After a few seconds of silence, Zhou Heng said: "Ah? Tang Zhi, I'm fine, but you really made friends with her?" "Well, no..." Yin Mengran lowered her head slightly, looking worried about being scolded. She was afraid that Zhou Heng would not agree, afraid that she would make mistakes. After all, she was a dependent, so she had to be careful in everything she did and said. Zhou Heng turned around and continued to write, saying, "Of course, I have to thank you." "Thank me?" Yin Mengran was a little puzzled. What was there for her to be thanked for? Zhou Heng nodded and explained:

"Yes, when she was in the first year of high school, her mother told me that she hoped I could help her make some friends and not let her have no one to talk to at school."

"But that really overestimates me. If I knew how to make friends, I would have made friends myself a long time ago, so I have been playing with her for the past two years. You made friends with her, even if she doesn't seem to care much on the surface, she should be very happy."

"No way?" Yin Mengran widened her eyes, a little unbelievable, is the fact really as exaggerated as Zhou Heng said?

She only knew that she was very happy in her heart, but looking at Tang Zhi's appearance, it seems that she doesn't care?

"Well, she told me that she has a good impression of you."


Yin Mengran smiled immediately when she heard it, and her eyes flashed with joy.

She was still worried whether she would be disliked by Tang Zhi, but now she heard Zhou Heng say it himself, she was relieved instantly.

"Yeah, really, so if she offends you in any way, don't take it to heart, she just hasn't been with her friends for a long time."


Yin Mengran agreed happily. She was not angry about what happened today, nor did she feel offended.

She just felt shy because her heart was seen through.

Yin Mengran, who had solved her inner worries, felt much better instantly. When tutoring Zhou Heng, she always had a smile on her face.

When it was around seven o'clock in the evening, the two were a little hungry. Zhou Heng put down his pen and stood up:

"I'll go cook."



Zhou Heng turned his head and looked at Yin Mengran in confusion, not knowing why she called him.

Yin Mengran stood up and said, "Well... I'll do it. Don't you have to study hard?"

"Can you cook?"

"Yes, I can."

Yin Mengran nodded firmly, and then added, "I just don't know if it will suit your taste."

"It's okay, you try it."

Zhou Heng didn't care, because he really wanted to study hard. If it weren't for Yin Mengran here,

In fact, he wanted to just cook some instant noodles to deal with it, since he was alone.

But now that Yin Mengran was here, he couldn't do that.

Knowing that Yin Mengran could cook, he was willing to let her do it, which would save him a lot of time.

"Well, OK."

Yin Mengran came to the kitchen and started cooking. She remembered that she often cooked for her parents when she was at home.

It's a pity that she no longer has this opportunity.

After half an hour, the fire was turned on in the kitchen. Although Zhou Heng wanted to learn more at this time,

but his attention would still drift to the kitchen from time to time, because he had never seen Yin Mengran cook.

Worried that she would make mistakes, make inedible food, or accidentally have an accident, etc., all of which might happen...

But fortunately, the process was relatively smooth. After about an hour, Zhou Heng smelled the fragrance from the kitchen.

Yin Mengran brought the food to the table and shouted Zhou Heng:

"Okay! Let's eat!"

"Yes, I'm here."

Zhou Heng put down his pen, went to the dining table, and saw the food on the table.

First of all, the steamed rice looked fine, with full grains and normal hardness.

The two dishes were also delicious and had no flaws, which made Zhou Heng feel relieved.

"It looks good."

"Try it!"

Yin Mengran said with a smile, motioning Zhou Heng to sit down.

Zhou Heng picked up the chopsticks, tasted it briefly, frowned slightly, then nodded silently, and praised:

"Yes, it's delicious."

"Really? As long as you like it."

Yin Mengran's heart was hanging

She immediately put it down. She was confident in her cooking skills, but she was still very worried that Zhou Heng would not like it. Now that she was qualified, it was more important than anything else. Yin Mengran also sat down and prepared to eat, saying, "If you like it, I will do it in the future, so you can save a lot of time." "..." Zhou Heng did not reply immediately. He looked up at his fitness area. He had not exercised for a long time. It was true that the time was too short for him now. After school every day, he basically had no time. It was impossible to squeeze out an hour or two to exercise. If Yin Mengran came to cook, it would indeed save time for him to exercise or do other things. But in his heart, Yin Mengran was a guest after all, so how could he let the guest cook? After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Heng spoke up and said:

"Let's do it alternately, one day or two days."

Yin Mengran was stunned, as if she was thinking. After a while, she seemed to understand what Zhou Heng meant and nodded:

"Yeah, okay!"

After dinner, the two continued to study. After ten o'clock in the evening, they took a shower one after another.

After Zhou Heng walked out of the bathroom, he sat at the table and picked up a pen.

He originally wanted to study for a few more hours, but after yawning, sleepiness suddenly emerged and swept his brain.

For a moment, his eyelids were heavy, as if he was about to be unable to open them. As if,

He knew that he had not gotten enough sleep for nearly a week. When he thought about resting tomorrow and getting out of school early today, he couldn't help but feel sleepy.


He yawned again, and this time he was even more sleepy, so he got up quickly and walked to the bedroom, ready to go to bed,

Otherwise he would fall asleep on the table in a while,

He walked into the bedroom and lay directly on the bed. On the side where he slept, he didn't even have time to cover himself with a quilt, and closed his eyes and fell asleep,

All his fatigue for the week was released at this time,

At this time, Yin Mengran was still taking a shower in the bathroom, and didn't know that Zhou Heng had gone to sleep in the bedroom.

When she finished taking a shower, put on her pajamas, and walked out of the bathroom, she found that there was no one outside,

Zhou Heng's seat was empty, and the book on the table was still open,


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