Yang Xun’er had been waiting in the rear.

In theory, the communication of warships is the internal network of the military, but now Zhao Wenwei has no military satellites at all, and can only transmit information through commercial satellites, and commercial satellites have long been stabbed into a sieve by Yang Xuner.

A moment later, Yang Xun’er successfully entered the internal system of the Sun Chasing and grabbed a large amount of information.

About 10 minutes later, Hitomi Hanano took out a freshly printed map of the warship from his carry-on space.

The Sun Chasing had a total of 120 soldiers, 15 of whom were women. We are in this cabin. The team identified it and pointed to a location.

Hitomi Hanano thought for a while and said:

“The host was not good to climb up, there were many cabins underneath, too easy to spot. Maybe we can go to the infirmary, which is very close to the sea, where there is an entrance. ”

“Yes, wait until it gets dark to act, and send a message to the owner.”


“Please, Mr. Takei!” Zhao Wenwei personally opened the door and invited a short and thin Ezo man in.

“Thank you Zhao Jun for your hospitality!” After Yuki Takei bent over 90 degrees, he walked in with his head bowed.

Unlike Kenichiro Hirata, Yutaka Takei was a more thorough capitulationist.

He firmly sided with the bald eagle before the end of the world and helped the other party to restrict the Great Xia Dynasty, but when the end times came, he immediately measured the change in the situation and simply stood on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty.

It’s not that the bald eagle will be worse than Daxia after the apocalyptic blow, but the bald eagle has lost too many talents, and even if it survives the apocalypse, it will be impossible to substantially intervene in Ya Tai for at least 20 years.

In fact, as long as there is no HE war, after the zombie crisis ends, all forces in the world will enter an inevitable strategic contraction.

Then, Ezo naturally wants to be close to the nearby Daxia Dynasty, not the Bald Eagle Empire on the other side of the world.

If there is an HE war, then no matter which side Ezo is on, it is estimated that the final result will be a dead end.

Therefore, unlike Kenichiro Hirata who still wants to maintain a certain degree of independence, Takei Yuki firmly stated that he would directly integrate into Daxia and turn the Ezo people into a nation in Daxia.

Now no one has discovered that Zhao Wenwei and Yugui Takei have quietly returned to the aircraft carrier for confidential meetings in private.


At six o’clock in the afternoon, it was already getting dark.

Li Hong sits in a naval activity room, which has been converted into a yoga activity room by female family members, and it is almost impossible for men to come.

Now, the women in the entire barracks have been transformed into subordinates by him, and they can naturally come and go here freely.

Ren Weiwei and other women did not enter the naval base and were still lurking outside.

However, a female officer delivered good news.

After a day of negotiations, Kenichiro Hirata and Zhao Wenwei finally reached a preliminary agreement, and the survivors of Fukushiyama could be transferred to Binhai City first, while the rest of the people and the officers and soldiers of the naval base and their families would continue to wait.

Kenichiro Hirata hopes to be stationed in Hengguan Military Port as Zhao Wenwei’s subordinate, and Zhao Wenwei is naturally reluctant to let an Ezo man here, especially the previous leader, and wants to get Hirata to serve in Binhai City.

The two sides broke up at this point, and each said cruel words before leaving.

Of course, discerning people know that these are just posturing, and tomorrow the two sides will definitely continue the next round of negotiations.

The evacuation of survivors has already begun, and the first survivors have even arrived at the military port, ready to take a transport ship to Binhai City.

Li Hong hesitated, not knowing if now was a good opportunity to act. And the previous plan was too rough, and he was worried that he would not be able to deceive Zhao Wenwei.

At this time, a female family member said:

“Master, my husband is Yutaka Takei, he is the third officer in the sequence of Hengguan Military Port, and he is also a very staunch Daxia faction, he firmly advocates Ezo’s integration into Daxia, and I have not seen him until this afternoon. Once the negotiations do not go well, I suspect that he will directly cross over Kenichiro Hirata and contact Zhao Wenwei privately. ”

And this kind of thing? Then you must not wait any longer, you must muddy the water!

Li Hong stood up abruptly and said firmly:

“Act now!”


Hitomi Hanano suddenly stood up and opened the doorway:

“I have a stomachache and I’m going to see a doctor.”

The female soldier at the door knew what to say, and the woman knew what to say when her stomach hurt:

“There is an infirmary on the bottom floor, and our medical staff are all women, please rest assured.”

Hanano Hitomi snorted, pretended to be uncomfortable, let the two maids support him, and slowly walked to the lower level.

“This is it.” The female soldier knocked on the door for her and stood in the doorway.

“Please come in.” A woman’s voice came from inside.

Hitomi Hanano coldly entered the room with two maids.


The door closed, and the other two stood in the doorway.

The female soldier was unhappy in her heart, and deliberately said to the second daughter:

“I’m afraid it’s not too easy to accompany Miss, right?”

“Indeed.” A maid deliberately pretended to be tired:

“Miss is not very considerate of us.”

“Huh.” The female soldier smiled and said:

“The pampered eldest lady is like this, I didn’t expect them to be so unsympathetic in the last days.”

“My cousin is the leader of Hengguan Military Port.” Another maid walked to a nearby aisle, where there happened to be a vent that led overboard.

“Ah, breathable, or better air here.”

The female soldier also relaxed and walked over with a smile, and as soon as she wanted to speak, a woman’s arm suddenly covered her mouth.

“Hmm!” The female soldier did not make a sound at all, and her neck was twisted by the maid behind her.

She gently put the female soldier down on the ground, looked left and right, and said to her companion:

“Quick, let the master come up.”

“Good.” Another maid immediately took out a long rope from the carry-on space and threw it down from the vent.

After a few seconds, there was a slight sound on the surface of the sea, and the rope fell into the sea.

At this time, the door of the room opened, and Hanano Pupil poked his head out, saw the situation outside, and immediately said:

“Drag in the woman who says bad things about people behind her back.”

The maid covered her mouth and snickered.

At this time, the rope tightened, snap!

A large hand firmly grasped the vent with a damp trace, and then with a sharp force, the whole person easily rolled in.

“Master, go in and change your clothes.” Hitomi Hanano said softly.

Li Hong did not speak, just nodded, and quickly walked into the infirmary.

The second daughter, who played the maid, immediately cut the rope and threw it into the sea, then took out a pile of dry towels from the carry-on space and wiped the ground dry, leaving no water marks at all.

In this way, Li Hong quietly entered the chasing sun, and the officers and men on the warship did not notice it at all, and they could not imagine that someone would board the ship in this way.

Swimming 2 kilometers in the sea with a sub-zero water temperature, then waiting for 5 minutes, and then dragging the wet body in the cold wind, climbing tens of meters with a rope, this ability is basically only Li Hong’s physical fitness inhuman transformation can do.

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