Authors note:I will be editing some of the parts in this chapter.I wanted to add a battle simulation room.

Matt POV

The party continued inside. But outside, the discussion was tense. Bella, Alice, Edward, Jasper, Carlisle, and I debated as Sam, Jacob, Quil, and Embry followed. Edward questioned" How long?" Alice answered, "They'll be here in four days."

Carlisle was worried ": This could turn into a blood bath." Edward asked, "Who's behind it?"

Alice shook her head and replied, "I only recognized Riley biers."

I spoke "He didn't start this. it's victoria her attack on Bella failed before now she has created an army to kill her and Edward and she is playing in the blind spots in Alice's visions." Alice gave a nod and said, "Yes Matt is right whoever did is staying out of the action." Carlisle sighed and said, "Victoria is coming for us all."

Jasper looking at everyone said," Either way, the army is coming... ... and there aren't enough of us to protect the town". Jacob cut in and yelled " Hold up. The army is coming here?" I knew he was about to explode but a look from Sam made him silent as Carlisle and I shared a look.

Carlisle decided to explain" Newborns. Our kind."

Embry questioned, "From what I heard from Matt they are after Bella for revenge."I gave a nod and replied "Yes I don't know why she thought Bella and Edward are responsible for her Mate's death. But yes she is after them."

Alice added"They were passing around Bella's scent. A hoodie."Sam asked, "So with the number of vampires even if Bella's dead they will come to forks."

Carlisle seriously said," You are right this is going to be an ugly fight with lives lost."The weight of how serious the situation now lands on all of them. Sma shares a sober look with Embry and Quil an imperceptible nod. Sam said, "Well the pack will fight."

Jacob hearing this spoke up" Alright... We're in."

Bella answered" No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way."

Jacob replied," I wasn't asking for permission." Bella looked at Jacob and said"I am not worrying about just you idiot.I am worried about the pack putting their lives in danger for me."

Edward was silent as he said," It means more protection for you."

Bella shook her head in disbelief as I whispered "Don't worry they know the risk."

Jasper seriously said" They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge. Also, we have Kate and Irina."

Carlisle explained "We'll need to coordinate. We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires the knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright."

Sam gave a nod and asked, "Name the time and place."

The next day I wore my gym clothes as I saw Rosalie was wearing black leggings and a black solid tank top I could only say"Wow."Rosalie grinned seeing my reaction as she came forward and kissed me while my hands went down and cupped her ȧss as mȯȧnėd into the kiss. We soon broke the kiss as Rosalie whispered, "Come on big boy we are getting late."

We all were in the training ground which was a large field surrounded by dense forest. I watched emmet being slung through the air like a ragdoll as he lands hard on his back but immediately springs up to face Jasper who was his opponent Emmett in frustration yelled"Again."Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Sarah, and Rosalie watch them spar.

It was not long as Volvo arrived and halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Edward and Bella climb out, head into the field together. Halfway across, Edward stops says"They're here." from out of the woods eight giant wolves, as they turned to their human forms the nanotech suit covers the boys with a sleeveless hoodie and Leah was wearing a navy blue solid knitted tank top, has a scoop neck, sleeveless. The only person who didn't turn back to human form was Jacob as Sam said to everyone "He is having a tantrum just ignore him."

Carlisle gave a nod he had heard about Jacob's behaviors from Matt as he moved slowly towards in front of the pack and said" Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Sam was curious questioned," They want to know how the 'newborns' are different from you." Carlisle answered " They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful... ... than in our first several months of this life. Matt was newborn when he was turned so you may have noticed he was stronger and faster during his first months after he was changed."

Everyone in the pack gave a nod as Jasper to take over. Jasper is initially uncomfortable with the attention. But steps forward and said" Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose."Suddenly everyone noticed background music was playing as they noticed it was Matt who grinned said"Couldn't resist it. The speech was epic."

Rosalie elbowed me on the ribs while others chuckled even though the situation was serious. Sam seriously taking in everything Jasper said as he wanted to make sure the pack does not underestimate these newborns as discreetly looked at Jacob the problem child.

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