The boat was in a state of panic, and the boat was in a state of panic.


The inflatable boat landed on the water and was pulled aside by the staff. The two got off the boat.

Zhu Tao turned her head and looked at Liao Haomiao. When she just got off, she seemed to have accidentally bumped into Liao Haomiao, right?

But she didn't know where she bumped into...


She saw that Liao Haomiao was holding his legs together, with his legs bent inward, half bent, and his upper body leaning forward...

His face looked a little bad, it was iron blue, as if he was poisoned, his lips were pale, bloodless,

his body was also shaking slightly, and his hands were twisted.

"You...what happened to you! Did I hit you?!"

Zhu Tao hurried over, supported Liao Haomiao, and limped with him.

He had a worried look on his face, but he didn't know where Liao Haomiao was in pain...

Liao Haomiao shook his head repeatedly, gasping for breath, and said:

"'s okay, it's's just a pain, it can't do anything...I..."

"Ah? But...I see you're really in pain...How about we go to the hospital?"

"It's okay, it's okay, but...let's go to the swimming pool and don't play with these facilities for the time being."

Liao Haomiao exhaled, and seemed to have eased a lot.

Just now he really felt a piercing pain, as if he had given birth to a child.

They didn't go to the big pool with artificial waves, because there were still many people there. They were worried that it would be dangerous, and the hygiene could not be guaranteed with too many people.

So they went to the ordinary swimming pool. It was called an ordinary swimming pool, but it was big enough, not much smaller than a football field.

There were not so many people here, and there were more children, so it was safer.

When Liao Haomiao and Zhu Tao came here, they found Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran were also here.

Both of them were wearing swimming rings and had a lot of fun in the water.

But Zhou Heng felt a little out of breath...

The swimming ring seemed to be restraining his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.

But seeing that Yin Mengran was very happy, he didn't say anything.


Liao Haomiao shouted from a distance,

Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran heard the voice, looked towards the pool, and saw Liao Haomiao and Zhu Tao,

"Come on, come down and play!"

Yin Mengran waved at Zhu Tao, motioning her to come and play,

"Come on!" Zhu Tao responded, and then went into the water with Liao Haomiao,

Although she could swim, she was not very skilled, and Liao Haomiao was always by her side to protect her,

Liao Haomiao came to Zhou Heng, and saw the swimming ring on him, and couldn't help laughing:

"Hmph, you know what, brother, it suits you very well, I think you have a good time."

"What? Swim a lap with me?"

Zhou Heng raised his chin and looked down at him,

After all Being ridiculed like this, I must fight back. If I have the ability, I can race with him. Then we will see who is more suitable.

Liao Haomiao was not that stupid. He waved his hand and said, "Stop it. I can't swim faster than you even if I die of exhaustion."


Zhou Heng snorted. Since Liao Haomiao had given up, he didn't intend to continue to embarrass him.

Turning to look at Yin Mengran, seeing her holding the swimming ring, he whispered:

"I will teach you how to swim? It's very easy."

"Well... I'm a little scared..."

Yin Mengran is still a little afraid of water. This is because she choked on water when she was playing in the water when she was a child.

Since then, she has been a little resistant to swimming. She is afraid of choking again. That feeling is not pleasant and it is also easy to be dangerous.

Zhou Heng comforted her and said, "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Well... okay then..."

Yin Mengran said as she leaned forward, pressing the swimming ring up and flipping forward.

Her body also lost balance and fell forward.


She screamed, but luckily Zhou Heng was in front of her. He quickly blocked Yin Mengran with his body and let her fall into his arms.

Otherwise, she would have easily flipped over. With the swimming ring hanging on her body, it would have been difficult to flip over.

"Oh, be careful... Are you okay? Otherwise... I'd better not learn it?"

Zhou Heng hugged Yin Mengran's body and stabilized her. At this time, she still felt like she had survived a disaster and was breathing rapidly.

She only recovered after hearing Zhou Heng's soft whisper in her ear.

"No... I

...I want to learn. "

Yin Mengran knew that she had to overcome this. How could she be afraid of water?

Among the four people, she was the only one who couldn't swim. The people around her...Tang Zhi, needless to say, was almost omnipotent.

When she was the only one who couldn't swim, she didn't want to see others playing while she could only play with a swimming ring...

So the more afraid she was, the more she had to learn, in order to catch up with Zhou Heng, Tang Zhi and others.

"Well...then take off the swimming ring first. ”


Although she had made up her mind, she was still a little worried when she heard that she had to take off the swimming ring…

However, because she trusted Zhou Heng very much, she still took off the swimming ring.

Zhou Heng could also take off the swimming ring with a clear reason. He felt that he could hardly breathe with the swimming ring on, and there was a mark on his chest.

The moment Yin Mengran took off the swimming ring, she immediately hugged Zhou Heng's body, as if she was hanging on him.

“I… I’m scared…”

Out of instinct, her legs also directly wrapped around Zhou Heng’s waist, and her body was directly pressed against Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng felt Yin Mengran's soft body pressed against him, even wrapped around his waist, and immediately made him feel his blood boiling...

"Don't...don't be afraid...first...hold my hand..."

Zhou Heng whispered in Yin Mengran's ear,

Zhou Heng's voice gave Yin Mengran great encouragement,

So she slowly let go of her hand and grabbed Zhou Heng's hand instead,

Zhou Heng held her very hard, and with the buoyancy of the water, Yin Mengran floated up easily,

Slowly, Yin Mengran felt less scared, mainly because Zhou Heng gave her a sense of security, which made her less worried.

"Okay...don't panic, take your time."

Zhou Heng pulled Yin Mengran's hand and slowly backed away, allowing her to swim slowly,

" fun! "

Yin Mengran also felt the fun, just like a child riding a bicycle with training wheels.

And Zhou Heng knew that now was the time to let Yin Mengran get used to this feeling and know what it felt like to swim, so that she would be able to do it naturally.

Zhu Tao, who was standing by, saw this scene with envy in her eyes.

If she had known earlier, she would have said that she couldn't swim, and then she could have asked Liao Haomiao to teach her...

At this time, Liao Haomiao suddenly patted her shoulder gently.

When she looked back, she saw Liao Haomiao looking as if he wanted to say something but stopped, pointing to the edge of the pool and said:

"Uh, do you want to take a rest? I... have something to tell you..."

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