I Reincarnated In Twilight

Chapter 36 - Powers MC has


Copied and upgraded from Edward as Matt is now able to completely control anyone on earth.



Precognition and Retrocognition


Electricity Manipulation

Ability copied and upgraded from Kate as he is now able to generate electricity and even transform in to electric form.

Elemental Manipulation

The ability of Benjamen helps him to control earth,air, water, and fire.But after getting upgraded by copied and upgraded by Matt the ability helps him to even control subelements as well as weather.

Tracking sense

Ability copied from James could predict the most probable movements of his prey's next step and then follow his hunches to find them. After upgrading this ability Matt is able to completely predict any person's movement in the world.

Enhanced self-preservation

The ability from Victoria had the instinctive need to keep herself alive. It allowed her to realize when to evade danger as well as if the place she ran to was safe or not basically spider sense

Advanced Pain Inducement from Jane who can make people feel the pain or if they are on fire is still an illusion, I upgraded it became physical pain and now make Aro burn to death.

Battle maniac

The ability coped and upgraded from Felix as it makes the user stronger than normal cold one,also it makes the user able to predict 40 moves ahead of his opponent.

Relationship identification

The ability from Marcus can sense relationships between people.After copying and upgrading Matt is able to also sense the ties' of their different relationship, even strengths, and weaknesses, and can also tell who would betray one another.

Happiness induction

Didyme had an aura that allowed her to project an atmosphere of happiness affecting all around her. Didyme's aura of happiness that affected anyone nearby caused Marcus to become happy, and therefore he fell in love with him.This ability when coped and upgraded by Matt makes him able to make people completly

Mental invisibility

Afton's power is to become mentally invisible to his pursuers. He can also use it to hide someone standing directly behind him. This power is very limited as it can be seen past by someone with a strong ability of focus.Matt is able to upgrade the ability and make himself completely invisible.

Relationship manipulation

Addictive contentment

Ability copied from, Corin possesses makes others feel content and happy, though it has a side effect that renders her victims feel ill when she doesn't use it. Corin uses her gift to make the wives feel happy while being trapped in their castle. Matt after copying and upgrading it is able to make a person feel happy and at home with a person without any withdrawal

Tracking sense

Ability copied from Demetri can find anyone anywhere in the world once he's been in their presence and "tasted" their mind. He is a million times more gifted in tracking than James and

Aversion field

Ability copied from Renata causes anyone who approaches her in a way of aggression to become distracted and lose thought of what they're doing, causing them to wander off away from her. Like Bella, she can shield others.. This ability after being upgraded by Matt has the ability to make others completely ignore a person or their home.

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