I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 79 The final outcome of the five people

Xia Yan clicked to use, and a pair of gold and silver-framed glasses rested on her nose.

She looked around, sweeping across the survivors' panicked faces, the empty sofa, and the empty cashier counter.

The woman exchanged glances with her teammates, feeling deeply terrified by the glasses that appeared out of thin air again.

What is that?

Could it be a pair of glasses specifically for invisibility? !

"I found you."

Xia Yan looked at the wretched man squatting outside the elevator door, at the corner of the wall, with his head buried in his arms and peeking out, and said lightly.

"I'll fight you!!"

The man whose position was discovered took out a switchblade from his pocket and pounced on him like crazy.


Xia Yan hung the last person on the wall, returned to the cashier counter, took off his glasses, folded them and put them in the drawer.

"Come here, continue to check in."

The crowd huddled together lowered their heads and dared not be the first to do anything, let alone look up at the five people who seemed to be hanging like bacon.

"Are you sure you don't want to check in?" Xia Yan knocked on the table, a little impatient, "If not, please leave!"

Because of her words, there was a slight agitation in the crowd.

"...I, I'll check in."

A thin arm stretched out from the crowd, struggling to break free, standing there looking at Xia Yan and not daring to step forward.

"Okay, how many people?"

"One, one."

"Do you have a points card?"

"No, I do. But I have a crystal core!"

"Okay, bring it here."


The skinny legs in the tattered trousers moved tremblingly, almost powerlessly supporting the body to move forward.

"You live in 204, the restaurant is still open, let's go eat first."

Xia Yan couldn't tell his age, and pointed to the location of the restaurant.

"Thank you, thank you boss."

"Is there anyone else checking in?" She frowned, feeling annoyed by the hesitant mentality of this group of people.

The team of 5 people was eliminated by her for the people, what are these people still worried about? !

"I, I'll check in! There are three of us!" The three women raised their hands high.

"Three single rooms? Or one double room?"

"I, we don't want to separate, we want to live in one room!" The woman with a round face spoke cautiously.

"Okay, if there are three people, we need to charge an additional fee, a total of 80 points. If possible, put the crystal core into the machine, and you can recharge it by yourself later."

The round-faced girl nodded in agreement and successfully recharged with Xia Yan's "help".

"You live in 311, the room is on the 5th floor, you can take the elevator up."

"Boss, can we go to eat first and then go upstairs?"

"This is the freedom of the guests, you choose." Xia Yan answered very officially.

"Let's go to eat first! I'm starving these days, I haven't had a full meal, I hope there are a lot of food in the restaurant!" The round-faced girl hurried to the restaurant with her two friends, muttering in a low voice.

"Keep your voice down! Don't let the female boss hear you!"

"It's okay, I don't think she's the kind of unreasonable person~"

Xia Yan just pretended not to hear their conversation.

Then a few more single survivors checked in, and after getting their points cards, they went straight to the restaurant to eat.

"Since everyone has no intention of staying, please go out first. The store should be cleaned."

Xia Yan waved his hand and directly ordered Xiong Xiong to get disinfectant, asking it to mop the dirt in the hall before using the sweeping robot, so as not to ruin good things.

Xiong Xiong brought a mop bucket mixed with high-concentration disinfectant, put on gloves neatly, wrung out the water on the mop, and went straight to the people who refused to leave, swinging the mop to drive them away.

The people who were driven away did not dare to say a word, and walked out quietly like silent black lambs.

At this moment, someone suddenly rushed back, as determined as if he had burned his boats. He seemed to shout with all his strength, but in fact he was extremely weak, "Boss Xia, I can't afford to stay in a hotel, but can I apply for a points card to buy lunch from you?"

Xia Yan noticed that his chest was rising and falling violently, and his lips turned pale. He really used up all his courage. She immediately understood why this group of people were unwilling to leave and unwilling to stay!

She looked at the door, where the people who had originally left turned back because of this person's words. Although they were still silent and decadent, there was a bit of hope in their eyes.

"Of course, you can not only buy lunch boxes, but also eat in the restaurant." She put on a smile again and added, "But the premise is that everyone has to apply for a points card. The restaurant does not allow the sharing of points cards. There is no limit on breakfast and lunch machines."

The words stirred up a thousand waves, and the originally silent crowd was instantly ignited. You squeezed me in and rushed to say: "Boss Xia, I don't stay in the hotel, I just apply for a points card!"

"Boss Xia, me too!"

"Boss Xia, apply for me first, I asked first!"

"Okay, okay, don't squeeze, come one by one, the hotel has enough food. Everyone can apply for it on this machine by themselves!"

Xia Yan looked at everyone with a smile, and finally successfully issued 43 points cards. Although there were only 100 points in the card, it was better than nothing, and it would all go into her pocket in the end.

As for the customer with the cultural relics, she declined and reminded everyone again that if there was no crystal core, it could be exchanged for gold and silver jewelry, but not cultural relics.

Cultural relics are not recognized by every world, only gold and silver are eternal.

For a while, the restaurant was packed with customers, and the rest bought lunch boxes from the lunch machine and shared them with their families.

The water in the hotel was cheap, only one point per time, and only two points were needed to buy mineral water, which was almost free compared to the third base.

Xia Yan only had time to deal with the five people who were causing trouble.

She slowly paced in front of them, her eyes falling on the candy packaging bag left on the coffee table.

‘System, they just ate my candy, so they have to compensate for the loss of the store. Take out all the crystal cores on them. ’


At the same time, the five people turned upside down, their whole bodies shook rapidly, and the crystal cores in their trouser pockets fell down with a crackling sound.

The bottom of the block was gradually covered with crystal cores of different colors, among which there were also many third-level crystal cores.

Xia Yan laughed more and more happily.

Until nothing could fall, the five people returned to their original positions, their faces flushed, half-closed their eyes, and looked extremely dizzy.

Xia Yan waved her hand, and the crystal cores gathered together and were sent out of the cube, placed on the cash register, and she collected them all into her personal account.

[Ding, personal property +61,000]

She nodded with great satisfaction. If the troublemaker came two or three times a month, she would no longer have to worry about sales!

"Have you woken up?"

Xia Yan looked at the other party with a smile. Seeing their pupils gradually gathered, and their eyes were full of anger for being robbed of the crystal core, her smile became sweeter.

"Since everyone is awake, let's experience it well."

Experience what?

The five people asked back in their minds at the same time, and then the compression from their heads and feet made them react quickly.

Is this going to crush them to death? !

Breaks of severe pain came, but the body could not move, even with superpowers, there was no reaction at all, as if the connection was directly cut off.

The severe pain made them faint, and in the blink of an eye they were awakened by the pain, fainted again, and woke up again...

The five people realized that she really wanted to kill them!

Help! Help!

With the familiar sound of bones creaking, the severe pain broke through the top of the head, and the scream of pain that resounded through the mind was accompanied by a bang, and turned into a blood mist and condensed into a small cube.

Five cubes floated in front of Xia Yan, and she threw them directly into the vending machine, selling them for 500 points each.

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