I said I would turn back time

Chapter 145 Shooting Mirror World (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

Looking at Jade Girl and Xie Sui who were defeated by him with forty-two thunderbolt shuttles, Lin Xing had a deeper understanding of the power of force in this world and the mirror world.

"Although this evil spirit looks powerful, if it appears on a battlefield using modern weapons, it is actually not worth mentioning. It is just using more firepower."

He took another look at the jade girl who had turned into a charred corpse, and thought in his mind: "The same goes for this puppet. On the frontal battlefield, under the bombardment of all kinds of heavy firepower, it is actually not worth mentioning."

"But this is because it is not used in the right place. If this kind of thing is used to face the heavy firepower of the world, it will be a waste of resources. It is better to dig a trench and move some sandbags."

"But if it is placed in a city and there is enough intelligence to carry out covert operations, the damage that this extraordinary individual force can cause is too powerful."

While thinking, Lin Xing bent down and reached out to pick up the evil relics on the ground.

In an instant, countless images and sounds poured into his mind.

First, a man’s hard-working youth…

Then I became addicted to Longhu Bliss Powder, and gradually fell into the supreme pleasure...

After depleting his family wealth and selling his sons and daughters, the man finally sold himself to Zhou Tianhui...

Then there was endless medication and torture, and all kinds of weird rituals, formations and runes were everywhere. The man's consciousness gradually became chaotic and crazy, and finally he felt that he seemed to be fused with countless people...

Lin Xing came back to his senses, looked at the evil relic in his hand and said to himself: "Is Zhou Tianhui secretly cultivating evil spirits?"

"It seems that my trip is not only for the present world, but also for the country and the people."

"Even if it is placed in the mirror world, it will definitely punish rape and eliminate evil, and its merits are in the contemporary era."

At this moment, Lin Xing felt that the fog that had begun to dissipate after Xie Sui and Jade Girl were killed was absorbed faster in the blink of an eye.

Now only more than half of the fog shrouding the meditation skills is left.

Du Chuang walked up with his master and looked at the evil relic in Lin Xing's hand with burning eyes.

However, the scene of Lin Xing killing Xie Sui and Yu Nu had clearly shocked them deeply, making them extremely polite at the moment.

The old man looked at the masked Lin Xing respectfully and introduced, "I am going to kill Xuan Jizi of the evil sect. Does this senior recognize what he is holding?"

"Evil relic, I've used it many times."

Lin Xing temporarily put away the relics in his hands, and continued: "Zhou Tianhui repeatedly attacked me and tried to kill me again and again. It was an attempted murder. This thing will be regarded as their interest to compensate me." Bar."

Xuan Jizi looked at the evil relics put away by Lin Xing with regret on his face. They had been running around for a long time and spent a lot of effort, but they still hadn't gotten a piece of the evil relics.

Lin Xing looked at the collapsed cave entrance in front of him and directly activated his spiritual thoughts to start digging.

After a while, Bai Yiyi, Zhang Tiande and the three masters and apprentices from the Evil Killing Sect also started to help dig.

The three masters and disciples of the Evil Slaying Sect naturally wanted to explore the secrets in the cave and find the existence of evil spirits and their relics.

In addition to the evil relics, Lin Xing also wants to rescue the King of Hailan Kingdom and other possible living hostages to complete his heroic goal.

While everyone was digging, the people who had been rescued not far away looked at them blankly.

A young man whispered: "They don't seem to be taking care of us. Should we take the opportunity to run away?"

Another middle-aged man said: "Can you outrun us? These monsters can kill us all with just one look."

Another student wearing glasses said: "Have you seen their clothes? They are all clothes from this world? Could they be people from this world?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Where can such a monster come from in this world?"

Glasses said: "I just heard someone in the Mirror World call that person Lin Xing. Is he the Lin Xing on TV?"

Others also whispered, and several people said they heard Ma Hong call the man with the mask Lin Xing.

At this moment, everyone suddenly became quiet again.

Because they saw Jing Shiyu walking towards them wearing a mask.

Looking at everyone who was nervous and scared, Jing Shiyu comforted them: "Don't be afraid, everyone. We came from this world to deal with Zhou Tianhui. You have been saved."

After hearing these words, most people present breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Shiyu raised her phone and asked them with a smile: "Where were you arrested from? How long have you been arrested?"

