I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 18 Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding

Xia Yan suddenly felt uncomfortable, vaguely sensing another smell in the air besides the aroma of food, mixed with the fragrance... the smell of mushrooms?

She couldn't tell what the smell was.

"Ahem." She coughed to cover up, "Sister thinks you are too cute, a kiss from an elder, don't misunderstand, haha."

So embarrassing.

Xia Yan put away the plate and fled.

Lu Jue stared at her back with wet eyes, touched her cheek, and smiled happily.

As expected, just like her brother said, Xiaolu is very lovable~

Xia Yan ran to the hall and prepared three disposable items, including disposable soap and shampoo, and a towel, which she planned to distribute to customers in single rooms later.

Xiong Xiong was wiping three machines with a rag, and the air was filled with a faint smell of disinfectant.

After sitting behind the cashier for an hour, she finally heard someone coming down.

Xia Yan grabbed her things and walked to the corridor.

"Guest, this is a free disposable toiletries from our store. We also sell women's hygiene products and underwear for men and women. If you need it, you can go to the front desk to buy it."

Li Ru was stunned for a moment, then her eyebrows were full of joy. She walked forward and hurriedly took it, and thanked sincerely.

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!"

Xia Yan's eyes fell on Lu Jue and the woman behind her, and handed the things in her hand over.

"I'm very sorry, these things are newly found in the warehouse. I don't know if they are expired. Let's use them for now."

She said this without adulteration, and she did find it in the system's warehouse.

The bathroom on the second floor will automatically refill disposable supplies, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

According to the store's system, single rooms are not equipped with these utensils, but no one will carry toothbrushes and toothpaste with them after the end of the world.

But not brushing teeth for a long time is indeed not beautiful.

For her physical and mental health, she simply gave them away for free. Anyway, she didn't need to spend money, so it would be a waste if she didn't use them.

"Oh, by the way, there are two new washing machines in the bathroom. You need to pay 5 points to wash clothes once. There is also laundry detergent in the hall. If you need it, you can come and have a look."

Washing, washing machine?

Li Ru felt that the owner was lying. She had just washed clothes there last night. Not to mention the washing machine, there was not even a basin!

How could there be two more washing machines in just one night? Even if you go out and look for it, it is not so easy to find two washing machines that can still be used!

Behind her, Lu Jue jumped high and cheered, "You can change new clothes!"

She had noticed that there was a glass cabinet in the hall a long time ago. When she heard Xia Yan say that new underwear was for sale, she was so happy.

She ran to the glass cabinet with things in her arms.

"Wow! There are really underwear! And sanitary napkins! What kind of fairy sister is this! Love you!"

Lu Jue threw the things in her hand on the countertop and was about to open the glass door to take out the clothes and try them on her body to see which color suited her.

Unexpectedly, the moment she touched the cabinet door, a not-so-strong electric current flowed through her body from her fingers.

"Hiss! How come there's still electricity!" Lu Jue stepped back in panic, holding his fingers and whirring.

Xia Yan didn't expect this either, but roughly guessed that this might be a protection mechanism.

She put on a professional smile on her face and walked forward to open the cabinet door.

"Which one do you like? I'll give it to you."

Lu Jue pointed to the light green sports bra, "I like this one."

Xia Yan took it out and handed it over, smiling at the two people behind her, "Do you need anything?"

Li Ru's heart was pounding, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

There were not only laundry detergents in the glass cabinet, but also underwear for men and women? !

Laundry detergent only costs 5 points per bag, underwear 10 points, and panties 6 points. If she buys one for her sister and brother-in-law, plus her own, the total is 43 points.

But she had already spent 20 points in the morning. She couldn't always ask her brother-in-law for crystal cores...

Forget it, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child!

Anyway, the current crystal core was also given by her brother-in-law, buy it!

After figuring it out, Li Ru straightened her back and said in a commanding manner, "Give me two sets of underwear, two sets of women's underwear, and one set of men's underwear. And a bag of laundry detergent. Swipe the card."

Li Ru was extremely humble in the doomsday and could only survive by relying on others.

Who would have thought that in peacetime, she would carry a high-end bag, wear limited edition high heels, lead a few flattering followers, walk around the mall and point at anything, and the salesperson would pack the clothes and send them to her home with a flattering face...

Xia Yan took out a plastic bag and packed it neatly, "A total of 43 points, please swipe the card at the checkout counter."

Li Ru, who was deeply immersed in memories, was awakened. He looked at her blankly and almost jumped up when he looked down at the plastic bag.

What kind of packaging is this? ! How could she be allowed to hold it? !

Where is Xiao Kui?

After taking a closer look, Li Ru realized that her happy life was long gone. Now she is worried about food and drink, and about how to survive.

As for Xiao Kui, wasn't she dead a long time ago? Hehe.

She wants to live, and live as glamorously as before!

She wants those who look down on her to stare at her. Even if she doesn't have superpowers, she can live better than them!

Xia Yan looked at the girl in front of her in surprise, from a gloomy face to a high-spirited one. She thought that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, and it is impossible to figure it out.

As long as Li Ru doesn't make trouble in her store, she won't care about her.

Lu Jue bought five sanitary napkins, a set of underwear, and a pack of washing powder, spending a total of 31 points.

Lu Jue is the opposite of Li Ru. Lu Jue shows her thoughts on her face and never hides them. She is really cute and innocent.

I don’t know how powerful a person is to raise such an innocent girl in such a dirty environment.

Xia Yan likes her very much.

But she will never give her a discount.

She is a businessman and is only interested in profit.

Fortunately, Lu Jue didn’t think that they were familiar with each other and should give her a discount.

Now there are only the woman in sportswear and Xia Yan in the hall.

Seeing that she didn’t mean to talk, Xia Yan sat behind the cashier and raised his head slightly to check today’s sales.

The income in the breakfast room was good, with 110 points.

After returning the remaining food to the system, she directed Xiong Xiong to go upstairs to clean and disinfect.

At this time, the woman finally opened her mouth, and her voice was still extremely hoarse.

"Can you sell these things in large quantities?"

Especially sanitary napkins, which are the most urgently needed by her female team members.

Now they are not sold in the open market at all, and they are very expensive in the black market. As a marginal team, they have no financial support at all.

Every time a teammate reaches a special period, they will surround that person in the middle of the team and try their best to protect him.

But because they usually drink cold water, eat cold rice, and sleep on the floor, even if they have improved their physical fitness after gaining superpowers, they still have lower abdominal cramps, weak legs, and weakness during special periods.

Some teammates simply found a military doctor to remove their uterus, just to live a few more years in the doomsday.

If there are sanitary napkins, the survival rate of teammates will be much higher!

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