Authors Note:This is a rough draft I wrote this quickly as I can and if this is bad I will try to edit it.

Matt POV

I built an underground basement like back home, just much bigger also was really upgrading a few of the things in the Cullens house like their security system, garage..etc when I was working I felt someone hug me from behind as I smiled asked: "Hello Rosalie what can do for you."Rosalie, who didn't release me whispered: "Nothing, just thinking about having some time to ourselves."

I grinned and asked, "So what do you have in mind."Rosalie smiled and replied, "How about we go out for a drive."I smiled and as I was about reply Sarah interrupted, "We have a problem Alice just saw a vision and from her expression. It is really bad."

I then when to the meeting room as all of them had already ȧssembled, and Alice explained a vision of victoria in forks looking for Bella.I nodded as I heard Edweird say, "If she is coming for her, we must take her away from here."Carlisle was thoughtful and asked, "Matt, what do you suggest."

I sighed and replied, "You can keep her safe by taking her away from forks, but what excuse are you going to make to get Bella out since I just read Edward's thoughts he wants to take her to Renee in Pheonix."

Edweird nodded and said, "Bella would be safe in Pheonix, and she would get to spend time with her mother."I shook my head and said, "That will not work since Bella, and I have an estranged relationship with our mother, so she would just hate it there, and I don't think keeping this from her will do any of us any good especially since you don't want to tell her about Victoria."

Edweird just nodded in understanding while Carlisle, who was thoughtful, said "Matt why don't explain the situation to Bella and I am sure the only place she can go to is phoenix without being questioned by Charlie."

I frowned at that and thought, "That is also true since Charlie is already keeping a close eye on Bella so going to Pheonix to visit Renee is the only option."

I explained everything to Bella, who knew it was for her own protection even though she hated the fact she had to visit Renee. Soon she went with Edward to a phoenix while the very next day Victoria showed, which led to her being chased by both Cullens and the pack, but a fight broke out between Emmet and Jacob, which gave Victoria a chance to escape.

Both Rosalie and I were guarding my Dad as that red-haired bitch may send Vampires after him could I could only sigh, "Jacob really needs to find his imprint soon."

I went to Billy to talk about this. As I reached him, Billy angrily said: "I know why you are here Matt my son screwed up once again."I nodded and replied, "He needs to let go of this stupid grudge against the Cullens."

Billy sighed "I tried but everything I say going from one ear and out of the other only time he listens is when it is something about Bella."I ġrȯȧnėd "Sorry to say this, billy your son is a pain in the ȧss to deal with I already have Edweird Cullen, and that is enough." the last part was a whisper.

Billy was embarrassed as he spoke, "If he did not start a fight with Emmet kid, that red-haired vampire would have been caught."I mentally thought, "He is not wrong there since in one of the routes(visions) Victoria was indeed killed if that fight didn't happen."

I called Bella and told her it was safe to come to forks. She pretty much packed her stuff and came home the very next day. She seemed really annoyed, Renee.I didn't ask what Renee did to make her this irritated.

I went back to the Cullen's where everyone was waiting for me. Rosalie was the first one to ask, "So how did your talk with Billy go."I nodded and replied, "Everyone is really angry with Jacob, and no one seems to blame Emmet since it was an accident and Jacob should have concentrated on catching Victoria."

Sarah muttered, "That's good."While Carlisle asked, "So what about Jacob? What are they going to do with him."I was thoughtful and replied, "There have been talks about kicking out of the Pack which is considered something very disgraceful for a shapeshifter."

Jasper, who was in full major mode, replied: "He should be. If not for him, we would have caught Victoria."Esme asked with concern, "Does Jacob understand what this means."I sighed and replied, "He is just holding a grudge since Bella chose Edward rather than him and especially for a shapeshifter, that much anger can sometimes lead to them going out of control."

Alice asked, "Bella is coming to school tomorrow, right."I smiled replied, "Yes, she is, and Edweird is guarding..cough...stalking...cough her."Everyone slightly laughed at that. The mood lightened a bit. Everyone went back to their room as Rosalie cuddled with me as she asked, "Have you thought about what you said to me during our date about having a baby."I looked at her and asked, "Do you really want one now."Rosalie shook her head and replied, "Not now after getting rid of Victoria."I nodded as we both enjoyed each other's company.