"How did they torture you?"

"How many people did they kill?"

As Jing Shiyu continued to ask gentle questions, the speeches of the living people gradually became enthusiastic, as if it had turned into a general meeting of complaints.

And watching their chatter under the mobile phone camera, Jing Shiyu gradually revealed a satisfied smile.

It seemed that Jing Shiyu's gentle words calmed their emotions, but suddenly a middle-aged woman said dissatisfied: "How did your people save us just now? My clothes were all torn!"

"Yeah yeah."

"What you did just now was too rough and dangerous."

"Is that person Lin Xing?"

Seeing the people who suddenly started complaining and asking questions, several hostages around them subconsciously took a few steps away from them.

When Jing Shiyu heard the meaning of the other party's words, his eyes moved slightly and he silently stopped taking pictures on his phone.

Then she looked through the videos on her phone and found the video she had taken of the hostages just after she came through the door.

She originally thought that the clothes on these people were stripped off by people from Zhou Tianhui, but now she realized that Lin Xing had done it accidentally.

Just when she was about to click delete, she suddenly stopped and cut this video together with another video of Ma Hong tearing his pants.

Seeing that in the previous scene Ma Hong was tearing his pants, and in the latter scene the hostages with torn clothes were all over the floor, Jing Shiyu nodded with satisfaction.

"The leader of Zhou Tianhui repeatedly violently abused the hostages... Well, that's enough."

Looking up at the hostages who were still complaining, Jing Shiyu said impatiently: "Are you done?"

As if frightened by Jing Shiyu's sudden cold and murderous tone, the hostages who had been complaining just now froze there.

Jing Shiyu took out a document from his backpack and said, "Everyone, here is a confidentiality agreement that you need to sign."

"I also have the exclusive rights to report on your experience, as well as novels, games, movies, audios... I have bought all the adaptation rights."

One of the women who had just complained said, "What if we don't want to sell to you?"

Jing Shiyu smiled: "Of course it's no problem."

She glanced back at Lin Xing and felt that the other party had not used her spiritual vision to detect this place.

So Jing Shiyu went on to say: "But why don't you sign it? If there is any profit in the future, we will give you half of the profit after deducting the operating expenses."

"And for the next rescue operation, we will give priority to ensuring the safety of those who have signed the contract."

There seemed to be more and more pressure in her words: "It's also possible that you don't know much about it. The force that kidnapped you is called Zhou Tianhui, the most powerful underworld group in the mirror world. The monster you just saw is They made it from the captured people..."

Following Jing Shiyu's kind reminder, someone soon said, "I...I'll sign."

Seeing a person rushing up to sign the contract, Jing Shiyu nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, we are a professional team and will definitely send you home safely."

On the other side, with the extraordinary strength of Lin Xing and his group, the collapsed tunnel was quickly dug through again.

Bai Yiyi was still circling the motionless Jade Girl, and finally couldn't help but said, "Do you want to take this thing back? Find someone to study it."

So Jing Shiyu took out a piece of cloth and wrapped Jade Girl's body, and gave it to Bai Yiyi to carry on her back.

The big box containing the Thunderbolt Shuttle was handed over to Zhang Tiande.

Then Lin Xing and his party went underground again and continued to explore Zhou Tianhui's underground base.

It's a pity that almost all the rooms have been vacated. It can be seen that the people who evacuated were in a hurry, leaving behind a lot of messy things, and no one had time to clean up a large number of evacuation marks.

Following the traces of evacuation, Lin Xing smashed an empty wall and came to a cliff.

Xuan Jizi looked at the city not far away, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that Ma Hong has led his people back to Jianyang City."

Lin Xing looked at the large city and asked, "Is this a city controlled by Zhou Tianhui?"

Xuan Jizi nodded and said: "Including this Jianyang City, the surrounding three prefectures are all under the control of Ma Hong, and even if the places farther away are not directly controlled by him, they are also controlled by his warlords. Here is the complete Tu Emperor."

"The underground fortress we just explored is just a stronghold for him to refine poisonous people and collect evil spirits. This Jianyang City is his base camp."

Lin Xing's eyes looked at Jianyang City. His deep gaze seemed to have penetrated countless spaces and saw all kinds of evil being performed in this city.

