I said I would turn back time

Chapter 135 The Fuse of World War (11K words, please subscribe and collect)

Listening to the crazy words of the woman in white, Mu Tianjiao's face was cold.

She thought to herself: "According to Master, as long as Lin Xing is handed over to the Taiqing Sect, the Sect Master's failure will become inevitable."

"And what I have to do is to find a way to catch Lin Xing after the failure of the head of the Taiqing Sect."

Thinking of this, a trace of confusion arose in her heart: "But judging from the current situation, the gap between Taiqing Sect and Lin Xing is like an army and a flock of sheep. Lin Xing has no possibility of resistance at all."

"In that case, how can Lin Xing stop the sect master?"

Just as Mu Tianjiao was spinning various thoughts in his head, the woman in white had already thrown a doll to Mu Tianjiao: "Go on."

"What you want to know is in this."

Mu Tianjiao squeezed the doll with disgust on her face, and said coldly, "What is this?"

"Your own memory." The woman in white said with a half-smile, "Don't you dare to read it?"

Mu Tianjiao said coldly: "Nonsense, I haven't traded any memory at all, how could there be memories in your hands?"

The woman in white laughed. She squatted down, reached out and stroked Ling Yufen's head, and said faintly: "How do you know that your memory has not been extracted?"

Picking up Ling Yufen's head, the woman in white laughed and said, "This girl doesn't even remember being pulled out of her memory."

"Back then, that kid from Xingxiao Sect wanted to ask us to borrow it for someone else, so I lent you to him."

"This time, that kid will return you by the way."

"Speaking of which, you can be regarded as the person he promised to hand over to me."

Mu Tianjiao's eyes shot up with murderous intent: "You want to mess with my mind?"

The woman in white casually dropped Ling Yufen's head on the ground, her body couldn't help shaking and laughing: "Hahahaha... Damn it, I can't help but laugh every time I see you people playing this trick, or you guys? Play……"

Looking at the other party's continuous laughter, Mu Tianjiao's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty. Looking at the doll in her hand, a trace of hesitation flashed in her heart.

If you want to know whether what the other party said is true, you just need to accept the memory in this doll.

But if she accepts the memories in it, will she still be the same person?

Is what the other party said the truth, or is it a conspiracy to mess with her mind and take the opportunity to seize her body?

At this moment, a dazzling flash suddenly lit up, instantly blocking the vision of everyone present.

Mu Tianjiao thought to herself, "Is it a flash bomb? Did Niu Yihu use it?"

Then there was a loud boom, and then a series of collisions.

When the vision was restored, he saw that half of the entire house had collapsed.

The old man known as Uncle Song turned his head and walked out of the smoke: "I didn't expect that boy to be injured like this and still be able to run."

The woman in white looked at the blood on her sword and said, "I just touched it up a few more times. He shouldn't be able to run far."

Uncle Song said coldly: "He must want to escape back to the secret realm. If we count the time... If we can catch up, I will go."

Looking at the blood stains remaining on the ground, he flashed and shot out like a bolt of lightning. With the roar of the ground under his feet, he appeared hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, what are you doing standing still?" The woman in white looked at Mu Tianjiao on the side with an expectant smile on her face: "Let's go play with that Lin Xing."

She tilted her head, with a slight smile on her lips: "Well, let me think about it, why did he run away early?"

Mu Tianjiao looked at the other person's leaving figure, recalling the drastic changes in the situation before her, and couldn't help but think in her heart: "Master... is all this really what you expected?"

On the square of Taiqingmen.

After the competition in the arena to determine the top four, today's Taiqing Sect activities are still not over.

That night, under the watchful eyes of countless viewers full of envy, admiration, jealousy and other different emotions.

The four warriors came to the stage one by one to accept the rewards from the master of the Taiqing Sect.

This is a gift that anyone who enters the top four will receive, and the competition that will take place after this will determine one of the four to become the direct disciple of the Taiqing Sect Master.

But no matter who is at the top of the list, the top four at this moment are already successful in the eyes of countless people.

In the eyes of the audience, whether they join the Taiqing Sect or do other things, with their current strength and fame, everything will be smooth sailing.

"I invite Thunder Sword Master Xiang Yun to come to the stage to accept the award!"

Amidst the envious eyes of countless people, a handsome man walked onto the stage with a smile and a high-spirited look on his face.

When passing by Bai Yiyi, he seemed to wink at the only woman among the top four.

