looked at Bella and asked Edweird "Her blood appeals to you so much It makes me thirsty. How can you stand close to her."Edweird replied, looking constipated, "It is not without difficulty."

Aro said with a smile, "I can see that."Bella, who seemed to be confused about what's happening edweird explained Aro's ability to read every thought a person had by touch.

Edweird told Aro, "Now you know everything, now get on with it."When I heard that idiot at least don't disrespect him before everyone here, you idiot.

Aro asked Edweird, "You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward though you can't read Bella's or Matt's thoughts how fascinating."

I was confused by that. Didn't he know about Shields? Since even Eleazar and Edweird seems to know about them in breaking dawn, it seems vampires do forget it seems or it's just the shields they have encountered are different.

I continued watching the so called event of Aro not being able to read Bella's thoughts and frantically grabbed mine, but he seemed to see nothing. I saw Marcus was looking at me I read his mind; I mentally thought, "He knows I am the most powerful here at the same time he finds my bond with Rosalie's the strongest the poor guy is thinking about Didyme."

I mentally paralyzed everyone in the castle except Marcus, who found it impressive He asked me "Why did you not do the same to me."I just shook my head and replied "When I look at you I see someone who just wants to die."

Marcus replied with a sad smile "Will grant me my wish to die."I smiled at him and said, "What if you had a reason to continue to live."

Marcus looked at me and said, "My reason to live was my Didyme."I replied to him, "She is alive, Marcus."

Marcus looked at me and spoke with anger. "No, she died because of the werewolves. Aro himself confirmed it."I sadly smiled. "He lied to you Didyme is still alive, and It was not werewolves who killed her. It was Aro who tried, but he couldn't bring himself to kill her. She imprisoned her so you wouldn't find out about him trying to kill her."

Marcus yelled at me, "You are lying Didyme was Aro's sister. He would never do that."I continued "Yes, he would after all both of you wanted to leave Volturi, Aro would be happy with just Didyme leaving, but you, Marcus, your power is something he couldn't let go of, so he tried to kill his sister as means to keep you in Volturi though he didn't know the effect of Didyme death would affect you this much, he couldn't return her to you since you will find about his treachery and you may either leave or kill him both were not something he wanted to happen."

I must say the bastard Aro seems to be unable to kill his own sister for at least now that's he is having thoughts about killing her from time to time but seems to keep her as a hostage if Marcus ever finds out.

Marcus who heard this was thinking about the incident. In his grief, he didn't check Didyme body since Aro told it was destroyed beyond recognition went into a rage and tried to attack The paralyzed Aro, but I stopped him and said: "Don't, at least for now. Your mate is still alive you can kill Aro when the time comes since such a quick death is an easy escape for him."

Marcus, who seemed to have calmed down a little asked: "I want to get my Didyme out of Aro's hands. I want her back with me."I patted his shoulders and told him, "I know, but Aro has safety measures in place if you ever find out. So we play it safe I will help you get Didyme out as well as help you kill Aro, but in return, I want your help."

Marcus looked at me and said, "As long as I can have Didyme back I will do anything."I replied, smiling at him "Now go to your throne and just enjoy the show."

Marcus who went back to his throne I stopped the paralyzing everyone. Aro who found out He can't read Bella's thoughts, asked "Let us see if she is immune to all our powers, shall we Jane."

I gritted my teeth; this bastard is really testing my patience held Rosalie so she won't attack Aro now I saw Edward run towards jane but Jane used her ability pain illusion. Edweird was unable to move even a step as he fell. Bella was begging to stop hurting Edward. While Alec was holding her in place, Let him feel some pain after what he did to Bella.

Aro, who heard Bella's plea asked jane to stop. Aro then asked jane, "Go ahead, my dear."Gesturing to use it on Bella then me. Jane said to both of us "This may hurt just a little."She used her powers on Bella but nothing happened the same as me.

I was mentally upgrading the powers I got from Volturi. It's really a treasure trove here.

Jane stopped her powers when she heard Aro laugh and say "Remarkable, both of them are unique, but what do we do with Isabella since Matthew has already been turned."Marcus told aro from the background, "You already know what you are going to do Aro."I can feel hatred and anger from Marcus. He is really controlling himself from killing Aro.

Caius spoke his part "She knows too much she is a liability."Aro looked at Bella with a sad face then said, "Yes, she is Felix."

Edweird, who heard this, jumped to protect so did Rosalie and Alice, but Felix, with his ability is the strongest in melee since I copied his power, he seems to actually destroyed Edward with his ability.

I saw as Rosalie had someone grabbing her by the neck, same with Alice I had someone behind me I paralyzed everyone but Aro who seems to notice there is no sound of fighting or screaming He looked around to seem all were frozen in time.

