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Yin Mengran lay on Zhou Heng's desk, her whole face buried, her two ears exposed, very red, her two feet rubbing on the floor,

Tang Zhi laughed until tears came out, then He stopped smiling, reached out and gently patted Yin Mengran's shoulder, and said:

"Okay, okay, I apologize to you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. It's really... You're so funny, I... I couldn't help it."


Yin Mengran shrugged her shoulders slightly, as if to resist Tang Zhi's apology,

because she felt that she was too naive now, and she was embarrassed by Tang Zhi's teasing. She wanted to find Tang Zhi also felt that she had gone too far, so she comforted him softly: "Don't be angry, actually. I think Zhou Heng must be interested in you, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't let you live in his house, right? If I were to choose who would be the most suitable person to be with Zhou Heng, I would definitely choose you. ”

Yin Mengran slowly He raised his head, revealing one eye, and looked at Tang Zhi next to him.

"Are you teasing me again?"

"No, I'm telling the truth this time, I swear."

Tang Zhi's slightly raised smile made Yin Mengran believe it. Her words,

I feel that she is more reliable than when she is serious,


Yin Mengran sat up, she thought about it,

then realized that she seemed to be tricked, I haven't even been sitting here for five minutes, and I feel like my family has been robbed.

Why did I admit that I am interested in Zhou Heng? And why am I happy that Tang Zhi supports me?

This makes me lose face...

"When did you start to be interested in Zhou Heng?"

Faced with Tang Zhi's question, Yin Mengran was stunned for a moment, and his mind went blank in an instant.

Yes, when did I , have this feeling?

Was it when Zhou Heng said those words to me last night, those promises?

Or when he made lunch for me and treated me like a child?

Or was it earlier, when he When he brought me home, cooked food for me when I was cold and hungry, brought me hot water and medicine, and forced me to stay?

After thinking for a long time, Yin Mengran figured it out.

These are all,

This feeling is definitely not born suddenly without any signs at a certain moment,

The day I met Zhou Heng, I slowly began to have feelings for him, and then one day More than a day,

Until now, I have to admit that this feeling is particularly obvious,

She will be happy because Zhou Heng rejected Tong Yining, will be relieved when she learned about his relationship with Tang Zhi, and even because of classmates The girl felt uneasy about talking to Zhou Heng.

If these didn't prove that she was interested in Zhou Heng, then she would just deny it.

"From... the first day I lived in Zhou Heng's house..." Yin Mengran answered honestly that she was not worried about being embarrassed at all, because everything she had now was given to her by Zhou Heng.

"Oh, so, are you really willing now?"

Yin Mengran was stunned and asked blankly: "What... do you mean..."

Tang Zhi pointed to the empty space in front with a pen and said :

"I know why you came here. When you came here, Tong Yining went out to look for Zhou Heng, right? She has been secretly looking at Zhou Heng these days, and she also looked at me. With her way of thinking, she probably thought I She is her love rival, and then she asked you to come and chat with me so that she could go find Zhou Heng to prevent me from suddenly running out and running into them, which would ruin her business, right? "

"Uh... this..." Yin Mengran She opened her mouth slightly, and for a long time she could not utter a word.

Tang Zhi stretched out her hand, stopped her, and said:

"You don't have to It doesn't matter what you say to me, whether it's true or not, after all, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to help you because I offended you just now. I know you are doing this for your friends, but are you really willing to do this? "

Tang Zhi's words Yin Mengran was completely stumped by the question. Her brain had lost the ability to control itself and her mind was in a mess.

Seeing that Yin Mengran did not reply, Tang Zhi waved her hand and said, "Of course, I don't know how to fall in love. If you are willing, Then just ignore what I said. "

Yin Mengran took a deep breath, bit her lips hard, clenched her fists under the table, her fingertips turned white, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

At this time, Zhou Heng was called by Tong Yining. After that, I didn't want to pay attention to it, but she rushed over and grabbed

He grabbed her sleeve and wanted to take her to the stairs, saying that he wanted to talk.

He didn't dare to shake her off forcefully. After all, if he shook her hard, she might fall.

No matter what, he couldn't do such a heavy hand to a girl.

After all, this was in the corridor. If he threw a girl to the ground in front of so many people, he would not only be a joke, but also a scumbag.

"Zhou Heng...I..."

"Hurry up and say it."

Zhou Heng frowned, and his tone revealed a hint of irritation.

Tong Yining felt a little scared in her heart. She didn't have the impression that Zhou Heng would have such an attitude.

She felt strange and was too scared to say anything.

She pinched the corner of her clothes, thinking of the dream she had last night. Now that things have come to this, it would be a bad ending if she backed out.

"That... I know, I promised you before... many times that I would be with you, but... I broke my promise. Nothing I say now can make up for the harm I have done to you, but I still hope you can give me a chance. We can still be good friends like we were in junior high school, okay?"


Zhou Heng was concise and didn't make any extra explanations. He felt that explaining anything was useless.

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave.

But Tong Yining obviously didn't intend to miss this rare opportunity, so she took a step forward and reached out to grab Zhou Heng's arm.

"Then what should I do? Can you forgive me?"


Zhou Heng's painted sword eyebrows were tightly frowned. He shook his arm, but there was no way to get rid of Tong Yining.

This pestering him made him feel a headache, and he wondered why Tong Yining was a girl?

If this was a boy, he would have to use violence.

Now he can only hope that he can go back to the classroom as soon as possible.

"Ah, you are here!"

At this time, the two suddenly heard a familiar voice. They turned their heads and found that Tang Zhi had come here at some point. Behind her, Yin Mengran followed.

"I have something to talk to you about. Come with me."

Tang Zhi almost ignored Tong Yining, walked over with big strides, grabbed Zhou Heng's wrist, and dragged him away directly.

Tong Yining stood there blankly, watching Tang Zhi drag Zhou Heng away, his eyes wide open, his mouth slightly open.

Yin Mengran walked over and whispered, "Sorry, Tongtong, I didn't stop Tang Zhi, there was no way..."

Zhou Heng was relieved at this time, looked at Tang Zhi who was pulling him, and whispered, "Thank you."

Tang Zhi glanced at the back and said:

"Don't thank me, I just helped someone, I owe her."

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