Next to the girl puppet, Zhao Wanxi said: "Ancestor, this Xiang Yun seems to be interested in you. He was the one who brought gifts last time."

The girl puppet said lightly: "One brat."

At the same time, Xiang Yun on the stage had been awarded a dagger by an elder of the Taiqing Sect.

The elder who gave him the dagger said: "This sword is the sword that the sect master wore when he was young. It is called the cold star. It cuts iron like mud and is unparalleled in sharpness."

"The master of the sect has given you this sword. I hope you will overcome obstacles and move forward bravely in the martial arts in the future."

As Xiang Yun took over the dagger, the audience cheered.

Xiang Yun felt the countless passionate gazes and felt his blood surge, feeling an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Thinking back on the hard training over the past year, and the countless failures and setbacks I have experienced since childhood.

In order to obtain this superb martial arts, he spent almost all his time and energy in the past, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to martial arts.

Thinking of his master's encouragement and his parents' ardent expectations... At this moment, Xiang Yun felt that all the efforts he had made in the past were so worth it.

After taking over the dagger, Xiang Yun seemed to have felt a more successful and brighter road emerging before his eyes.

Starting from this competition in the ring, he will soar into the sky, step by step, to reach the cloud he has dreamed of for a long time.

Suddenly, he felt as if something from the dagger poured into his body and got into his mind.

His body seemed to be gradually losing control, and his consciousness was falling towards the endless darkness...

In the audience, Zhao Wanxi suddenly felt a little itchy on her shoulder. She scratched it subconsciously, and a trace of worry suddenly appeared in her heart.

Two days ago, when she asked her ancestor to help her take a look at the talisman on her back, she found that there was only the last faint trace left on it, and it seemed that it would completely disappear anytime and anywhere.

During this period, Zhao Wanxi followed the puppet girl in the ring every day. Not only did she stand out, enjoy the admiration of countless people, receive all kinds of courtesy and favor, she also earned a lot of money for eating, drinking and having fun.

Especially since Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi experienced several killings in succession, the effect of the evil star seemed to have gradually disappeared. During this period, nothing strange happened to her anymore, which made her almost forget about her own. Uniqueness.

It can be said that these days are the happiest time Zhao Wanxi has lived in her life.

But when she thought of the talisman on her back that was about to disappear, she couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in her heart.

At the same time, boxing champion Meng Tiangao and Taiqing Shenxiu Ren Zhaotian were also invited to the stage one after another, and were awarded a wristband and a dagger respectively amidst the cheers of the audience.

Bai Yiyi has been carefully watching the process and all the movements of the three people on stage, and also saw the changes in the expressions of the three people every moment, especially the flash of trance and confusion.

Her mind gradually sank, and her voice was no longer transmitted through the puppet girl, but directly transmitted to Zhao Wanxi's heart.

"Lin Xing is indeed right. The Taiqing Sect will use small objects such as dolls and swords to imbue people with memories..."

That day Lin Xing broke into the headquarters of the Outer Sect alone, and after witnessing the brainwashing process of the Zhanxie Sect's men and horses, he thought of what happened to Master Bai.

But because he had no further information at the time, and because he was worried about Master Bai's condition, Lin Xing did not tell the puppet girl about these things that day.

However, after kidnapping Xiang Tianqi and obtaining more memories about the Taiqing Sect transaction from the president, Lin Xing knew that he had to tell Master Bai something.

Even if these things may cause a serious blow to Bai Yiyi's mental state, he must inform the other party because it may be related to the other party's subsequent life safety.

At this moment, when Zhao Wanxi heard Bai Yiyi's words, a trace of worry flashed in her heart: "Are they all brainwashed?"

Bai Yiyi replied: "Not sure yet."

Zhao Wanxi couldn't help persuading and said: "It feels a little dangerous, Patriarch, why don't we just listen to senior brother and retreat to the door first?"

Zhao Wanxi thought of the talisman on her back that had disappeared or not, and a very bad feeling emerged in her heart: "Has my evil star started to work again?"

Bai Yiyi's voice revealed an unprecedented firmness: "No matter what, I want to confirm it myself."

"Hold this for a while, if I tell you to run, you are ready to run."

Zhao Wanxi took the cat doll handed over by the puppet girl, and an ominous premonition emerged in her heart. She wanted to persuade the other party, but she could feel the resolute attitude of her ancestor.

Bai Yiyi added: "You don't have to worry too much, I dared to come here only with certainty."

"And your lone star of the evil spirit, maybe the unlucky one is the other side..."

