Ha, it's a beautiful day.

I am neat in the sunlight falling from Jomtien.

Three days have passed since then but I won't visit one person. But I'm not in a rush for dust either. Because I'm just happy in the sun.

Until now I may have had a mild fear of twitching and the point being shredded. But now I keep getting more points.

The reason for this is this over my head. They added solar panels like sloping roofs as a new feature. Now I accumulate points by doing nothing on a sunny day.

Look, you were right to pick a rank up! Why are you making excuses when there's nobody there?

It seems that this solar panel is inherently part of power saving and disaster preparedness. Mine seems to be pretty high performance, and if the weather is nice, I'll accumulate 10 points in an hour. If you earn points during the day, you can live at your leisure.

In order to reassert my abilities over the past three days, I spent the first two hours examining the bindings of the model change. What I found out is, I can maintain it for hours if I'm what I was when I was reborn. As I understand it, in addition to the fact that the appearance remains almost intact, there is no time limit if you just change the function inside.

In other words, just half the cup noodles feature doesn't seem to catch on to the time limit.

If nothing happens, the time just passes peacefully. Ugh, um, when one thing of concern is resolved, you're gonna get greedy this time.

Honestly, I'm free. Maybe it's because I'm too used to the vending machine's body, but if I don't sell the product to someone, I'm not comfortable.

The maze hierarchy doesn't really seem to be popular. I wanted to hear a little more from Hulumi, but now it is. There's no way to hear it from me.

Ramis had lost his mind, but is it okay? I have a regular grandmother, so she'll heal the wound, but she won't have any sequelae or anything left.

Ha, I've had a lot of noisy days lately, so I miss my days a little when I don't see anyone all day. The front and rear have huge walls and the sky is visible, but that's all.

Neither, so looking around as usual, I caught a slightly moving object far across the aisle.

From the security camera footage we recorded from the air, it was definitely the entrance to the maze on the left from me. That means you might expect it. Best you can come and help me from the top tier, but I don't mind the other hunters.

I hope they're not the bad guys.

Something gradually grew bigger and I managed to see what it looked like.

Is that a two-legged - small black bear... no, cat, sawdust? He has a difficult face to discern.

The number is four. You're wearing a bright leather jacket with matching greens. Do you have shoes when you say you don't wear pants? I haven't stopped in front of the jacket, so I can see the chest, but there is a white three-day moon pattern. Is that a small twinkle wagma?

It could be the same race as Chairman Bear. It's pretty small though.

My face and my body hair are black, but my nose is black and my ears are standing big and my insides are pink. You have a mustache, but you look like a cat. Isn't that a bear? Well, you look pretty adorable anyway. As for me liking cats next to vending machines, I nod.

Hey, what's that cute organization? While I'm selling and buying something, I'd like to observe it more closely, but they don't seem to be the other way around. He's running so hard with a backpack on his back.

Behind it comes three demons with pig faces on top of their lazy bodies, chasing them with the sticks in their hands shaken up. It's like a panda running in front... was about a panda, okay?

The chasers are more than three times those bodies and their legs are never faster, but the pandas are never far apart because one of them is injured in the leg and two are running while lending their shoulders.

The demon with the pig's face was definitely called the abundant pig demon. I've heard people in the fresh stream lake hierarchy whisper fat people.

There's still some distance, but you've got to get out of here before I do. Then I'll see what I can do.


"Get away from me!"

"Leave me."

"There's no way I can leave you!

I crouched against my appearance. I'm scared of my face when I squealed and opened my mouth wide! My mouth is wide ripped and my sharp fangs are peeking.

Is it the individual whose ears are drooling like a cat's Scottish fold who is injured? You sound like a female from your voice. Supporting that is the cat bear a little taller than the others in black and brown.

It's skinny running with intimidation. Running at the rear end is plump.

You look the same and quite different. Well, leave it there, and at that rate, you're going to get through me somehow. Is it about ten meters from the Pork Toyota Devil behind you?

The question is how do I help the pandas? Is it time to get tired of your spare time and show off your accomplishments thinking about how to attack even vending machines?

Turn into a type of vending machine with no lid in the outlet and drop some bottle juice into the outlet. Change the color of the vending machine to the same color as the surrounding walls and assimilate it to the walls.

Pah, look. It'll look like part of the wall. I don't think we can afford to take a closer look in this situation.

The pandas ran through, a little late, where the Toyota Pork Devil plugged before me - a bottle of juice splash!

Push the bottle juice out of the junction with the "junction". Only three bottles of juice with quite a velocity hit two pig humans. The damage doesn't seem to have gone through at all, but the missing bottle juice was also scattered around, so the target stopped his leg and is paying attention to me.

Then solve the pseudo and call out, "If it's around, then it's over."

"Oh, my God, no."

"The labyrinth wow."