I released myself from Santiago's grip and started to walk towards Aro, who asked me "You did this but how."

I threw him to the ground and grumbled, "I have start learning to control my strength once again."

Aro, who grew angry at what I did, sped towards me. I was just seeing him move in slow motion with the strength and fighting ability I got from Felix. I am easily 40 moves ahead of him I decided to humor him since the upgrade my I would bȧrėly feel his punch.

Aro punched me, but I bȧrėly moved from my place it didn't even hurt I just looked at him and asked: "That's it."Aro was stunned but tried to kick me the same result.

Pain illusion I got from Jane who can make people feel the pain or if they are on fire is still an illusion, I upgraded it became physical pain and now make Aro burn to death.

From Alec whose ability was sensory deprivation upgrade that sensory manipulation, I can completely control over the senses of oneself and others, including sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, balance, pain, etc, allowing them to alter and manipulate them freely. They can enhance, reduce or remove them temporarily or permanently,

I looked at Aro and said, "Kneel."While using physical and mental pain inducement at the lowest also used sense manipulation to increase Aro's pain feeling to the max.

Aro knelt on the ground then wreathing in pain and screaming I had used noise canceler I can see his skin cracking slowly smoking I whispered to myself, "I guess that's too much." I stopped it Aro who was now recovering slowly looked at me in fear.

I looked at Aro's and thought "These two powers used together. The person will feel like he is in hell. Even when I just used sense manipulation and upgraded pain illusion with so low power, it seems to cause lots of damage."

I just used Empathy or Pain illusion at low power to torture him, always giving him time to regenerate and recover. Aro who seems not to stop shaking, asked me in fear "What do you want."

I looked at him with a poker face and asked, "You think you can just get away with threatening my sister and also, as you can see, some of your lackeys have their hands around Alice and Rosalie.Edweird was no problem; you could have beaten him some more."

I slightly looked at Marcus, who I left unparalyzed saw all this, he seems to take pŀėȧsurė in Aro's pain.

I gave Aro a vision of his precious Volturi being destroyed, leaving only him and Caius alive while notifying the Romanian coven of this, who later burned Volterra to the ground.

I looked down at Aro and said, "You know what will happen if you go after My mate, Family, or the Cullens? I will destroy you, and remember this, you are only alive because the Volturi is a necessity; otherwise, you would be dead."

I continued, "You are alive because of just a whim. Remember it well don't think of telling anyone about this or you will die."I showed him another vision of him trying to tell Marcus and Caius but just to burst into flames.

Aro who nodded while not meeting my eyes he got up used empathetic healing and sensory healing to heal him a little, I returned to my place and unfroze everyone. As Felix was walking towards Bella.

I looked at Aro and gestured, get on with it Aro yelled, "Felix stop everyone, leave them."Marcus had a smirk on his face as he can see Aro is still scared since his hands were still trembling others were confused. Caius asked Aro with irritation "What is this Aro you know the girl has to die."

I just looked at the idiot Caius and thought, "Don't worry, your time will come. I just want to alive because it is your arrogance that will help me in the future."

Aro looked at Caius and said, "I saw in Edwards thoughts that our dear Alice had seen the vision of Bella being a vampire."Aro gestured for Alice to come.

Alice, along with Rosalie, looked at mentally shouting, "What did you do, Matt."I must say women's intuition is scary.

Alice walked to Aro, giving her hand aro, who saw not just that vision tried to see all the visions she ever had and said "It's mesmerizing to see what you have seen before it has happened."

I gave Aro a glare, which he noticed and quickly took his hands of Alice. Aro once again tried to look convincing. "Both of your gifts are intriguing immortal Isabella, go now and make your preparations."

Marcus who got up and told everyone, "The venue will arrive any moment. Thank you for your visit."Then looked at me and mentally told "Also, thank you for the show."I mentally replied "No problem."Marcus looked surprised but slightly nodded.

As we were going to l heard Caius say, "And you will return the favor I would advise That you follow through your promise we do not offer second chanced."

I stopped and looked at him who sneered at me. "What are you looking at, newborn."I looked at Aro, who projecting his thoughts yelling, "You idiot, don't anger this monster."

I walked back but not before using upgraded relationship manipulation to bind Chelsea, Demetri, Jane, and Alec to me. I made sure their loyalty towards me is hidden.

I didn't bind them fully like a puppet. I just wanted to make sure they didn't betray me otherwise they could voice their opinion or reject something I tell them if they feel like it, but I would have to heal their mental health a lot.