At the same time, a shout came from the stage: "Please come to the stage to accept the awards one by one, cold-faced Luo Shabai!"

The puppet girl suddenly moved, like a crane spreading its wings, leaping up lightly and gracefully, turning over several times in the air and then landed on the stage, instantly arousing cheers.

Being able to make this movement so easily and smoothly is naturally because Bai Yiyi just cast the magic spell.

The usual Bai Yiyi consumes too much magic power, so she always attaches her mind to the doll's body, and directs the puppet girl through heart-to-heart communication.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished performing the action of taking the stage with the magic of possessing spirits, she felt weak for a while, and quickly retreated into the cat doll, seizing the time to rest.

The elder on the stage handed a small knife in front of the puppet girl.

Seeing the girl standing there motionless, the elder directly thrust the knife into the girl's hand.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yiyi used the magic spell again, transferring her thoughts to the puppet girl.

Almost at the same time when it was transferred to the puppet girl, Bai Yiyi felt a wave of thoughts rushing directly into the puppet's body from the knife.

Then, like a fish trapped in the shallows, this thought swam back and forth in the puppet's body, but could never find a way out.

Feeling that somewhat familiar thought, Bai Yiyi's heart surged with all kinds of strong emotions.

Fear, nervousness, shock, horror...

"Same...same..." Bai Yiyi looked at this scene with difficulty: "There are the same things as me inside."

"It's just that he has never practiced the art of possessing spirits, so he doesn't know how to control this puppet."

On the streets of Qingtian City.

Lin Xing quickly ran towards the Taiqing Gate.

In his mind, he was still replaying the process of dying at the hands of the woman in white.

"The second inheritance specializes in martial arts, especially swordsmanship."

"No matter what I use to fight back, with my current strength, the best I can do is delay her. It is impossible to defeat her."

In Lin Xing's recollection, every time the opponent knocked him down, he would put a doll on his head.

Then a strange thought will flow into his sea of ​​consciousness with a massive amount of memories.

He would feel his body losing control bit by bit.

Under the impact of the massive memory, his consciousness seemed to be crumbling, gradually breaking apart, and finally fell into complete darkness.

And every time he came back to his senses, he had turned back time and returned to the way before he entered the manor.

"I died, but not the physical death of the past, but a kind of conscious obliteration."

At the same time, a terrifying conjecture gradually emerged in Lin Xing's mind.

"The true face of Yuhua Reincarnation Chapter is not just as simple as manipulating memory..."

at the same time.

On the arena of Taiqingmen.

The elder of the Taiqing Sect in front of the puppet girl suddenly showed a playful smile, and he said slowly: "At first, when the kid from the Xingxiao Sect asked me to leave a ray of martial arts thoughts, I thought he wanted to do something."

"It turned out that it gave me such an interesting thing."

"Your state is really much more interesting than Lin Xing, Niu Yihu, Mu Tianjiao..."

Suddenly, the puppet girl in front of her punched the elder hard.


Under the astonished gazes of countless people, Bai Yiyi's fist collided with the palm of the Taiqing Sect elder.

Immediately after the collision of huge forces, Bai Yiyi flew out directly.

The puppet girl rolled on the ground for a distance of tens of meters, then bounced up in an instant, and ran out unscathed.

The elder who watched this scene said lightly: "Catch it."

Taiqing Shenxiu Ren Zhaotian, Boxing Master Meng Tiangao, and Thunder Sword Lord Xiang Yun rushed out almost instantly. Their speed was so fast that it was like leaving three black lines in the air at the same time.

the other side.

"Run away."


At the same time when the puppet girl suddenly burst into flames, Master Bai's heartbeat also rang in Zhao Wanxi's mind.

After hearing these words, Zhao Wanxi hugged the cat doll and turned away, running in a different direction from the puppet girl.

While running, Zhao Wanxi said to the cat doll in her arms, "Old... Patriarch, what about the puppet?"

Bai Yiyi's weak voice came: "I have already given the order, and the rest is up to her."

"We're going back right now."

"Find a place to open the door first."

On the streets of Qingtian City.

Lin Xing looked at Taiqing Gate, which was getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt a sword energy rushing towards him from two hundred meters away.

If it were Lin Xing before his spiritual vision was sublimated, it would be difficult to detect this sword energy from such a distance.

At this moment, he suddenly dodged the sword energy and stopped moving forward.

Not far away, a woman in white walked slowly over with a smile: "Your expression... Why does it seem like you've seen me before?"

