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Tong Yining woke up from her dream and sat up suddenly, feeling cold sweat all over her body.

It was already late at night, and the room was extremely quiet, with only the ticking sound of the clock.

"Hu——Hu——" Tong Yining gasped and tried to adjust her breathing and return her heartbeat to normal.

After she recovered, she quickly picked up the phone beside the bed and opened it to see that there was no message.

"Dream... is Dream..."

She put down her phone, and her mind was still constantly recalling the dream she had just had.

She didn't know if it was because she had been thinking about it before going to bed, but her dream was about Zhou Heng.

In the dream, they They recalled everything about how they met and knew each other, as well as some things that didn't exist.

They were even together in their dreams, chatting a lot on the phone every day, and their relationship was getting better and better.

But the good times didn't last long. In the meantime, a person appeared and destroyed their relationship.

This person is Tang Zhi!

That's why she suddenly woke up.

Originally, she had already decided to give up Zhou Heng, but now, after having this dream,

Tong Yining didn't know why, but she missed Zhou Heng very much in her heart,

She wanted to see him right away.. .

"Can't you let him go?"

Tong Yining looked at the chat history on her phone. She hadn't received a reply to the message she had sent.

She had also been rejected for her request to talk to him.

But even if So, after having this dream, she doesn’t want to give up now.

She has even made up her mind to work hard before graduation!

Isn’t it just chasing someone? Didn’t Zhou Heng chase her for two years without giving up? Then what's wrong with me chasing him? I'll be made a laughing stock, so be it. I don't care about it now.

She thought about it calmly. At present, the biggest enemy for her is Zhou Hengtong. Tang Zhi at the table!

The relationship between the two of them was so good that she was puzzled. She felt that their personalities and tempers were very similar.

She felt that they might be together in the next second.

So the first love rival, the most dangerous one, must be Tang Zhi, there is no doubt about it! Danger index five stars!

As for the second one, it should be the other girls in the class. They also seem to be very interested in Zhou Heng, so we have to be on guard! Danger index three stars !

Third, let's put Tian Run...

After all, when she was in school, she said she wanted to confess to Zhou Heng. Although it was probably a joke, what if there was a very small chance that it would become true? Danger index half a star.


These are the three obstacles.

She must ask for help now. So, in her mind, it is definitely not an enemy. Yin Mengran, whose danger index is 0, naturally becomes the first choice. ,

If she needs advice now, she can only turn to Yin Mengran! Even Tian Run can't help!

"Ran Ran! I'm counting on you now!"

Tong Yining prayed to herself and then lay down to sleep. In order to be in the best condition, adequate sleep is necessary.

The next morning, Zhou Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran left the house and prepared to go to school.

Zhou Heng saw that Yin Mengran's condition today was very different from yesterday.

It seemed that a lot of pressure had been released. She looked particularly relaxed, with a faint smile on her face. Smile.

"Today is Saturday... school will be over in the afternoon, and we will have a rest tomorrow. These two days are very important, please help me review."

Yin Mengran turned her head to look at Zhou Heng, nodded heavily, and agreed softly: "Okay. "

In the past, when they went to school in the morning, they kept their distance. Yin Mengran did this on purpose.

It seemed that she was afraid that Tong Yining would see it and become suspicious.

But this morning, Yin Mengran followed Zhou Heng, not in a hurry,

Zhou Heng glanced at her and asked, "Aren't you afraid that others will see us going to school together?"

"No, between classmates, we should go to school together. What's wrong with going to school?"

"Yeah, that's right."

The two walked into the school together. At this time, they saw a familiar figure in front of them.

After seeing that person, Yin Mengran's eyes lit up instantly.

"It's Tang Zhi, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Heng could tell at a glance that the figure walking in front was Tang Zhi.

"Then...I'll go talk to her, okay?"


After getting permission, Yin Mengran chased Tang Zhi with great interest.

She had not forgotten Zhou Heng's promise yesterday that if Tang Zhi could participate in the sports meet, he would participate.

Since Zhou Heng dared to bet, it proved that no matter how hard she tried to persuade him, it would be useless. Tang Zhi would definitely refuse mercilessly.

Maybe it would leave a bad impression on her and make her feel annoying.

So she must use some tricks to get Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi.

Yin Mengran ran to Tang Zhi and greeted her: "Hi!"

Tang Zhi was blowing a bubble gum at this time, blowing it as big as a fist.

As a result, Yin Mengran's voice scared her, and the bubble gum broke with a "bang" and stuck to the corner of her mouth.

"Ah... sorry."

"It's okay."

Tang Zhi responded lightly, then took out the bubble gum wrapper, spit out the candy in her mouth, wrapped it up, and put it in her pocket.

Just as Yin Mengran was about to say something, Tang Zhi suddenly came to Yin Mengran's side, making her nervous and forgetting what to say...


Tang Zhi was only one step away from Yin Mengran. She leaned over and smelled Yin Mengran, then smelled her hair.

After frowning slightly, she smiled knowingly.

Yin Mengran was a little creepy when she saw this smile. She squeezed out a smile, pretended to be calm, and asked:

"Uh... what... what's wrong?"

"How do you feel about living in Zhou Heng's house?"

"Ah... I still feel..."


Yin Mengran's eyes widened, her face full of horror, her mind instantly went blank,

Her face was first It turned pale, and then turned extremely red.

"How...how did you know that I lived at Zhou Heng's house..."


"Guessed? How could you guess so accurately?"

"Yes, the smell on you is the same as Zhou Heng's. It's the same shower gel. As far as I know, it's men's shower gel. I'm his deskmate, closest to him, and can smell it. I thought it was a coincidence, but your hair smells the same as his, and it's the same shampoo? This shouldn't be a coincidence. You must have taken a shower at his house. Did you take a shower the first time you went there? Are you that kind of relationship? I think it's definitely not, at least he definitely isn't, so I conclude that you must be living at his house."

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