The sky was dark, almost like a desperate color, without moonlight or starlight, as if dark clouds covered the sky.

The bedroom was dark, Zhu Tao lay on the bed, tears slid down her cheeks, and flowed on the sheets, soaking a piece...

She looked through the chat records with Liao Haomiao, and the memories emerged in her mind.

The following are the messages Liao Haomiao sent her, and she didn't reply...

Because she knew that it was no longer necessary to reply...

There is no turning point now , at this point, it was almost a dead end, and she could only endure it silently.

She chose not to reply because she wanted to be more decisive, so that Liao Haomiao would not be so entangled and would not be scolded by his mother...

Zhu Tao turned off her phone and buried her head in the pillow. After a while, she cried sadly...

She finally got back together with Liao Haomiao, thinking that this time, nothing could stop them, and they would definitely go to the end this time.

But the happy time only lasted so short, only a short month. ..

So soon they encountered an insurmountable difficulty, forcing them to separate...

Zhu Tao cried louder and louder, making muffled sounds in the pillow until she couldn't breathe...


At this time, the door outside was opened, and Zhu Tao heard the sound, but didn't care.

After all, only she and her mother could return to this home.

She didn't know where her mother went and why she came back at this time...

She didn't want to pay attention, she just wanted to cry for a while now...


At this time, the bedroom door opened, and the light from outside shone in.

Zhu Tao heard footsteps, slowly approached, and stood by the bed...

"Mom... I want to be alone for a while..."

Zhu Tao cried hoarsely, sounding as painful as a broken heart.

Her hand tightly grasped a corner of the pillow, lying motionless on the bed, continuing to immerse herself in the world of sadness...

"Zhu Tao..."

At this time, a voice that made her soul tremble sounded from behind her!

Zhu Tao's eyes widened, her heart trembling uncontrollably,

This voice, she was too familiar with it! It was the voice she wanted to hear the most at this moment!


Why did it appear in her house? In her bedroom? !

If it wasn't because she was too sad and had auditory hallucinations,

then it was...

Zhu Tao stood up suddenly, turned around, and looked at the person behind her!

The light from the living room outside shone on him, dimly, against the light, Zhu Tao couldn't see his face clearly,

But as long as he stood there, Zhu Tao knew who he was!

" are you..."

Zhu Tao's lips kept trembling, her pupils kept shaking slightly, and her eyes were wide open, full of disbelief!

Liao Haomiao was a little out of breath, as if he had just run over, and slowly stabilized his breathing.

He looked at Zhu Tao in front of him, with her swollen eyes and red cheeks with tears.

Seeing this scene, Liao Haomiao felt very uncomfortable, as if someone was strangling his heart...

"I'm here... Don't be afraid..."

After a while, Liao Haomiao slowly said this sentence,

The voice was very steady, not at all like the breathless look just now,

But this sentence seemed to touch Zhu Tao's last line of defense. At this moment, all the emotions were completely released!

Zhu Tao rushed over, hugged Liao Haomiao's waist, and buried her head in Liao Haomiao's chest.

Holding Liao Haomiao's clothes tightly with both hands, wrinkling them, her fingertips were so tight that they turned white...


A cry full of grievance reached Liao Haomiao's ears. After a brief moment of daze,

he stretched out his hands and gently hugged Zhu Tao. His gentle voice echoed in Zhu Tao's ears:

"Okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

After a long while, Zhu Tao's crying gradually subsided and her emotions gradually stabilized.

Liao Haomiao squatted down, squatting beside the bed, looking at Zhu Tao's face from a close distance.

Zhu Tao sobbed and asked:

" you come..."

Liao Haomiao had a faint smile on his lips, wiped away Zhu Tao's tears with his hands, and whispered:

"Because you need me, I came


Zhu Tao raised her head and looked outside the bedroom.

She saw that there were two people outside the bedroom!

One of them was her mother, and the other one, she didn't know...

But she had a hunch... Could it be... Liao Haomiao's mother?

Zhu Tao's mother saw that she felt much better, so she came forward, with a distressed look on her face, and said:

"Xiao Tao... Are you feeling better... Don't cry, Mom... Mom knows why you are like this, Mom knows everything..."


Zhu Tao was stunned for a moment, her heart was beating fast, she looked at her mother, then at Liao Haomiao, and finally fixed her sight on the person behind her who she didn't know,

Zhu Tao's mother continued:

"It's all Mom's fault, it's Mom's fault, but don't worry, I've already apologized, I have been forgiven. You and Xiao Miao should stay together in the future. It's okay..."


Zhu Tao widened her eyes, her face full of horror and disbelief.

She still desperately thought that she and Liao Haomiao were completely finished.

Because she couldn't solve this matter, she couldn't say anything about apology to her mother...

But now what did her mother say...I apologized and was forgiven?

Liao Haomiao's mother, who was standing behind, smiled slightly, walked up and said:

"Don't blame auntie, just like I don't want Liao Haomiao to be wronged, your mother doesn't want you to continue to be sad, so she apologized to us and called us here. Poor parents in the world..."

" are...Liao Haomiao's mother? "

Zhu Tao blinked, and now she was sure that the person in front of her should be Liao Haomiao's mother, otherwise she wouldn't say such a thing...

But she really didn't expect that not only Liao Haomiao came, but even his mother came in person...

"Yes, I am."

Zhu Tao stretched out her hand, wiped the tears from her face, and stammered: "Ah... Auntie... I... First meeting, I..."

Liao Haomiao's mother smiled and patted Zhu Tao's shoulder,

"Okay, okay, it's okay, good boy, take it easy, don't worry..."

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