The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Hey! Zhu Tao! Look, that boy is coming!"

Seeing Zhou Heng coming, Zhu Tao's friend patted her on the back and whispered.

Zhu Tao didn't seem so excited, but she was looking forward to it.

She didn't know why, but she felt that she could get some useful information from this boy.

Zhou Heng came in front of them, glanced at them, and asked softly: "Excuse me, who is Zhu Tao?"

"Hey! Looking for you! Uh... Eh? That's not right? How does he know your name is Zhu Tao?"

Zhu Tao's friend first excitedly passed the message, and then realized that something was wrong...

Since he didn't know Zhu Tao, how did he know her name?

Zhu Tao stepped forward and nodded:

"I am."

Zhou Heng looked her up and down, then slowly asked:

"Oh, excuse me, I want to ask you a question, do you still remember Liao Haomiao?"


Zhu Tao suddenly widened her eyes, grabbed the fence with both hands, opened her mouth slightly, but didn't say anything, her whole face was filled with surprise.


Zhou Heng looked back, then waved his hand and said to Zhu Tao:

"Sorry, my game is about to start. If you have nothing to do, wait here for a while. I'll continue this topic after I finish."

Although Zhu Tao was anxious at this time, she also remained calm.

Since the boy mentioned Liao Haomiao's name, she would definitely not leave. She would wait as long as she wanted.


Zhu Tao nodded and agreed, watching Zhou Heng leave.

Zhou Heng walked towards the competition venue, thinking that he was still meddling in other people's business.

However, based on Zhu Tao's reaction just now, he should have done nothing wrong.

When he saw Liao Haomiao's look, he must want to contact Zhu Tao again, but he didn't dare.

Then why don't I come to help him, just as a favor to Liao Haomiao.

When Zhou Heng arrived at the stadium, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling him:

"Zhou Heng!"

When he looked up in that direction, he found that it was Yin Mengran who was standing there.

She waved her hand, stood on tiptoe, raised her white skirt, smiled brightly, and shouted to Zhou Heng:

"Come on! Be careful not to get hurt!"

Zhou Heng raised a smile and raised his hand to respond to her. Such simple words were the best encouragement for him.

All the participants came to the starting line and waited for the game to start.

The classmates in the class also stood up to watch Zhou Heng's game, shouting "Come on!".

Except for Tang Zhi, she was still sitting in her original position, playing with her mobile phone, and seemed to be not interested in the result of the game at all.

"Tang Zhi, Zhou Heng is going to compete, aren't you going to watch?"

At this time, Tang Zhi's father asked back while holding the railing.

He recorded a video of Tang Zhi's performance and planned to leave after watching Zhou Heng's first game.

Faced with her father's question, Tang Zhi shook her head and said:

"There's nothing to watch. Do you think Zhou Heng will lose?"

"He won't lose... But we have to cheer for Zhou Heng anyway. After all, we are a family group."

In the end, Tang Zhi couldn't win over her father, so she had to stand up and watch Zhou Heng's game together.

Originally, the audience at the scene was quite lively and noisy, and most people were not watching any games.

For them, the sports meeting was just a good day to relax. They didn't care who won or lost the game.

But when Zhou Heng stood at the starting line and lifted his trouser legs, many people fell silent and showed surprised expressions.

I thought Zhou Heng's upper limbs were exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect that his leg muscles were also exaggerated...

Other contestants who saw this scene were immediately disappointed...

Zhou Heng didn't seem to be slacking off at all. He warmed up seriously and was ready to start.



As the starting gun sounded, all the contestants rushed out.

Zhou Heng started a little slowly, but the speed he burst out afterwards made the whole audience boil.

The muscle strength of his legs was fully released. Even with a strong body, it still couldn't stop his speed!

His hair fell back, his clothes were close to his chest, and his muscles were even drawn.

Veins popped.


Finally, Zhou Heng easily surpassed everyone and crossed the finish line in first place!


Seeing this scene, Yin Mengran jumped up happily and couldn't help cheering.

Although she knew from the beginning that Zhou Heng would definitely win, she was particularly happy as a girlfriend to see Zhou Heng crush the whole field with her own eyes!

Others crossed the finish line with helpless faces. They had tried their best, but the difference in strength was still too obvious.

Zhou Heng, with his strong body and such great resistance, was able to quickly overtake them in a short time. This was really a bit too exaggerated.

They all gasped, their chests rose and fell, and they almost couldn't breathe.

And Zhou Heng seemed to have never participated in the competition. His face was not red and his heart was not beating. Except for a little sweat on his forehead, it was really hard to tell what he had just done.

This convinced the other contestants. They lost very willingly. After all, if they were given another chance, the result would definitely be the same.

Tang Zhi spread her hands and said to her father: "See, I said there's nothing to see, not even a little suspense."

"Uh...Xiao Heng is getting better and better..." Tang Zhi's father twitched his mouth and muttered softly.

After watching this game, Tang Zhi's father left. He had things to deal with and couldn't accompany Tang Zhi for the whole day at the school's sports meeting.

Zhou Heng walked out of the field. He had two events in total, and this event had already confirmed his first place.

The other one was easier for him.

"Zhou Heng!"

At this time, Yin Mengran shouted his name while trotting towards him.

Seeing Yin Mengran, Zhou Heng smiled.

"Congratulations on winning! You are so awesome!"

Yin Mengran handed Zhou Heng a bottle of ice water and praised him sincerely.

Zhou Heng couldn't help but raise his mouth. For him, it didn't matter whether he won the first place or the prize.

The most important thing was Yin Mengran's praise, which was what he wanted most.

Zhou Heng controlled the urge to hug Yin Mengran directly. After all, this was in school, and he promised the class teacher to be low-key.

At this time, Zhou Heng suddenly thought of something and asked awkwardly:

"Um... I'm going to meet a girl now, do you want to come with me?"

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