I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 11 Wuhu, new gift pack received

Seeing the two people go up, Xia Yan retracted her gaze from the screen and arranged Xiong Xiong to stand next to the machine.

Before she walked into her room, she asked Xiong Xiong to turn off the lights in the hall.

She sat on the soft and elastic sofa, opened the lunch box, picked up a chopstick of shredded potatoes and ate slowly.

Just now, she was going to upgrade the two machines outside, but the system prompted that two level 2 crystal cores were needed.

Xia Yan was speechless. Does that mean she has to go out and kill zombies? Or level 2?

If it was level 1, she could still go out and fight, level 2... wouldn't that be giving away heads?

Let's wait until we get the defense + attack power prize.

Xia Yan clicked on the store business data and had accumulated 466 points.

Why so many?

Xia Yan studied it carefully and suddenly realized it.

Today's income is 206 points plus the remaining 260 points from the upgrade.

After the upgrade, the interface has an additional column of room occupancy information than before. Click in to see the basic information and danger index of the occupants. There are also two blocks of different colors below, which are written as expulsion and killing respectively.

To save trouble, Xia Yan changed this permission directly to a language command.

The shop interface also added a column for the breakfast room and kitchen. She clicked in and found that no breakfast had been added.

Up to 8 items can be added.

She chose fried eggs, soy milk, fried dumplings, pies, fried dough sticks, yogurt cakes, tofu pudding and milk.

Xia Yan reluctantly abandoned the porridge and clicked the confirmation button.

Under the existing breakfast column, the 8 items she chose were further subdivided into different types.

Fried eggs are fully cooked, medium-rare and half-cooked.

Soy milk has red bean flavor, original flavor, black sesame flavor, and salty soy milk.

Fried dumplings and pies are divided into pork, beef, mutton, Orleans chicken, sauerkraut and cabbage and scallion fillings.

Tofu pudding is also divided into sweet and salty two types.

The price is also marked on it. Only tofu pudding is the most expensive, requiring 3 points, fried dumplings require 1 point per piece, and all the others only cost 2 points.

Very good value for money.

After Xia Yan clicked to confirm, a gray stopwatch appeared on the breakfast room, and the reminder below was the time until opening.

She ate the last mouthful of rice in the lunch box, closed the lunch box and threw it into the trash can, then stood up and walked around the room to digest the food.

Although the cabin was cozy, it was still too quiet.

Xia Yan looked at the empty background wall and thought that she should arrange a TV.

She opened the mall and typed the word "TV" in the search bar, and a long page popped up instantly.

There are many types and sizes, but the prices are beautiful, and you need to pay extra crystal cores.

A 70-inch ultra-clear U-shaped TV actually costs 2,000 points plus 5 level 2 crystal cores?

My goodness, it turns out that except for building a small shop, you don’t need crystal cores, and you have to pay extra crystal cores for self-enjoyment? !

"System, do you want to explain it?"

[Speaking of which, these rules are all thanks to the previous owner, who always resold and squandered materials to raise beautiful men, and the hotel almost changed its name. And the fees are extremely high! So she can accumulate points quickly and in large quantities. We just came to this world within a minute, and the main system called me over to make a lot of indirect accusations. Now all of this is in accordance with its requirements]

It was the first time that Xia Yan saw the system talking so much gossip, and from the lines, he could actually feel a little bit of grievance?

However, the previous office was really awesome. Listen, what resale, what squandering, what high pricing, and even handsome men? !

Xia Yan smiled evilly, a room full of handsome guys vying for favor, can that sister bear it?

Bitter tea seeds must have grown up when she left.

[Put away your wretched face, please don't touch the yellow line]

"Ok ok." Xia Yan retracted his distracting thoughts, rolled his eyes, and continued to speak.

"How she took office has nothing to do with me. It's her personal behavior. You can't deliberately be harsh on me, a good girl, just because of such a bad apple. It's unfair."

"Now even buying a TV to relieve my boredom requires 5 second-level crystal cores. Upgrading a brunch machine requires 2 crystal cores. Isn't that too much?"

"I am invincible in the store, but according to your system's arrangement, if I want to live a good life, I have to go out and kill zombies. Tell me, what kind of vacation is this?"


Xia Yan's series of proactive attacks really confused the system.

See, the system thinks it is too harsh on her.

Xia Yan maintained an angry and unhappy expression, crossed her arms, and tiptoed impatiently.

If you want to act, you have to do the whole set.

[Please wait, applying for a gift package for you...]

Wuhu, gift package?

[Advanced gift package*1/Primary gift package*2, please choose]

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. Even a fool would choose advanced, right?

[Please confirm again, do you want to choose the advanced gift package? ]

[Warm reminder: The advanced gift package will conflict with one of your existing benefits. If you confirm, the benefit will be abolished]

Xia Yan read out the words carefully.

Abolish a certain benefit?

Is it to abolish the turntable?

Forget it, I don’t know what’s in the gift package yet, so let’s change it to the primary gift package.

[Please confirm again, do you want to choose the primary gift package? ]

[Warm reminder: The gift package will conflict with one of your existing benefits. If you confirm, the benefit will be abolished]

Huh? Does it mean that no matter which gift package she chooses, the turntable will be abolished?

“System, you are not sincere in giving this gift package.” Xia Yan was unhappy. What kind of benefit is it? Isn’t it necessary to exchange it with a turntable?

The turntable can be turned once for 10 points, and there is a possibility of getting anything. Why use it to exchange for an unknown one-time gift package?

[The turntable only exists until the end of this month. Once the items in the gift package are issued, they will be bound to this world until the task is completed and transferred to the next world]

Does the turntable have a time limit?

Xia Yan closed the gift package interface, switched to the mall, opened the turntable, and found the information that it was valid until June 30 in the smallest line of explanation.

This... is it so tricky?

You know how to play!

Who would notice it when it is written so small? It seems that it is a GAI slippery who cheats a wave of points and runs away? !

Xia Yan once again witnessed the shamelessness of the profiteer system.

Seeing that there are only three chances to draw this week, Xia Yan did not care that the points rose to 20 points each time, and drew three times in a row.

Fireworks were set off twice, and a vertical air conditioner popped up the last time.

Xia Yan put it in the corner of the living room.

"Okay, system, I choose the premium gift package."

[Please check]

Xia Yan opened the mall first and saw that the turntable was indeed taken back. She didn't feel sorry because it would be closed soon anyway.

In her personal backpack, she saw a golden gift box. After clicking it, it disappeared without any dazzling special effects.

Xia Yan, who was still waiting for the exciting moment, was stunned.

But soon, the system popped up a window.

[Now the host can go out at will, and the zombies will not notice or attack the host]

[During the outing, if you are attacked by others (regardless of superpowers or ordinary), you will return double, and no matter when and where, the host can appear in your private room instantly as long as he silently says go home in his heart]

[Open the most complete food city for the host]

[Next time the hotel is upgraded, 3 additional unlimited fruits will be issued (can be eaten by yourself, can be sold, and the price cannot be higher than 3 points each)]

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