Zhou Heng left here directly. He was only responsible for bringing Liao Haomiao here, and he would not participate in other matters.

That was decided by Liao Haomiao himself.

Xi Manni also knew how to read the situation. She also left here and prepared to go for a walk.

Afterwards, only Zhu Tao and Liao Haomiao were left there. The atmosphere was a little awkward. Both of them were silent.

Time passed by minute by minute. Liao Haomiao mustered up the courage and spoke first, whispering:

"Long time...no see."

Just this sentence made Zhu Tao's heart tremble. For some reason, her heart seemed to be pinched hard.

She couldn't help wanting to burst out tears.

She raised her head and responded softly: "Yes."

"You...you...you seem to have changed a lot."

Liao Haomiao hesitated and squeezed out this sentence. He looked up at Zhu Tao and saw that she was indeed different from what he remembered.

Speaking of simple One thing is that she became prettier...

When they were together, she was only about 15 years old, and they broke up when she was 16.

Even if she was pretty at that time, she was not much better. But after two years, Zhu Tao should have changed a lot...

"You are the same, you even wear glasses..."

Zhu Tao pursed her lips and looked at Liao Haomiao's face. The Liao Haomiao she imagined was not like this.

So the moment she saw Liao Haomiao, her first reaction was that she couldn't believe it, and she almost didn't recognize him.

Before, Liao Haomiao had a very free and easy temperament, but now, he has become gentle and refined.

Hairstyle is no longer so complicated. Now it is very simple, just a simple short hair, which looks very clean and refreshing.

"Well... I became nearsighted while studying, haha..."

Liao Haomiao scratched his head, said self-deprecatingly, and laughed a few times.

Thinking back to the days when he studied hard, it seemed like it was just a while ago.

Because of his academic performance, he was forced to separate from his favorite girl, which made him study in revenge.

It was an addiction, an addiction to studying. He gritted his teeth every day, shouting in his heart that he must improve his grades and show them!

At that time, he was completely red-eyed, and he wanted to work hard, and there was no day to relax.

But in the later period, he slowly let go of this revenge mentality, became calm, and turned himself into a completely different person. He also became nearsighted and his emotions were stable...

Even though Liao Haomiao said this in a particularly relaxed tone, Zhu Tao felt only sad and distressed in her heart...

It was as if Liao Haomiao's hard-working appearance appeared in front of her.

In junior high school, he was the last in the class, but he could jump to the top of the grade in high school!

She couldn't imagine how much Liao Haomiao had suffered, and how many days and nights he had gone through when he was so sleepy that he fell asleep on his books...

Perhaps the reason for this situation was that she broke up with him because of his grades, which gave him a huge shock...

Zhu Tao lowered her head, feeling guilty, and whispered:

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."


This confused Liao Haomiao, who was stunned for a moment and stammered:

"Why apologize? You didn't do anything wrong...Oh, if you're talking about our breakup...there's no need to apologize. It's not about breaking up and getting back together in a relationship. It's normal..."

"Well, you have completely let it go now..."

". . . "

Zhu Tao's words made Liao Haomiao fall into silence again.

He had even prepared a lot of topics before coming here. They could talk about interesting things that happened in junior high school.

They could talk about which university they would go to in the future and how they were doing now. He could also hold his head high and talk to others about his grades.

But he had never thought about talking about their relationship...

Now his brain seemed to have crashed, and he didn't know how to answer.

What should he say? Should he say that he hadn't let it go?

Then he did like someone else and confessed to her. Can this still be called not letting it go?

That is... letting it go?

Liao Haomiao didn't want to lie, and didn't want to shamelessly say that he hadn't let it go, which would only mean that he was a scumbag.

He turned his head away, not daring to look at Zhu Tao's face, and responded in a low voice:

"Well... After all, it's been so long, and there has been no contact for so long..."

After falling into the addiction of studying, the feelings that he couldn't let go of had been suppressed in his heart and became indifferent. He felt that it was not as interesting as studying...

At least the knowledge learned from studying is 100% yours, and others can't take it away.

But feelings are not necessarily 100% yours...

He admitted that when he met Zhu Tao again today, the long-forgotten feelings in his heart couldn't help but tremble.

But that was all. He didn't dare to have any more delusions. Their regretful relationship had long died.

Although Zhu Tao was mentally prepared, she couldn't help but feel her nose sour and her eyes tight when she heard Liao Haomiao admit it. She had the urge to cry.

"That's good... I just want to see you doing well now..."

Zhu Tao cried a little and was a little hoarse, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

She came here to explain to Liao Haomiao that she was forced to break up and didn't want Liao Haomiao to misunderstand her.

But now it seems that it doesn't matter whether it's a misunderstanding or not. People have let it go for a long time. If she brings it up again, it will only make things difficult for them. Besides, they definitely don't care anymore. Explanations are useless...

"Then... are you doing well?"

Liao Haomiao asked carefully.

Zhu Tao shook her head first, then nodded gently, as if she was not sure.

Liao Haomiao was also a little puzzled, but he didn't ask more questions...

The atmosphere was awkward again. They didn't seem to know what to say.

Zhu Tao didn't want to waste Liao Haomiao's time any longer. He was still injured, and the sports meet was still going on. As the class monitor, he couldn't leave for so long...

Zhu Tao took a step back and said softly, "Well... I'm leaving first, you... take care..."


Liao Haomiao watched Zhu Tao turn around reluctantly and leave in front of him. For some reason, he felt very uncomfortable.

It was like someone was pinching his neck, making him unable to breathe, that kind of suffocating feeling...

He always had a feeling... If Zhu Tao left like this now...

It seemed...

It would be a lifetime,

Maybe I'll never see her again...

Liao Haomiao swallowed, quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and said loudly:

"Well... stay! Stay... leave a contact number!"

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