The next day I rode with jasper and others in their jeep as I saw Jacob and Embry waiting in front of the School.I jumped out of the jeep and went towards them and gave Embry a hug and asked, "What are you doing here."Embry smiled and replied, "Just making sure this troublemaker says his sorry to Emmet."Jacob glared at both Embry and Me. We just ignored him as Edward was coming with Bella as she was uncomfortable with Jacon awkwardly greeted "Hey."Jacob, who was is in full emo mode, asked"Charlie said you left town."Bella replied, "What I went to visit Renee, what is it you, Jacob."Edward, who read Jacob's mind, laughed and said, "He is here to make sure you are human."

Embry, who grabbed Jacob's shoulder, whispered, "Don't get into more trouble than what you are already in."Jacob hesitantly nodded and said, looking elsewhere,"I came here to say sorry about what happened during our last patrol."

I smirked and said, "You have to tell that apology to Emmet, not to us also at least act like you are sincere."Jacob was miffed at that as I called Emmet, who heard everything came grinning towards us as Jacob apologized, gritting his teeth.

Embry smiled and said, "Goodbye, guys." I looked at everyone and said, "Guys I am going to take Bella to Sam's house since I am sure she will remain restless until she knows about what happened between the pack and us."I narrowed my eyes at Bella, who looked down in embarrassment since she was about to do just that.

I kissed Rosalie on the cheek and took Bella to Sam's house as we were going Bella questioned, "So what happened that made Jacob apologize to Emmet."I explained, "Well, Bells, like you guessed, Victoria showed we worked with the Pack to catch her, but the problem was The pack was going to cut Victoria off, and well Jacob disobeyed the order and went after her which led him and Emmet kinda accidentally crashing into each other than Jacob in anger started to fight with Emmet which led to Victoria getting away."

Bella, who was stunned, asked, "You are telling me they almost had Victoria, but because of that little scaffle, she escaped."I nodded and replied, "Victoria is very slippery to catch Bella."We soon reached Sam's house as everyone from the Pack came out as Paul said, "Look whose back." and Quil, who also made it to the pack, greeted "What's up Bella."

Bella was surprised and asked, "Quil you too."Quil smiled and replied, "Yup, finally made the pack."Embry and Jacob who arrived as Leah, smiled and hugged Bella and asked, "How was your trip."Bella ġrȯȧnėd "It was really exhausting." both became friends when the Cullens were not here.

Emily smiled and came running towards Bella and said, "Hi Bella, I was wondering when I would see you we only see Matt here."I replied Mock hurt "What Emily, you say that as if you don't like seeing me here."

Sam came and hugged me "It is good to see you here, Matt did Jacob cause any trouble."I shook my head replied, "No he did not but his apology could be more sincere."Sam who heard this, gave Jacob a look, which caused Jacob to huff and go away.

Sam replied, "He has been getting too out of control lately. It is only because of the fact he is chiefs son and the because of the respect I have for Billy that he is still in the pack."Paul, who was blunt as ever said: "You have to hear his thoughts is Bella this and Bella that."Bella who was embarrassed muttered, "Sorry about that, guys."

Leah slowly put a hand on Bella's shoulder shoulder "It was not your fault. He just can't take the hint.Also even if you became his girlfriend, he should know the fact Shapeshifter have imprints"Emily nodded that as we went inside as. We soon started chatting, and the topic of imprinting came up.

Bella, who was curious, questioned, " What is that I heard Leah mentioning it."Sam who was thoughtful, replied, "How should I put it? Imprinting is basically something every shapeshifter does. It helps the shapeshifter find someone who is very compatible with them and some consider it be soulmates."I saw all the pack nod while Sam continued, "There is also a philosophical part like It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend."I liked that actually I also know that Jacob tried to imprint on Bella forcefully. The poor guy doesn't get the fact Bella is not his imprint.

Bella who was in awe with said, "That is actually beautiful so everyone here has imprinted."Leah with a sad smile, replied, "Not me I am still looking for mine."Bella, who saw this simply hugged Leah, who was thankful for the support.

I mentally thought, "Well you don't have to wait any longer. You will meet your imprint next week."I went outside and took my phone out messaged "Where are you idiots you guys are supposed to reach here by tomorrow."

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