[Authors Note:I am having a hard time writing new chapters as I got a small job and it is taking up all my free time so the updates will be slow but I won't drop this.]

Matt POV

While Rosalie and I visited our favorite spot in the forest it was covered with flowers Rosalie was confused and was looking around as she questioned "Matt why come here now." As I pulled out a black box seeing this Rosalie looked at me with surprise as I opened the black box showing an Aquamarine and Diamond Milgrain Halo Ring told her "I wanted to do this for some time now."I kneeled in front of Rosalie and asked "Will you marry me, Rosalie Hale Cullen."Rosalie smiled gave a nod as I placed the ring on her finger she was so happy that she kept looking at the ring as if it was the most precious thing in the world for her.

Well, Rosalie showed the ring to Esme, Alice, and Sarah all congratulated her on getting engaged while Jasper and Carlisle smiled at me it was a joyous occasion ut soon turned into a very serious one.

That night everyone was watching the news about the murders and disappearances.

Reporter: Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Reporter: Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer... Reporting live, Dawn Chubai. CNN.

Carlisle said seriously" It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something." Jasper added his thoughts"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous... Edward: Newborns". Bella questioned," What, like new vampires?"

Edward answered her" In their first few months after the change."Jasper who was deep though said"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst only one who overcame it quickly was your brother"

I gave a nod and said, "Yes even for me it was slightly difficult."

Emmett grinned and said," Something to look forward to." Jasper seriously said" No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Carlisle gave a nod and said" Someone's creating an army. " while hearing this Jasper nods and Emmett was enthusiastic and said" Oh, now we definitely going to Seattle."

Bella who is still having a hard time believing all this questioned:": An Army of vampires?"

Jasper answered her"Yes and they've been created to fight someone." Edward figured it out as he sighed" We're the only clan even close to Seattle." Carlisle was hopeful and said": Regardless, of who are they were may, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long."

Edward shook his head and said" Maybe they're behind it. In Italy, I read Aro's mind... He wants me and Alice to join him... Our gifts would shore up his power. An army could solve that for him."Bella takes this in, then asked" We can't wait two weeks for graduation; you need to change me now"I smacked her on the back of the head with a magazine and said, "You will be turned but do not rush it."Bella looked down in embarrassment.

Jasper who heard Bella shook his head and said"You'd be a liability as a newborn. Unable to control your instincts. An easy target."Carlisle puts an empathetic hand on Bella's shoulder said" There's also your father to consider. How terrible would it be for him if you suddenly disappeared?"

Bella can't argue with that as I whispered "Bella you need to think straight you can't disappear on Dad like that we are the only family he has got."Bella gave nod understanding what I am saying while she whispered"Sorry if I sounded like bitch Matt."I waved it off.

I then turned to carlisle and gave my opinion "Carlisle I heard from Rosalie you have other allies other than the Denali coven."Carlisle replied, "Yes there are few."I was thoughtful and questioned, "Is there any coven who would help us."

Carlisle was thinking about it as Sarah and Emmet looked at it and said"I was both of you to go find Irish coven the chances of them fighting for us is small."He then turned to Rosalie and me and continued "I want Rosalie to take Matt with you and find the Egyptian coven."

Rosalie knew who the head of the Egyptian Coven was as she scrunched her nose and replied "Amun I don't think he would even lift a finger to help us."Carlisle sighed and said, "We have to try the no of newborns is too much for just us and Wolfs."

Rosalie gave a nod while we discussed the issue at hand while Rosalie and I booked a ticket to Egypt I knew this is a good chance to free benjamin the poor guy is manipulated into thinking Amun views him as a son in reality Amun sees benjamin as nothing more than a pawn.

We soon caught our flight to Egypt Rosalie and I decided to not waste any time as visited we Amun.I didn't talk much but Amun at first saw us acted as he was happy said"Welcome Rosalie I didn't know you were coming. Is Carlisle with you? and who is this young man?."I grinned and thought "He is afraid we will find out about Benjamin."

Rosalie gave a forced smile she already knew Amun was faking and she replied"I am afraid Carlisle has not come and this is my mate Matt and this not a Friendly visit Amun Carlisle needs your help."

