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"Ah... It's okay, I'll do it myself..."

"Don't force it, I understand how much pain you're in now."

Zhou Heng carried Yin Mengran's bag and walked out the door without allowing Yin Mengran to refute ,

Yin Mengran wanted to say something, but when she saw Zhou Heng had already walked out, she retracted her outstretched hand.

She pursed her lips slightly, drew an arc, and then walked out holding the wall... On the way to school, Zhou Heng didn't walk very fast, and stayed by Yin Mengran's side.

He was afraid that Yin Mengran would fall down while walking, and then she might not be able to get up...

Yin Mengran was also very careful, and she felt I was very cautious, afraid of being tripped by something or stepping on empty space.

At that time, my legs would not be strong enough and I would definitely fall.

Fortunately, they finally arrived at the school smoothly. Holding the handrail, they walked up the stairs little by little.

In fact, it was okay to walk up the stairs. Yin Mengran was worried about walking down the stairs, because that was when she would feel the most pain.

When the two of them walked in the corridor, Seeing Tang Zhi in front of her, who had just arrived at school,

Yin Mengran quickly called her: "Tang Zhi!"


Tang Zhi stopped, turned around, and saw Zhou Heng and Yin Mengran behind her.

But she looked Yin Mengran was a little strange. Zhou Heng helped her carry her bag. She seemed to be unable to move her legs and was holding on to the wall...

"What's wrong with you?"

Tang Zhi came to Yin Mengran and asked in confusion.

Yin Mengran looked up She glanced at Zhou Heng and whispered, "Well... I did some exercise last night... and it's like this today..."


Tang Zhi was stunned, her eyes widened, and she looked at him in surprise. Yin Mengran and Zhou Heng,

It seemed as if a picture suddenly appeared in her mind, a very intense picture with hormonal explosion.

"You...you two, are you not..."

"It's a serious sport."


Before Tang Zhi could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zhou Heng.

He seemed to know in advance that Tang Zhi wanted to say something...

The image in Tang Zhi's mind also disappeared instantly.

She stretched out her hand, pointed at Zhou Heng, looked at Yin Mengran and asked: "Did you let him train you? You can't stand it. I only trained with him once, and then I was in pain for three days. "

"Uh... No, compared to his intensity, it's far behind..."

Yin Mengran answered a little embarrassedly,

At the same time I was also shocked by what Tang Zhi had just said. Although Tang Zhi said she was in pain for three days,

but she actually trained with Zhou Heng once? With Zhou Heng's exercise intensity? Can he still stick to it?

If I exercise at that intensity, first of all, it is absolutely impossible to stick to it. Secondly, even if I really stick to it, I will probably go to the hospital, and it will not be as simple as a muscle strain the next day...

It seems that , not only is there a huge gap between me and Zhou Heng, but also between me and Tang Zhi...

Tang Zhi shook her head helplessly and said: "If you want to exercise, I can take you, it will definitely be more effective than Zhou Heng taking you. Well, he doesn't know how girls exercise at all."

"Hey, you say you are good, but why do you want to step on me?"

Zhou Heng rolled his eyes at her, then took two quick steps and entered first Classroom.

After he entered the classroom, several pairs of eyes were fixed on him.

Zhou Heng didn't care about those eyes. He put Yin Mengran's bag on her seat and went back to his seat.

The most unfriendly look among those staring at Zhou Heng was from Lu Yunshuo.

When he saw Zhou Heng walking in with Yin Mengran's bag, he widened his eyes and felt nervous.

Then he saw Yin Mengran and Tang Zhi came in one after another, still chatting about something.

Lu Yunshuo patted the shoulder of the person in front of him. The person in front was Liang Jiaxiang. He turned his head and looked at him and asked:


"Hey , did you see Zhou Heng coming in with Yin Mengran's bag! "

"I saw it, what's wrong?"

Lu Yunshuo spread his hands and shouted in a low voice: "What's wrong? ! What's going on? Why?"

"How would I know if you ask me? Maybe they saw it on the way and took it out of kindness..."

"Pa!" Lu Yunshuo patted Liang Jiaxiang's shoulder and asked angrily: "Kindness? Do you have such a kind heart? If you saw a girl from your class on the way, would you help her carry her bag for no reason? "

"Uh... no..."

"That's it? What does this mean? This means that Zhou Heng wants to snatch Yin Mengran from me!"

"Well, then Zhou Heng really has a 'strong' opponent, he has to work harder."

Liang Jiaxiang snorted, his words were full of meaning.

He had reminded Lu Yunshuo many times yesterday that the gift must have put an end to his pursuit of this relationship.

But Lu Yunshuo didn't believe it, and insisted that Yin Mengran was different, saying that she was not the kind of girl who worshipped money, and she would definitely be very happy to receive the gift and would not care what the gift was.

Liang Jiaxiang finally said nothing more. Unless Yin Mengran was really different, the facts would not change.

Lu Yunshuo gritted his teeth, looked at Liang Jiaxiang, and asked, "Military Advisor, what should I do? Zhou Heng's strength should not be underestimated. I'm sure you have seen this. I feel a sense of crisis!"

"Don't call me military advisor. You don't listen to me. You'll blame me when you lose."

Liang Jiaxiang turned his head away and ignored Lu Yunshuo.

He is good in other aspects except that he is stubborn. He always feels that he is right.

It is also because he has good conditions since he was a child and has never experienced any frustration. He feels that whatever he does will go smoothly.

After a while, Tong Yining walked into the classroom.

She immediately looked at Yin Mengran who was sitting there.

She thought about it yesterday and felt that she should apologize to Yin Mengran.

She felt that Yin Mengran was the class monitor after all, and would definitely think about the unity of the class.

She asked her to do this kind of thing, just like forcing the police to commit a crime in the name of a friend. It was indeed a bit too much.

She still cherished Yin Mengran, a good friend. After more than a year of friendship, she had already regarded Yin Mengran as her only best friend.

Tong Yining went straight to Yin Mengran. First, she wanted to start with a relaxed greeting, so as to ease the relationship between the two of them.

So Tong Yining came to Yin Mengran's side,

reached out and patted Yin Mengran's arm!

"Hey! Ranran, good morning!"


Yin Mengran's eyes widened, she took a breath of cold air, gritted her teeth,

Then her expression suddenly darkened, she turned her head and glared at Tong Yining with a frown.

Tong Yining was stunned for a moment, she thought that she and Yin Mengran just had a small conflict,

But looking at her reaction...she seemed to be much angrier than she thought...

I just patted her, why did she seem to be mad at me?

This expression...is she going to eat me?

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