These guys are gonna grab one at the end of the story, that's easy to understand. Is this demon intelligent enough to have a conversation? So are Chairman Bear and the Pandas, and mammalian bipedal organisms may be highly intelligent.

"There's a trap here. Maybe not?

The Pandas earn a lot of distance while the Toyota Demons pay attention to me. This is where we activate the trap. A pig was definitely an omnivore. I've heard you eat anything.

Recently, he turns into a just active vegetable sales vending machine, releasing the glass lid that displays the vegetables and popping all the vegetables out in the "junction".

"Buhi-no, the rice's coming. Heh!

"Rice. Rice. No."

You're picking it up without a doubt and eating it burly raw. He seemed pretty hungry.

Turn your back on me. I'm swallowing and devouring. I seem to have lost interest in the pandas, and when I pick up vegetables that are selfless and scattered, I throw them in my mouth.

In the meantime, changes were made to the smaller, shorter vending machines placed in the children's theme park, and the color scheme was kept back the same as the walls.

After a while of observation, he was satisfied eating everything up, and the abundant pig demons stood up slowly as he slapped his belly.

"Full-blown, no."

"Hey, I got a box with vegetables."

I'm looking around at the neighborhood, but I don't even care if you see me in the same color as the wall in front of you.

He was tilting his neck, but his belly seemed swollen and his attention scattered, and he kept going back down the road.

I managed to let the pandas get away with it, but they left too. Damn, I wanted to love you more. I'm happy with what I was able to save, so let's just be good.

But those pandas were adorable. It was good that it was about the size of a child. But what were those pandas doing here? For a demon living in a labyrinth, I didn't feel like killing, or fear.

He seemed hostile to that rich pig demon, too. You look like a friendly species living with humans like Chairman Bear. I could have been a good customer because I understood the words. I'm so sorry.

However, when I say that this is a different world, both beastmen and demons look like they are somehow based on Earth's creatures, but what is that panda? Somewhere, I feel like I've seen it somewhere when I was younger... name what it was.

It was like a very maniacal name. I think I was attracted to that name in middle school or so......

"I'm really going back..."

"If we go back, the demons will be stronger..."

"The trap may still be going..."

Whoa, I can hear the pandas earlier.

Haven't you noticed, but you've been getting closer this way, because you've been paying attention to the direction the abundant pig demon has disappeared in?

When I shifted my gaze, four pandas were walking in, wary of their surroundings.

Well, what shall we do? If you keep waving the wall like this, you might not notice, so let's start by putting the color scheme back into a regular vending machine. Can the size remain for children? The height of the pandas would make this easier to use.

Oh, my hands and feet are shorter and soothing.

"What is that?

"I don't know"

"I guess that's the trap the Toyota Pork Demon was hooked on earlier"

The injured drooping ear is staring at me with distance. Fuzzy pandas seem to be holding back too. The other two feel like they're interested, and when they sneak up on me, they're stretching out their forelegs, or their hands, and poking at my body.

I guess the only thing that doesn't hurt at all is that they're just watching how it goes, too. After all, are you just curious about your cat-like appearance? He surrounds me and makes my nose crack and sniff.

Oh, I'm so happy right now. As it is, I want to enjoy the blissful time surrounded by pandas, but that's not why. I'm very sorry, though.



Simultaneously the pandas jumped backwards and took the distance. So he said he was scared of the squeal and his face. You did something wrong, you surprised me.


Black-brown seems to be carefree, with a big mouth open and intimidating.

The other two are retreating. If I stay like this, they'll get away with it. I'm gonna make a form change here, then warm up the fries and drop them in the removal port. Was it because of the increased speed, it was quickly warmed up.

"I glowed and stretched!

"Hey, guys, watch out"

"Shouldn't we run away? Hey, shouldn't we run?

The three in the rear are even more in a hurry.

Is skinny a leader or is he alerting his peers? Pussy is cowardly down to the rearmost.

Damn, aren't frightened barebacks cute too?

"What, this smelling meat?"

I noticed the smell of black and brown and my nose is tingling.

I have the image of a fish when it comes to cats, but I actually prefer bird meat to fish. I have a priori robbed many times of raw bird meat and fried cats I had at home. Well, even if that was a bear, meat would be my favorite.

He seems wary that it might be a trap, but he seems to be sealed in motion by curiosity and appetite.


"Vuaaaaaa...... a? Is this a box that sells things?"

Oh, did you notice my drooling ears?

"Scoe, don't be fooled. It could be the type of trap you fish with."

Skinny is a prudent man. I can't believe you're smelling it, and you're fluttering, and you're approaching me.

"Pell, don't come near me. Short takes a certain distance, too."

"Okay, Micheane"

Oh, we found out all the names of the pandas that appeared. Skinny leader stature is mikene, and the female with drooling ears is scoe. Is it Pell who is pouting and Short who seems to have a strong black-brown mind?

We need to induce the pandas to buy the product somehow.

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