I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 92: Successful Expulsion

"Protect General Chu!"

E Ze shouted. It doesn't matter how he is, the point is that Chu Wanfu must not be in danger!

The skinny man beside him stabilized his figure, suddenly swung out a vine, wrapped the top around Chu Wanfu's waist, and pulled him to his side with a strong tug.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, the surrounding zombies had already heard the sound and were running madly. The high-level superpower user shouted loudly and activated his superpower again, forcibly levitating the vehicles on the road and blocking the way of the zombies.

At the same time, the skinny young man put his hands together, and the vines around them quickly wrapped around them in a ball shape, hit the ground, bounced twice, and then disappeared.


Everyone landed gently under the buffer of the vines, unscathed.

"Just now -" E Ze raised his eyes and was about to speak, when he suddenly felt the strangeness in the surrounding air again.

The skinny man quickly used vines to wrap everyone up again.

Then everyone felt a strong force pushing outside, as if someone had kicked them hard, and they flew away uncontrollably.


[Eviction successful]

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction and ordered an ice cream machine from the mall in a good mood. He placed it next to the sofa in the lobby so that he could make ice cream and eat it at any time.

On such a hot day, summer is not complete without a sip of ice cream.

As for the price, 2 points is enough. Since the ice cream powder is provided in unlimited quantities, she only needs to spend 200 points to buy the machine.

This is simply a no-cost business!

Eating light blue ice cream flavored with sea salt, Xia Yan wandered to the store and added a machine to sell freshly squeezed juice. The purchase price was slightly expensive and required 500 points, and fresh fruits would need to be purchased later.

First-class freshly squeezed juice machines can only sell three types of juice, mango juice, orange juice and peach juice.

The cost of purchasing three fruits to squeeze a cup of juice is 7 points. Xia Yan thought about it and priced a cup at 20 points.

Think about it, is that juice? That’s a cup full of vitamins!

Xia Yan took the cup off the stand next to it, placed it at the juice outlet, and pointed his finger on the mango juice button.

The juice machine started running, and within a few seconds bright yellow mango juice with a strong fruity aroma came out, just enough for a cup.

She took a small sip and found it was dense, smooth and extremely sweet.

Xia Yan has an unusual allergic characteristic - the lip line on her upper lip cannot touch the mango. Once it touches it, it will become itchy and painful, and the lip line will turn black and will not fade away for a long time.

But she also particularly likes to eat mangoes, especially the extremely sweet Taimango, which is fragrant, sweet, soft and glutinous.

Ever since she discovered her strange allergy, she could no longer chew and eat, and she had lost a lot of happiness!

Now, happiness is back.

She hummed a little tune and went back to the sofa to watch TV. The children next to her almost cried with envy and swallowed countless saliva.

"Well, the ice cream is so delicious~" Xia Yan made an exaggerated expression and deliberately took a big lick of the ice cream.

Sure enough, the children swallowed louder...

"Want to eat?" She placed the light blue ice cream in front of them and circled it. "It's so sweet. I have never eaten such delicious ice cream."

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"...I want to eat..." The little boy who lives in 206 hid in his sister's arms, looking longingly at the ice cream in her hand, sniffing to smell how sweet it was.

"Want to eat? Go to the parents and ask for money to buy it. I don't give free food to children."

Xia Yan took a big bite on the ice cream and teased the little boy. It was fun to see his little face pouting and looking aggrieved.

Sure enough, the child recovered quickly. Within a few days, he started to grow fat on his body and all the baby fat came out.

Even the boy who lives in 212 looks a bit taller.

"...Sister Xia." The little boy's sister was hesitant, and her hands on her brother tightened again and again.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Sister, can I exchange it for something else?"


The boy's sister took out a gold safety lock from her neck and said reluctantly: "Sister Xia, this, this is what grandma gave me. Do you think I can exchange it for points?"

Xia Yan reached out to take it, weighed it, and said, "Are you willing to give it up? Don't regret selling it to me later. It goes into my pocket and never comes out."

"Well, it's useless for me to keep it. Sister, do you really want to accept it?"

"Collect it, collect all the gold and silver jewelry."

Xia Yan asked the system to evaluate the price, but received a somewhat cold reply from the system.

[You can buy an estimator]

‘Get one. ’

[Ding, your balance: 12 points]

Xia Yan was shocked.

‘Why is it so expensive? You charged me 4488 points? ! ! ’

【Everything is estimable】

‘System, you are getting more and more stupid. Do I have to give points to others when they buy hair? Can fingernails be redeemed for points? God is so estimable. Ado! Acknowledge the trap! ’

Xia Yan ate the last bite of the crispy tube, got up and went to the cashier to get the estimator.

The appraiser... was pitifully small, the size of a palm, with an artistic shape that was hard to tell what it was holding a tray that was glowing with fluorescence.

That's it?

Xia Yan felt that the system had taught her a lesson.

"Put your things on it."

The little boy's sister did as she was told.

"It can be exchanged for 288 points."

A mechanical sound came from the appraiser.

"It can be exchanged for 288 points, do you want to exchange?" Xia Yan took off her necklace, grabbed the appraiser and looked through it, trying to see where the sound came from.

"Exchange! Sister, I'll exchange!" She didn't expect to be able to exchange so many points, and was ecstatic, fearing that Boss Xia would regret not exchanging.

Xia Yan nodded, went to the backstage of the store to apply for a card for her, and used the store's operating income to transfer 288 points to the card.

"Go to the counter to get the card." Xia Yan put the gold necklace back into her bag and put the appraiser on the coffee table.

Through the check-in information automatically generated by the backstage of the store, she could see everyone's information, and there was also the option of giving points.

She understood the meaning of this rule, which meant that when she received gold and silver in the future, she could just go directly from this gift option, which was convenient.

She liked getting jewelry for free!

"Children, go back and tell the adults at home that you can redeem points for gold and silver jewelry in the future, understand?"

"I understand!"

"You are so good, each of you will be rewarded with a piece of candy!"


"General Chu, it's safe."

E Ze looked around with vigilant eyes, using the little power he had accumulated with great difficulty to sense the surrounding space, and found that the strange power had disappeared.

After being kicked here by an inexplicable force just now, they were very vigilant, and the vine defense shield had been surrounding them, but they didn't expect that the power didn't attack again, as if it was just to kick them.

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