Various thoughts flashed through Lin Xing's mind.

"For me, I have died at her hands hundreds of times, and every time I died because my consciousness was wiped out."

"But for her, it was just a plan in her head."

"She doesn't have the experience of traveling back in time like I did, so she probably won't be able to judge my superpowers yet..."

For Lin Xing, one death often represents countless deaths.

Because for him, countless different experiences are always the same judgment for the enemy.

While thinking, he had already activated the spell and the Great Sun Flame Dragon again.

He thought to himself: "Fortunately, I replenished the equipment yesterday."

He saw dazzling fire dragons surrounding him, constantly breaking out as Lin Xing advanced.

The woman in white didn't try to attack the blazing fire dragon. She just kept walking parallel to Lin Xing while stroking her chin and said, "There is a question that I haven't figured out yet."

There was a hint of deep contemplation in the woman's originally crazy eyes: "Why did you run away when you were halfway with the Chairman of the Anti-Qing Association just now?"

"If you didn't escape, you should have been controlled."

"I've been wondering, is it possible that you, like the kid from Xingxiao Cult, also have the ability to predict?"

"But why didn't you escape my pursuit in advance?"

"I figured it out a little bit until now."

"Xingxiao taught that brat that he can only capture you alive, but never kill you."

"So your ability can only be triggered by death."

"Can you predict your own death?"

The woman in white revealed her long scarlet tongue and licked her lips. Her eyes were already filled with excitement: "It's just that I didn't expect it at first. Does controlling you even a little bit count as death?"

boom! A ray of fire swept directly towards the woman in white, but she dodged.

"A little control?" Lin Xing looked at the woman in white coldly and said, "You send your consciousness into other people's bodies, occupy other people's bodies, and erase other people's consciousness. Do you call it a little control?"

"The Emerging Reincarnation Chapter..." Lin Xing snorted coldly: "Does the so-called reincarnation mean that you continue to rely on other people's bodies to survive?"

The woman in white laughed loudly, pointed at Lin Xing's face and said, "What's going on with that expression on your face? Are you angry?"

"Damn, I'm laughing so hard. Why did I meet so many funny people today?"

Just then Mu Tianjiao's cold voice came from the side: "Is what he said true?"

The woman in white looked at Mu Tianjiao and said helplessly: "Hey, you want to play cannibalism?"

Mu Tianjiao stared at the other party and said word by word: "All the people who have received memory infusion have been taken away by you?"

The woman in white pointed to her head and said: "We have their memories, their bodies, and the personalities of all these people. We are them..."

Seeing Mu Tianjiao's expression full of murderous intent, the woman in white sighed and said helplessly: "Do you have to play this again every time?"

"You're not going to tell me anything about humanity again, are you?"

"But the reality of this world is that as long as you have strong power, you can do whatever you want."

"Isn't that what your Xingxiao Sect is like?"

Mu Tianjiao shouted: "Master wants to end this troubled world and restore peace to the world. But you are just eating up the people around you and squeezing out the last bit of value, even the corpses. Ghouls to take away."

The woman in white couldn't help laughing again: "You mean that liar? You don't understand him at all, and you don't know what his real purpose is."

"Forget it." The woman in white slowly raised the sword in her hand and said coldly: "It's almost enough for today."

At the same time, a large number of Taiqing Sect disciples began to appear in the darkness, surrounding Lin Xing and Mu Tianjiao from a distance.

"You two, have you seen God?"

The earth-shattering sword energy rose like a tsunami, instantly engulfing the streets with a radius of a hundred meters.

"I am God."

Seeing the terrifying sword energy coming towards Lin Xing and Mu Tianjiao like a wave.

The speed of the sword energy was too terrifying, but the power was not enough to kill him.

Lin Xing knew that the woman in white in front of him would no longer kill him casually like before.

In the next battle, he had already made the decision to try not to get hurt.

But at this time, it was already too late to rely on chanting the mantra.

Only a faint figure appeared behind him, and his soul had left his body in an instant.

Stacks of talismans are flying out of the backpack, and they are activated one after another with the out-of-body magic.


Three yellow scarf warriors rose up in front of Lin Xing, erupting waves of fire, tornadoes and invisible barriers to block the invading sword energy.

From the other side, crackling sounds came continuously.

In Lin Xing's spiritual vision, the figures of Mu Tianjiao and the woman in white were entangled together like two lightning bolts. The dazzling sword light and sparks were reflected in the dark night as the swords in their hands collided again and again. exploded.

