The two of them fell asleep, but they were still asleep.

Neither Zhou Heng nor Yin Mengran knew when they fell asleep.

When they felt sleepy, their eyes closed uncontrollably.

The next morning, Zhou Heng was the first to open his eyes. He usually woke up early, then got up to make breakfast and lunch to take to school.


Zhou Heng hummed, and just as he was about to move his body, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if he couldn't move...

When he looked down, he found that Yin Mengran was very close to him in his arms, breathing evenly, and hadn't woken up yet.

"Oh, right..."

Zhou Heng thought of what happened yesterday, which was something he had never experienced in his life.

It all seemed like a dream until now.


Just then, Yin Mengran, who felt Zhou Heng's movements, also moved a little, and moved her whole body into his arms, as if she wanted to curl up her whole body in Zhou Heng's arms.

Seeing her like this, and then looking at her sleeping face, Zhou Heng's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably again,

No wonder Liao Haomiao said that he absolutely liked Yin Mengran, now he more or less felt it, and also understood a little bit what it felt like to like someone.

Although Zhou Heng should get up and cook now, but... in this case, if he gets up, he will definitely wake up Yin Mengran,

Besides, he was reluctant to get up now, and wanted to feel the feeling of holding Yin Mengran in his arms again.

Zhou Heng just looked at Yin Mengran sleeping like this, as if he couldn't see enough,

He also hoped that time would stop like this, so that he could enjoy this time more.

However, the reality is that time passes quickly, and soon, Yin Mengran's alarm clock rang.

Yin Mengran slowly opened her hazy eyes and looked up, seeing Zhou Heng's nervous expression.

His expression seemed to be worried. Today was a brand new day. Would Yin Mengran turn his face and deny what happened last night?

Because the decision made at night could be regretted the next morning.

But it was obvious that Zhou Heng's worry was unnecessary. After Yin Mengran looked at Zhou Heng, she narrowed her eyes and smiled coquettishly.

"Good morning..."

Yin Mengran had just woken up, and her voice was a little hoarse, but what Zhou Heng heard was an extremely charming voice, and he felt his whole body numb.

"Ah... Good morning... Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Yin Mengran smiled and whispered in Zhou Heng's ear: "Super good."

"That's good..."

Yin Mengran also reluctantly left Zhou Heng's arms, and the two got up together.

Zhou Heng glanced at the time. Fortunately, there was enough time for him to make breakfast and lunch, but he had to make them simpler.

Of course, Yin Mengran would not stand idly by. After washing up, she went to the kitchen to help Zhou Heng.

And Zhou Heng did not refuse. The two of them could save a lot of time when they worked together.

When they were making lunch, they each made each other's portion tacitly. As a result, you can see that the lunches of these two people are better than each other.

After packing up, the two were ready to go out.

Walked out of the house and took the elevator.

In the elevator, Yin Mengran lowered her head and glanced at Zhou Heng's hand...

The next second, she carefully stretched out her hand and gently held half of Zhou Heng's palm...

Zhou Heng's hand trembled slightly, and he didn't react for a while. When he looked at Yin Mengran, he found that she lowered her head.

She didn't say anything, but it seemed that she didn't need to say anything.

Afterwards, Zhou Heng directly held Yin Mengran's entire palm without concealing it.

Yin Mengran raised her head, glanced at Zhou Heng's profile, and smiled.

The two held hands and went to school together. When they arrived at the school gate, they separated their hands.

After all, the school does not allow students to fall in love. If they are caught, they will probably be punished.

After arriving at the classroom, they returned to their seats.

After Zhou Heng sat down, he looked at Tang Zhi and said, "I want to tell you something..."

Before Zhou Heng could speak, Tang Zhi took the lead in guessing, "You and Yin Mengran are together?"

"Huh? How did you know? Did she tell you?"

"No, I guessed. You two both had this joy written on your faces."

Tang Zhi snorted

With a smile, she pointed at Zhou Heng's face and said.

"Really? Is it that obvious?"

Zhou Heng frowned slightly and touched his cheek with his hand. Did he really look happy?

"Ah, it's obvious, especially Yin Mengran. It feels like if she was happier, she would jump in."

Tang Zhi pointed at Yin Mengran again and saw that she seemed to shake her head intentionally or unintentionally. Looking at her back from behind, she could see that she was very happy.

"Well, anyway, I wish you all the best. You are quite suitable and should be able to stay together, right? But don't you plan to tell your aunt?"

"I... don't have this plan for the time being..."

Zhou Heng shook his head. He thought about this problem yesterday, but he thought it would be better not to tell his mother for the time being.

Although she should agree that they should be together, she will definitely give some instructions. He really doesn't want to hear those words now...

So he plans to wait for a while before talking about it, such as waiting for the next exam. After the exam, if he has made progress again, he can tell this matter by the way.

Tang Zhi nodded and said, "Is that so... By the way, I'm going out with her this weekend, do you want to come?"

"Why are you going?"

"Shopping for clothes. There's a sports meet next week. How can I not buy her some nice clothes?"

"Yeah... makes sense... but..."

Zhou Heng paused, glanced in the direction of Yin Mengran, and whispered:

"I want to go, but I don't know if I should go? Will she agree if I go? For things like shopping, isn't it better for you girls to go out alone?"

"Why not? Aren't you her boyfriend now? Why not go out with your boyfriend? Don't worry, she must be eager for you to go with her."


Zhou Heng nodded with sudden realization. For these things, he felt that it would be safer to ask.

After all, he had said that this was his first time to fall in love, and he might make Yin Mengran unhappy without knowing it, so he was so cautious.

Students came into the classroom one after another, and when Tong Yining walked into the classroom, she subconsciously looked in the direction of Zhou Heng, but found that Zhou Heng's eyes seemed to be on Yin Mengran...

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