Rosalie explained to Amun the situation as she heard everything his whole attitude took 180 turns as he said "I can't help you If there is a newborn army Voulturi will have noticed it and I am not going to do anything with the Voulturi."Rosalie internally yelling cowardly bastard as she calmly said "Amun you should remember when you were made a pariah my the voulturi with no coven or Vampires allying with you it was Carlisle who lend you a hand."I smirked hearing all this as I could hear thoughts of both Benjamin and his Mate Tia were not happy with Amun's decision both of them felt Amun was forsaking an ally who helped him at a time of need.

Amun was indifferent as he replied, "No my decision is final."Rosalie huffed and turned to me as we both were about to leave Benjamin water from their small house pool rise up like a wall to block the doorway.

We both looked to see Benjamin smiling holding his hand out as he said "I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden." I smirked and replied, "I can't imagine why." Benjamin makes the waterfall back into the pool, and he walks up to us and they shake hands.

I watched Amun was in the living room I made sure to telepathically contact Rosalie and make an excuse to come back to the house. When Rosalie, Tia, and Benjamin entered the house I made sure to make them invisible with Mental invisibility which I gained from Afton which could only make me invisible but not others but when enhanced it was able to make anyone invisible as long as I want.

The moment they entered the living room I questioned "Amun I must say you really did well in manipulating Benjamin."Amun who heard this was nervous as he questioned "What are you talking about."

I smirked and replied "Don't act like you don't know anything when Demitri was taken away by the voulturi you wanted to make sure that Benjamin won't leave you so you acted as a kind father figure to him also don't think of lying to me I am mind reader like Edward but my powers are stronger I saw all your memories.I know you view Benjamin as Pawn or weapon."

Amun was angry as he gritted his teeth and replied "So what if I manipulated him I turned him into a vampire he belongs to me."I looked at him with slight disgust as he continued "the day Benjamin went and brought that brat Tia she was always suspicious of me. But she knew the Voulturi can't have Benjamin so she didn't say much but still she kept his guard and that brat Benjamin thinks I care for him."

Benjamin who was hearing all teared up his hands were trembling as Tia held quickly consoled him as I looked at his so-called Father figure as I removed the invisibility seeing this Amun figured out he was tricked and no amount of explaining would be able to make Benjamin believe Amun.

Amun in rage yelled, "You want to take him from that is why you did this."I scoffed held both my hand out as flames danced on one hand and a small twister on the other as I replied "I don't need him as I already have an ability like his. I just wanted him to be free from this prison created by you to be able to do whatever he wished to do."This struck a chord in Benjamin's heart he always wanted to trace,l meet with other people,..etc but he could never do any of this because Amun denied it saying it was dangerous for him.

Benjamin sped out of the house with Tia on his tail as Rosalie and I decided to follow them as we soon found them next to the Nile as Benjamin muttered "A part of me always knew I was just a weapon or pawn for Amun. But I denied it and made myself believe that he cares about me as a son."Tia who was next to him grabbed his hand and consoled him.

Benjamin turned to look at me and questioned "I want to know why you did this."I sighed and replied, "When I read his mind I could only think how much you cared about him. But he only saw you as a weapon which is something I didn't like. So the only thing I could do for you was set you free."

Benjamin gave small smile and said, "I know you came here looking for help but I don't think I can help you since I need some time to sort my feeling out."I gave him the blood pill and said "Take these with you these are blood pills they will make sure you don't need to feed on blood anymore."

Benjamin looked at Blood pills with amazement as Rosalie cut in"Benjamin I know you guys don't have a place to stay then you can stay with the Denali Coven or if you want you can come to stay with our coven."Tia at first thought we wanted Benjamin's powers like Amun but after she saw me having the same ability she knew Rosalie was just trying to help as Tia gave Rosalie a smile and said "Thank you for the offer. We may take upon it"

Rosalie just gave a nod and we soon decided to leave for forks I saw vision or routes and found out that Benjamin and Tia will soon visit Forks and will become a part of the Cullens.

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