He looked at the city expectantly: "Although Ma Hong gave up this stronghold, he took away all the people who could open the fairy gates everywhere. He can strengthen his kidnapping and bandit group again at any time, and he will fight again and again in this world." commit crimes."

"Besides that, he can still return to Hailan, control the country with the help of the king of Hailan, and cause trouble in this world."

"As far as the world is concerned, Ma Hong is also a very evil person, and the evil he has committed is too numerous to describe."

Thinking of this, Lin Xing felt that his righteousness could no longer be suppressed.

"Eliminate Mahon's party and save more people."

Thinking of this, he became more and more excited, and the urge to be a knight continued to surge from the bottom of his heart:

"Sacrificing oneself for the public good, benefiting the country and benefiting the people, can be called chivalrous and righteous in both worlds, and has a huge impact on good deeds. How can an upright superhuman like me not do it?"

Thinking of this, Lin Xing pointed in the direction of Jianyang City and shouted: "I want to go into the city to save people. If I have a chance... kill Ma Hong by the way."

Xuan Jizi who was at the side was shocked when he heard the words: "You want to enter Jianyang City to kill Ma Hong? Do you know how many masters in this city who were subdued by Ma Hong with Dragon and Tiger Bliss Powder?"

Jing Shiyu thought for a moment and said, "Before taking action, we should take these hostages back and resupply them with equipment."

She looked at Lin Xing and said, "The Marshal and I will go on a trip. You stay here to take care of us."

Hearing that they were actually discussing, Xuan Jizi said in disbelief: "Are you crazy? There are tens of thousands of troops stationed in the city alone. No matter how strong your Taoist skills are, if you go in to kill Ma Hong, you are just throwing yourself into a trap."

Du Chuang also advised: "Zhou Tianhui is a powerful and wealthy man in the south, and Ma Hong is the local emperor here. This matter needs long-term consideration."

Lin Xing looked in the direction of Jianyang City and said with a smile: "It won't last long. When I think of the countless evils happening ahead, I can hardly bear it anymore."

"I will bring them all to justice!"

Xuan Jizi and Du Chuang looked at each other's smiling faces and felt that their eyes were full of desire and excitement.

He looked at Jing Shiyu and asked, "How long do you need?"

Jing Shiyu thought for a while and said, "Please open the door for us in two hours."

So next, Jing Shiyu took Zhang Tiande and many hostages to open the fairy gate and leave.

The remaining three people, Lin Xing, Bai Yiyi and the Evil Killing Sect, stayed for some rest.

Du Chuang's apprentice couldn't help but said: "Master, Master, aren't we leaving?"

Xuan Jizi shook his head: "Let's take a look at the situation."

Two hours later, Lin Xing used the secret technique of the Immortal Gate to open a door.

Then he saw Jing Shiyu and Zhang Tiande walking in carrying large and small bags.

While watching the process of opening the Immortal Sect, the three members of the Evil Killing Sect on the side all thought of the news that was spreading throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Du Chuang thought to himself: "Are they people from the secret realm? It doesn't mean that people in the secret realm are as weak as cattle and sheep. These people are not like them."

Jing Shiyu opened the box and said, "I asked the superiors to airlift some new equipment from the border of Hailan Kingdom to the suburbs of the capital. You can try it out."

Since the beginning of the operation, Jing Shiyu has been observing everyone in the team, and the new equipment this time was an adjustment she made after observing.

After a while, Zhang Tiande carried a box full of Thunderbolt shuttles on his back, and a hidden camera was placed in the backpack on his chest.

Zhang Tiande tried operating the camera and realized that he was positioned as a logistics worker by Jing Shiyu and was responsible for shooting videos.

And after seeing the previous series of battles, he himself could accept this position.

He sighed in his heart: "Lin Xing has already passed the second inheritance, and he has mastered such terrifying modern weapons. There is really no need for me to intervene in most battles."

"Originally I wanted to contribute to the Xia Kingdom and make some achievements, but now it seems that it is not my turn to take action."

On the other side, Jing Shiyu tied a ring of grenades to Bai Yiyi's body.

After Bai Yiyi heard how to use this grenade, she was shocked: "Just take it in your hand and blow it up? Wouldn't that blow up myself?"

Jing Shiyu smiled and said: "Master Bai, your body is not afraid of being blown up by grenades a few times. In the future, when you are evenly matched with your opponent and you are entangled, you can use this thing to blow it up. You will definitely not suffer any loss."