It seemed like a swift and well-matched battle, but through Lin Xing's senses, he could find that there were continuous small blood stains on Mu Tianjiao's body, as if his body was continuously scratched with a knife.

"No, she's doomed if this goes on."

Lin Xing frowned, and with a thought, his sword pill turned into a sword light and shot towards the woman in white with a whoosh.

Originally, with the blessing of the fourth level of object control and the transformation of thoughts, Lin Xing's flying sword was already very fast, and it was like a flash of light in the eyes of ordinary people.

After the spiritual vision gained the effect of seeing from the sky and hearing from the earth, Lin Xing's speed of controlling objects was greatly increased. The sword light cut through the air at extremely high speed, as if cutting through layers of sticky barriers.

At this moment, Lin Xing has mastered the kendo skill of Sword Heart Sympathy to the first level.

Then he saw that there was an invisible sword intention in the sword light formed by Jianwan, which further promoted the speed and power of the sword light.

At this moment, the flying sword cut through the sky, and I felt that the resistance of the air was getting stronger and stronger, as if I was falling into the deep sea.

But in the eyes of the surrounding Taiqing Sect disciples, this sword was already like a blur of light, completely beyond their visual reaction.

But the next moment, there was a crackle and explosion, and the woman in white slashed out with her sword, and suddenly slashed Lin Xing's sword ball away.

Mu Tianjiao shouted: "Don't worry about this! Help me deal with these disciples around me first!"

She saw the Taiqing Sect disciples around her rushing towards her one by one as if they were desperate for their lives. Although Mu Tianjiao casually killed her, they still delayed her action, leaving two more wounds on her chest and thighs. Dao sword wound.

Lin Xing sighed secretly in his heart, then he controlled the fire dragon and swept towards the disciples of the Taiqing Sect. The billowing waves of fire ignited each disciple and turned them into torches.

At this moment, three familiar figures broke through the darkness and arrived at Lin Xing's position.

Li Zhao looked at Lin Xing with murderous intent in his eyes: "Little thief! Did you steal our evil relics?!"

Lin Xing said lightly: "That's just the compensation you gave me."

Li Zhao roared angrily: "Then you will pay for it with your life today!"

The order from the woman in white came coldly: "Don't kill him, capture him alive."

The three members of the Evil Killing Sect responded, looking at Lin Xing with overwhelming hostility, and immediately started fighting with each other.

I saw Li Zhao surrounded by storms and thunder, constantly looking for opportunities around Lin Xing, increasing Lin Xing's psychological pressure.

Jiang Yuan, on the other hand, spit out water and kept trying to put out the fire.

The junior brother on the other side took out hidden weapons one after another and tried to aim at Lin Xing's body hiding behind the fire dragon.

But at this moment, Lin Xing was no longer as strong as when he met Li Zhao for the first time. His combat effectiveness had been qualitatively improved in the fights with the opponent.

Especially under the threat of the woman in white, he no longer cared about the consumption of the curse.

The flames, strong winds, and water mist in the sky continued to obscure the sight of everyone present, but they could not block Lin Xing's spiritual vision.

Every move of everyone on the battlefield was now reflected in his eyes.

Jianwan, who was swallowing the sword light, was like an assassin hiding in the firelight, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one strike.

After the two sides fought fiercely for a while, the huge yellow scarf warrior suddenly set off a strong wind and rolled up the sky with fire.

Under the cover of the fire, a blurry figure suddenly appeared behind the junior brother of the Evil Slayer Sect.

As the amulet disappeared, invisible barriers directly blocked the junior brother's side.

Immediately afterwards, the sword pill turned into a beam of sword light and shot out.

The junior brother of the Evil Slaying Sect, who had all escape routes blocked, roared angrily and barely resisted a few attacks. His whole body was cut to pieces by the sword light.

"Junior brother!" Li Zhao and Jiang Yuan roared angrily, but saw the blurry figure flash again and already arrived in front of Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan stretched out her hand and tried to capture the opponent with her spiritual sense, but Lin Xing dodged it.

Immediately afterwards, the strong wind in the sky stirred up flying sand and rocks, and a sword light flashed through it, piercing Jiang Yuan's chest.

"Ah!!" Storms and thunder erupted from Li Zhao's body, like a god of thunder descending from the sky, desperately breaking through the flames and heading towards Lin Xing's physical body.

A large area of ​​burns instantly appeared on his body, and his violent anger had filled every nerve in him, making him stare at Lin Xing in the distance.