I also planted emotion of anger, overconfidence, and greed into Aro and Caius. It will grow during the time of Breaking Dawn.

I was going out I saw a group of humans led by Heidi going towards The chamber I gritted my teeth seeing kids and old men and women among them. I once again paralyzed all in the castle, then mentally controlled all the vampires present in the chamber to eat the blood pills then placed false memory of them having a great feast.

Then cloaked of the humans changing their memories then started mentally command them to go home. I manipulated the Security camera's to make sure these people are not seen in any.

I was in the car with rest when Rosalie and Alice asked me, "What did you do, Matt."I looked at Both of them with a confused look, "I don't know what you guys are talking about."

I can tell Rosalie and Alice didn't believe that for a second. Rosalie looked at me and said "We are talking about this when we get home, or you are sleeping on the couch."

I looked at her and said frantically, "Why the couch? I didn't do anything."Rosalie just folded her arms then looked outside. I mentally crying; what did I do to get the couch.

I turned to Alice and asked her, "Alice, can you take Bella home? I will go with Edweird and Rosalie to the Denali's to meet with Cullen's."Alice replied with a smile "Don't worry about her I will take her home."

While we were at the airport I told Bella "Dad is going probably ground you for this you know that right."Bella nodded and asked, "But what about you."

I replied, smiling at her "I told him I am moving in with Rosalie so I am off the hook."Bella looked at me mock glared.

As I saw her going with Alice to boarding their plane I turned to Edward and kneed him the balls Edweird ġrȯȧnėd and was rolling in the ground.I am sure he saw a glimpse of heaven.

I said cheerfully, "Edward I just made your wish to see heaven true, and next time you pull this kinda stunt. I will permanently send you there."

Edweird slowly nodded his head and got back up. We boarded our plane to Alaska as we reached Alaska as were going to the Cullens house I was with Rosalie, who said "It has been some time since I talked with kate and Irina."

I asked her "How are they like."Rosalie smiled and explained, "They are really fun to hang out with but I am not close with Tanya and they are are sisters even the suċċubus myth originated from them."

I looked at Rosalie "Really suċċubus that's interesting."I listened to Rosalie who started to tell me all about the time she went with them. I heard Edweird say "Both of you we reached our house from what I hear the Denali's will be visiting us soon."

I nodded my head as we all walked toward the house it was beautiful as their house in forks it is just more majestic in a sense. As we reached all the Cullen's came out of the house, Esme seems to have tears in her eyes and smacked Edweird in the face.

Edweird muttered, "I deserved that."I whispered, "Yup you did."

Carlisle looked at me with an apologetic smile and said, "I am really sorry for what happened in our last meeting."I waved my hand and replied, "All is forgiven. I didn't hold any grudge against you for it, Carlisle."

Carlisle and Esme smiled at us Esme said, "I am really sorry about your sister. We didn't know victoria would target you or Bella also for your Volturi meeting your sister as a human."

Carlisle asked, looking at all of us "We will talk inside."We went inside, and basically, Rosalie explained what happened. Carlisle rubbed his forehead and asked Rosalie, "So Volturi wants Bella turned soon."

Rosalie nodded her head and replied, "Yes, that's what they said."I looked at Edweird and said, "You know Edweird, it is your choices that led to Bella meeting the Volturi as human. If you don't change her, I will."

Edweird looked down, ashamed, and said, "I will turn her myself. I just need some time okay."I nodded and replied, "Ask Bella about when she wants to turn knowing her she will probably want to turn in a year max."

Edweird nodded. It seems the guy really did get wake up call seeing Bella almost get killed and all. Jasper spoke, "So did Aro want anything else."I shook my head. "He has a great interest in Alice's ability to see the future and Edweirds telepathy, but he believes they will come to Volturi themselves soon, which is a delusion and Marcus just wanted us to be left alone."

Carlisle said while in thoughts, "Marcus is a more sane member of the Volturi. He doesn't like conflict much."I replied to everyone, "Actually most members Like Jane, Alec, Demetri...Etc are forcefully bound and kept in Volturi."

Jasper asked with slight confusion, "What do you mean by that."

others who wanted to know as well "Aro uses Chelsea her ability is relationship manipulation she tied all their loyalty to Aro and Corin's ability is to make people happy where they are now."

Edweird spoke in surprise, "So Jane, who is known to torture her victims, is being forcefully made to do those things same with Alec and others."I nodded yes "They were changed when they were 13 as you can guess Aro saved them from being burned to death. They saw him as their savior, then Aro used Chelsea's ability to bind both their loyalty to him while he molded Jane as a weapon if she ever breaks free from it, she will need a lot of mental healing to recover from the brainwashing as well as."

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