Bai Yiyi touched the grenade on her body and thought to herself: "Suicide attack? Hehe, it suits me now..."

Jing Shiyu sent a box of alloy flying needles in front of Lin Xing to facilitate Lin Xing's future fighting in a small space.

Then she took out two vests from a box, put one on herself, and placed the other in front of Lin Xing.

Lin Xing asked curiously, "What is this?"

Jing Shiyu had a half-smile on his face and whispered in Lin Xing's ear: "When one explodes, the other will explode as well."

As she spoke, she took out a thumb-sized remote control, placed it in front of Lin Xing, and made a motion to press it with her thumb.

Jing Shiyu: "As long as I press this, the explosives on us will explode together."

Lin Xing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said happily: "What a good idea."

"I knew you would like it." Jing Shiyu helped Lin Xing put on the vest, and said with a knowing smile: "In the future battles, I will go back to the past with you."

But when they want to enter Jianyang City ahead, they obviously can no longer wear the modern clothes they wear.

So a few people found a few sets of ordinary clothes from Zhou Tianhui's stronghold and changed into them.

When he saw the mask on Lin Xing's face removed, a look of surprise appeared on Du Chuang's face: "It's actually him?"

Recalling the scene of Lin Xing going forward to kill Xie Sui and Jade Girl alone, Du Chuang couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart: "Fortunately, I didn't catch up with this person before, otherwise senior brother and I would have become the dead souls of his men."

Thinking of his senior brother, Du Chuang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "I don't know where my senior brother and the others went after Qingtian City was separated."

Looking at Lin Xing and the others leaving, Du Chuang asked Xiang Xuan Jizi again: "Master, what should we do next?"

Xuan Jizi stroked the beard on his chin and thought for a while, then stood up and said, "Let's also enter Jianyang City."

Du Chuang asked: "Are we going to help them? Is this... too dangerous?"

Xuan Jizi said: "Have you forgotten that we and the old man agreed to meet in Jianyang City?"

"And this person can be regarded as helping us. If he is really surrounded and killed by Zhou Tianhui in the city, we can help him if we can."

Lin Xing and the other four were walking on the streets of Jianyang City at the moment.

This city gave Lin Xing a strange feeling.

The city seemed very prosperous on the surface, but the number of beggars and refugees was the most Lin Xing had ever seen among the many Mirror World cities he had passed through.

After arriving in the city, Lin Xing and the others planned to do some research first to see where the people Zhou Tianhui kidnapped from the present world were most likely hiding.

However, the metal box behind Zhang Tiande and the similar appearance of the puppet girl and the jade girl are too eye-catching in this city.

So the two of them stayed in a deserted, remote courtyard, while Jing Shiyu and Lin Xing went out to investigate.

Jing Shiyu also picked up the bag containing the hidden camera.

Lin Xing watched Jing Shiyu playing with the bag and asked curiously, "What are you going to take a picture of?"

Jing Shiyu said: "Anyway, when I come out to inquire about information, of course I can also take pictures of the real situation in Da Zhou. When I go back, I can show it to the people in this world to take a good look at it, so as to prevent them from having unrealistic illusions about this place."

As she said that, she had already pointed the camera at the row of homeless people with sallow faces and empty eyes beside the street.

Jing Shiyu said while taking pictures: "This is one of the largest cities under Zhou Tianhui's rule, Jianyang City."

"And the street in front of you is the most prosperous street in Jianyang City."

"We came here after many rounds of inspections by Zhou Tianhui, just to take pictures of the real situation in this city."

She patted the shops and restaurants in the distance, then turned around and pointed at the refugees: "These are citizens who overdosed on Longhu Bliss Powder. It is said that they have spent all their money on taking the medicine."

Looking at the video he took, Jing Shiyu was a little dissatisfied and said, "Why is this lens so bright? Can't it be darker?"

Lin Xing looked aside and reached out to adjust: "Do you want the filter to be darker? Like a cloudy day?"

Jing Shiyu's eyes lit up when he saw the changes in the camera lens: "Yes, yes, that's it."

So he took pictures of the surrounding area again. Jing Shiyu came to a refugee and asked, "Are you from Jianyang City?"

The refugee stared at him blankly, his eyes full of confusion.