But the next moment, a blurry figure flashed behind him, and sword light and Li Zhao fought for a while.

Then two yellow scarf warriors appeared in front of and behind Li Zhao at the same time, and a Great Sun Flame Dragon was thrown at his feet.

An invisible barrier enveloped his body, and flames of more than 2,000 degrees engulfed his body.

Li Zhao's body quickly turned into charcoal as he struggled fiercely.

And when the flames dissipated, his charred corpse still barely maintained a crawling movement with its hands raised, and the direction of the movement was exactly where Lin Xing's body was.

But on the other side, Mu Tianjiao's situation was very bad.

Under the pressure of the woman in white's sword light, she had almost turned into a bloody person. Her movements became slower and slower, and the sword wounds she received became more and more serious.

Mu Tianjiao shouted: "I can't stop her, just run away."

At this moment, she seemed to no longer believe that Lin Xing could stop the actions of the leader of the Taiqing Sect. She only hoped that she could stop the woman in white in front of her and create some opportunities for Lin Xing to escape.

Amidst the crackling explosions, two sword lights continued to cut through the air in the dark night.

The woman in white smiled and said, "Okay, let him run. I like chasing him the most."

Lin Xing looked at the direction where the two were fighting, and felt hesitant for a moment, just as he was thinking about what method to choose next.

Not far away, a large fire suddenly lit up in the darkness.

Amidst the dense gunfire, large areas of Taiqing disciples fell to the ground covered in blood.

Only a clicking sound was heard in the darkness, and a tall figure wearing high heels slowly walked over.

"Lin Xing, the risk you took this time is too great."

Jing Shiyu walked slowly in front of Lin Xing, and behind her was a multi-barreled machine gun, with a stream of green smoke floating from the muzzle.

Lin Xing stared at the big gun behind Jing Shiyu with wide eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "Why did you bring this thing here?"

Jing Shiyu said calmly: "Master Bai and Zhao Wanxi opened the door in a panic and came over to ask for help. I was discussing weapons with Lu Ming and the others at that time. I happened to see this and brought them over to support you."

As she said that, she looked at Mu Tianjiao and the woman in white and said, "Get out of the way."

Before he could finish his words, the storm of bullets had already swept towards the position of the woman in white. Thousands of bullets a minute seemed to be a dense line of fire, tearing all the houses, walls, and human bodies in front of him into pieces.

The woman in white obviously had no intention of fighting this terrifying weapon head-on, and her body instantly dodged to the side at high speed. While avoiding the bullets, she quickly approached Jing Shiyu's direction.

Lin Xing, who was watching this scene, immediately controlled the fire dragon to block the direction of the woman in white.

With their cooperation, they blocked the woman in white from a hundred meters away. They kept dodging left and right to avoid machine gun fire, but they could not get closer.

But seeing that despite the thousands of bullets fired per second, the woman in white was still unable to be harmed at all, Jing Shiyu couldn't help but have a flash of fear in her eyes: "Is this a master of setter?"

Lin Xing nodded and said, "How long will the bullets be enough?"

Jing Shiyu said angrily: "One minute at most, how did you get into trouble with such a monster!"

Lin Xing knew in his heart that after Jing Shiyu ran out of bullets, it would only be a matter of time before they died under the attack of the woman in white.

Unless he can gain the strength to compete with the opponent in this short period of time.

"Just raise the sword-shin sympathy to the fourth level and then complete the sublimation."

"Then replace the sublimation of meditation with the boundless sea of ​​qi."

"I can understand the swordsman of the second inheritance."

"But...is it too late?"

"And the other party won't kill me anymore."

"People who can kill me..."

Lin Xing looked at Jing Shiyu who was standing aside. Without committing suicide, it seemed that the only person who could kill him at this moment was Jing Shiyu who was standing aside.

In particular, the machine gun controlled by the opponent is extremely powerful. If it were to sweep towards him at close range, he would definitely die.

At the same time, the woman in white kept moving at high speed in the darkness, and even took the initiative to chase Mu Tianjiao, causing a storm of bullets to also sweep towards the opponent.

That crazy laughter kept ringing in the dark night.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!"

"It's so fucking exciting!"

"Keep struggling for me! Give me more interesting memories!"

Looking at the figure flashing crazily in the darkness, but unable to hit it no matter what, the anxious look in Jing Shiyu's eyes became heavier and heavier, and the heavy pressure continued to hit him as the number of bullets decreased. her heart.

