I said I would turn back time

Chapter 125 Make up your mind

After walking around the university for an afternoon, Lin Xing took Lu Ming to have dinner together in the cafeteria, and then returned to Building C with satisfaction.

This day's experience, especially after comparing the chaos of the mirror world, made him feel the beauty of this world even more.

But all the experiences, memories and influences in the mirror world did not disappear for Lin Xing, but turned into a haze that enveloped his heart.

Lin Xing knew that as time went by, the threat from the Mirror World to the present world would only become greater and greater.

The peaceful society in front of us will one day be involved in one killing and war after another.

With a trace of worry in his heart, Lin Xing returned to the ward.

As soon as he returned to the ward, he saw Jing Shiyu packing the backpack he carried with him.

Even the cat dolls were washed and hung up.

Zhao Wanxi obediently sat aside.

Seeing Lin Xing, Jing Shiyu smiled and said, "You went out for a walk. Are you in a better mood?"

Looking at the other party's smile, Lin Xing always felt that he had a deep impression of Jing Shiyu, but when it came to the specific memory, it was already a little blurry.

Taking another look at the cat doll that was being dried, Lin Xing thought to himself: "The contact in this world can at most only solidify my self-cognition and stimulate my previous memories in this world."

"The memory of the mirror world can't be helped."

"If I continue to turn back time, I will forget more important memories."

Thinking that he might forget Bai Yiyi, Jing Shiyu, many people who helped him, and many important people, Lin Xing felt a strong sense of unwillingness.

So stop using timelapse?


The mirror world is about to have a large-scale impact on the real world. The friction between the two worlds is almost visible to the naked eye and is about to become more intense.

Lin Xing doesn't want this peaceful world to become like the mirror world, full of wars, fights, and all kinds of powerful lunatics who have no scruples.

Although many people in this world are somewhat sick, it is still a beautiful world, and Lin Xing wants to protect this beauty.

There is still one year to go...no, the unknown disaster should be 10 months from now.

And if you want to prevent this, using the ability to turn back time is the option with the highest success rate.

But the constant movement back in time will have a never-ending impact on his memory.

"The role of a diary is limited... If you can't remember clearly, then just a diary is like reading someone else's story. It can only be used as a reminder at most."

“I needed to really take control of my memory and eliminate the side effects of traveling back in time.”

A trace of firm emotion flashed in Lin Xing's mind.

"I want to completely solve the memory problem at Taiqing Gate, and then use the time travel to gain powerful power to solve various disasters that may occur in the future."

Just when Lin Xing made up his mind, Jing Shiyu looked at his dazed look and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xing immediately came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "Nothing, just... I want to get to Taiqing Gate as soon as possible."

Jing Shiyu comforted him: "Don't worry about your memory. The water in Taiqingmen is very deep. After you arrive, you must take a long-term approach."

Lin Xing nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

"By the way." Lin Xing asked curiously: "How do you want to cooperate with Lu Ming and the others?"

Jing Shiyu said: "It is in the direction of trade, personnel training, tool sponsorship, etc."

"For example, use some of your tools, clothing, and food to exchange for some of our resources."

"Or we can let the people here go to our place to learn skills."

Lin Xing asked curiously: "But it's not convenient to go back and forth, right? Is there no problem?"

Jing Shiyu smiled: "You'll know in a moment."

As she said that, she took out a box of metal balls and put it in front of Lin Xing: "It's very dangerous to go north this trip. The equipment you brought is still a little thin. I happened to meet you this time, so I thought I would give this to you. "

"Speaking of which, many of the creations in your world are very interesting. If they are combined with the martial arts and Taoism of our world, they can often have miraculous effects."

"Like this one, I asked Lu Ming to find someone to design it. I call it the Great Sun Flame Dragon."

Jing Shiyu picked up a metal ball about the same size as a mangosteen and introduced: "There is a burning agent inside the metal shell. What is it called...aluminum..."

Lin Xing was slightly startled: "Thermite?"

Jing Shiyu's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's the weird name."

"Anyway, if you throw this out and heat it with a charm, the incendiary agent inside will explode."

"It's much better than using fire oil to control objects."

"It's dangerous for you to go north this time, so bring more."

Lin Xing was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "Replace kerosene with thermite? The power must be much greater. I remember that thermite can burn two thousand degrees or three thousand degrees..."

Taking the Big Sun Flame Dragon from Jing Shiyu, he felt that it weighed almost one kilogram. He couldn't help but think: "Could this thing be modified from an incendiary bomb?"

In the past, Lin Xing generally did not use this kind of thing.

But he didn't know whether it was because the memories of life-and-death battles affected him, or because he couldn't bear to interrupt when he saw the poetry in front of him with great interest. At this moment, he didn't raise any objection.

Looking at Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu under surveillance, Lu Ming murmured: "This woman is right. It seems that she does have a certain influence on Lin Xing."

The staff on the side said: "But provide such dangerous weapons, okay?"

Lu Ming said: "Since increasing investment in psychiatric treatment, several patients in Building C have improved."

"Judging from Lin Xing's reaction this time, his personality and mental state have become much more stable after the treatment team's deliberate guidance."

"It is believed that under such circumstances, a more powerful weapon would be more helpful for Lin Xing to maintain stability."

the other side.

Jing Shiyu insisted on dragging Lin Xing to test the power of the new weapon.

Behind him were the puppet girl and Zhao Wanxi.

Come to a square underground.

Looking at this vast underground space, Lin Xing asked unexpectedly: "Is there such a place?"

Jing Shiyu said: "I asked Lu Ming and the others to find it. They said that in order to prevent the invasion of the mirror world, there are many underground fortifications prepared here."

"It just so happens that it can be used by us now."

Lin Xing thought to himself that Jing Shiyu had probably been here a lot, and felt that some places were more familiar to him than himself.

At this moment, Jing Shiyu pointed to a metal cylinder not far away with some anticipation and said, "Come on, let's aim at that one and try."

I saw the metal ball and the talisman flying out together under the operation of Ling Nian.

"Heaven and earth are natural, listen to my command, fire will come!"

As the super-speed spell spread through the air, a burst of fire suddenly exploded on the metal ball.

Immediately afterwards, dazzling flames shot up into the sky.

Under Lin Xing's control, a blazing flame dragon rushed towards the metal column on the ground.

A terrifying heat wave erupted from it, and the dazzling fire seemed to ignite a small sun.

The entire metal cylinder seemed to be melting rapidly under the entanglement of the flame dragon.

It burned for nearly a minute before the flames gradually extinguished.

Looking at the large piece of molten iron, Zhao Wanxi's eyes flashed with deep fear.

Bai Yiyi was also surprised when she saw this scene: "This Great Sun Flame Dragon is really powerful."

Jing Shiyu cheered excitedly.

Lin Xing looked at Jing Shiyu, and felt that the other party's happy appearance was like a little girl who received her favorite toy, showing her innocent side that Lin Xing had never seen before.

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