But something that shocked everyone even more happened the next moment.

The woman in white screamed wildly, and twelve rays of sword light suddenly pierced out of the opponent's body and appeared behind her.

Her hair instantly gained a few strands of white strands, and the wrinkles on her face also vaguely appeared.

"I can't help it, I can't help it, I can't help it..."

The woman in white shouted crazily and excitedly: "I will have fun with you today."

I saw twelve sword lights behind her sweeping in all directions as her body flashed.

Amidst the crackling sound, the woman in white suddenly rushed towards Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu again. As the sword light swept across, she kept knocking away the bullets fired in front of her.

Looking at the woman in white who kept approaching them, Jing Shiyu's heart sank and she said in disbelief: "Who is this woman? There are definitely not many such masters in setters!"

Lin Xing said solemnly: "Maybe he is the clone of the Taiqing Sect's leader."

Hearing Lin Xing's words, Jing Shiyu felt his scalp numb: "How did you provoke her?"

She looked at Lin Xing and thought: "If this continues, both of us will die."

Jing Shiyu recalled the way Lin Xing risked his life to stand in front of him in the last battle in the canyon.

She thought to herself: "If I stay, I can at least stop this monster for a while..."

Just when Jing Shiyu was thinking of words.

Lin Xing felt that the crazy murderous intention was getting closer and closer, and he gradually made up his mind: "We must act quickly. If this continues, don't talk about this woman, the Taiqing Sect will send more enemies at any time."

But how can he make Jing Shiyu around him willing to kill him?

Tell each other frankly?

Or actively attack the opponent to trigger a counterattack?

Looking at Jing Shiyu in front of him, he recalled all the memories related to the other person in his mind that had begun to become blurry.

Lin Xing gradually made a judgment in his heart. He knew that Jing Shiyu was no longer someone who would kill her if she attacked casually.

"Jing Shiyu."

"Listen to me, I have the ability to turn back time, but I have to die to activate it."

Lin Xing pinched Jing Shiyu's hand and said, "But I can't commit suicide."

He felt Jing Shiyu's hand suddenly tightening his grip.

Many strange attitudes of Lu Ming and human beings in the world emerged in Jing Shiyu's mind, as well as the strange conversations between Lin Xing and Master Bai, and Lin Xing's various strange behaviors...

She spoke slowly: "You want me to kill you?"

Lin Xing said: "Only in this way can it be possible to defeat the opponent."

Jing Shiyu bit her lip and sighed: "Why do you always take such risks? Why do you come to Taiqing City..."

Lin Xing smiled bitterly and said: "Because I don't want to forget you, Master Bai and the others, I don't want to forget..."

The fragrant wind blew against his face, and a moist feeling had blocked Lin Xing's mouth.

Feeling Jing Shiyu turn around and kiss her, Lin Xing's mind seemed to fall into a blank for a moment.

"You better not lie to me."

Jing Shiyu hugged her tightly and raised her head to look at Lin Xing: "Lin Xing, I just want to live with you."

Before Lin Xing could react, the machine gun floating in the air was spinning rapidly, and a terrifying torrent of metal swept across Jing Shiyu's back.

Under the shocked eyes of countless people at the scene, the storm directly penetrated the bodies of Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu, tearing them apart completely.

The direction of the inn.

Niu Yihu sat down on the ground covered in blood.

Looking at Uncle Song who was slowly coming out of the darkness in the distance, his pale face was full of sarcastic smiles.

"Taiqing, if you want me to say...you are really stupid."

Uncle Song looked at him indifferently, and said indifferently: "You can try to struggle with words, anyway, I still have some time today."

"You think I'm bluffing?" Niu Yihu obviously sat down on the ground, but with a condescending aura, the old man in front of him felt uncomfortable.

Niu Yihu continued: "You old aboriginal have never understood the current situation in the world at all."

"The world has changed a lot, and ideas are surging. All of this will start in nine months at most."

"Don't you understand what this means?"

"Before the inspiration comes, a war engulfing the two worlds may break out at any time."

"Once this great war breaks out, both sides will never cease to die. Until one side is completely ruled, this war will not end."

"Except for the Taiqing Sect, the other eight sects are patient and dormant... waiting for the day when inspiration comes to them."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Niu Yihu looked at the blood that was coughing up from his mouth, wiped it nonchalantly, and continued: "But at this moment, you are taking on the blood for such a small profit. The risk of offending all the forces in both worlds.”

He slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky: "Do you think you are evil? High? Compared with those mortals who have been squeezed by you for so many years?"

"You are like a child who keeps showing off his toys and counts crushing ants as his achievement all day long."

"Today... just look up and take a good look."

“A look at the true malevolence of human beings.”

The old man raised his head in puzzlement, and saw in the moonlit night sky, an incomparably huge black shadow was slowly breaking through the clouds and landing in the sky above Qingtian City.

a moment ago.

Two thousand meters above Qingtian City.

On the huge airship.

The old man with white hair looked down at the city below. It was Tian Jizi who had met Lin Xing once.

Just listen to him calmly say: "How? We are not late, right?"

The young man on the side said: "I received the news from Niu Yihu. Taiqing took action in advance and is currently arresting Lin Xing."

Tian Jizi continued to ask: "Where is the present world?"

Another young man said: "The current world has agreed. As long as they can ensure that Lin Xing is not controlled by the Taiqing Sect, they are willing to cooperate with us on a limited basis."

Tian Jizi smiled and said: "Oh? Then we are lucky."

"Or is it that the city down there is a bit moldy?"

Tian Jizi looked at Qingtian City at his feet and shook his head: "It's simply... misfortune is rising from the sky, and a catastrophe is imminent."

As he glanced around, he seemed to have a panoramic view of several battlefield locations and memorized them deeply in his mind.

A moment later, following Tian Jizi's order, the doors facing the outside on the airship were opened one after another.

Immediately afterwards, missiles fell into the mirror world from the real world.

At the same time, the lightning in Tianjizi's eyes surged, and his whole body was already flying out of the airship surrounded by layers of electric light, falling in the direction of Qingtian City.


Thunders exploded in the sky, and missiles followed Tian Jizi's will and followed him towards the city below.

As his body continued to fall and the strong wind blew, Tian Jizi looked at every corner of Qingtian City, and thoughts emerged in his mind one after another.

"Our world has been weak for a hundred years."

"They no longer have the courage to make the decision to go to war."

"But the reality is...we must temporarily gain the upper hand in force, and before the great changes in the world officially begin, we must kill and injure the dangerous targets in the mirror world as much as possible."

"Fortunately, they at least understand the importance of Lin Xing."

"If you don't have the courage, then I will help you start the war."

Tianji's hand was seen making secrets, and the dazzling electric light exploded on his body, turning into invisible waves and radiating in all directions.

"Indigenous people in the mirror world, let's experience what is the original evil of human beings."

As Tian Jizi pointed out the Tao Jue, streaks of fire in the sky were already falling in all directions of Qingtian City.

Amidst the shocked eyes of countless people, there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several rays of fire fell from the sky and landed at the Taiqing Gate at an alarming speed.

The loud rumbling noise was deafening, and the earth trembled violently.

A huge fireball soared into the sky in the center of the city, and the dazzling flames lit up the night sky.

Some people were pierced by the shards from the blast, some had their internal organs shattered by the shock wave, and some were burned by the high temperature and fell to the ground screaming.

Flames and smoke flew in all directions, and countless people screamed in terror and fled in all directions.

But the meteors in the sky soon fell the second and third...

With a loud bang, the tower of Taiqing Gate in the center of the city gradually collapsed under countless shocked eyes.

The vast majority of people have no idea what happened, they just feel that the whole city has been engulfed in flames.

At the same time, a figure wrapped in lightning had already arrived above the ruins of the Taiqing Gate.

Tianjizi: "Too clear."

At this time, an old man suddenly rose up and struck Tian Jizi hundreds of meters away with a piercing sword light.

But he wasn't given any chance to get closer.

Meteors flashing with electric light shot out from the sky behind Tianjizi at a speed faster than sound.

Thousands of degrees of heat covered the old man's figure, and a shock wave capable of crushing steel swept through his body.

Then came the second, third... In the dazzling firelight, something seemed to have fallen, but it was no longer human.

"I'm coming over today..."

Among the ruins on the ground, one figure after another screamed and rushed into the sky, using a series of Jinghong Sword Qi to slash towards Tian Jizi.

But in a series of dazzling firelights, they turned into bloody corpses and severed limbs one by one, falling towards the ground.

A cruel smile appeared on Tian Jizi's face: "...I will completely exterminate you."

The next moment, more firelight fell from the sky, sweeping across the entire Taiqing Sect like meteors.


Thanks to Doflamingo for awarding 10,000 prizes for his works

Thanks to Doflamingo for awarding Lin Xing’s role a million dollars

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