Jing Shiyu could only turn off the camera first, then took out a small piece of silver and said, "You answer whatever I say, and I'll give you this piece of silver when it's done."

The refugee's eyes lit up instantly and he nodded repeatedly.

Jing Shiyu turned on the camera and asked, "Are you from Jianyang City?"

The refugee nodded.

Jing Shiyu asked again: "Why are you homeless?"

When the refugees on the side saw that there was money to take, they also came over one by one.

Jing Shiyu asked them various questions while filming.

"Have you ever been force-fed Ji Le Long Hu Powder?"

"How do you feel when you have no money to eat?"

"How will Zhou Tian treat people who owe money?"

"Where do you think they disappeared?"

Looking at the answers of each refugee, Jing Shiyu showed a satisfied smile. Zhou Tianhui's method of using drugs and force to control his people was obviously unacceptable to the world.

Next, Jing Shiyu and Lin Xing went around taking pictures of the refugees and beggars in the city. They also photographed the crazy and painful scenes of several refugees after they became addicted to Longhu Bliss Powder.

In the process, they also continued to try to obtain information about Zhou Tianhui from these wandering people.

Of course, Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu's actions also aroused the thoughts of the refugees.

Two of them found a disciple of Zhou Tianhui who sold Dragon Tiger Bliss Powder and informed him about Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu.

The disciple frowned slightly after hearing this: "I want to ask you about Ji Le Powder? So what?"

The refugee said boldly: "Are they...are they trying to harm Zhou Tianhui?"

The disciple sneered and said: "What can I do if I ask something from the mouths of you losers? You still want to ask for the Bliss Powder after such nonsense?"

The disciple stood up and beat the refugees until they screamed, and then kicked them out.

On the other side, Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu have returned to Zhang Tiande and Bai Yiyi.

Lin Xing said: "Based on the information obtained today, there are three most likely places. Jing Shiyu and I scanned with our spiritual vision and magic eyes and eliminated two of them."

He activated his spiritual thoughts and drew the topographic map of Jianyang City on the soil. He pointed to a location in the east of the city and said, "This was originally a Duke's Mansion. After it was requisitioned by Ma Hong a few years ago, it was It became his mansion.”

"I used my spiritual vision to see more than ten living people being imprisoned in the northwest corner of Zhuangzi."

"However, there are many people in this village, and there are thousands of soldiers stationed there. I can't use my spiritual vision to further investigate."

"Judging from the known information, it is very likely that the King of Hailan Kingdom is in this Zhuangzi."

Zhang Tiande frowned and said, "It's too difficult to save people from such a place."

Lin Xing smiled and said, "Let's try it first."

Jing Shiyu said from the side: "I can help to divert some people away so that you can find the location of the King of Hailan Kingdom."

In an alley in front of the Duke's Mansion.

Jing Shiyu looked at the dozen or so refugees beside him.

These more than ten refugees were all carefully selected by Jing Shiyu, and they were all willing to do whatever it took to achieve the ultimate goal.

Some of them killed their mothers in order to buy medicine and rob money, some sold their wives and daughters to brothels, and some even killed people and robbed them in order to buy medicine.

After all, what Jing Shiyu asked them to do next was a bit risky, and only these desperadoes who would do anything to take the medicine could do it.

Looking at the few people who were about to move, Jing Shiyu snorted coldly, and a murderous intention swept away, immediately shocking the people who were taking the medicine.

Then she took it out from her arms and threw a few packets of Dragon Tiger Bliss Powder to the other party.

Everyone who saw this scene was overjoyed, and they immediately opened the medicine packets one by one and started taking it.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that each of them was energetic and energetic.

Jing Shiyu thought to himself: "If this Dragon Tiger Bliss Powder is not addictive, it is indeed a good medicine."

She looked at the few people and said, "You all stand side by side in front of the Duke's Mansion. Just stand still and don't move."

There was a hint of hesitation in everyone's eyes. Although the other party only asked them to stand there and not move, it was the territory of Zhou Tianhui after all, so they still had doubts.

Jing Shiyu said: "After the matter is completed, one package per person."

One person immediately said: "This is what you said, and we just stand there and won't do anything."

Seeing that Jing Shiyu agreed, everyone braved their courage and walked towards the Duke's Mansion.

Looking at this scene, Jing Shiyu thought to himself: "If you Zhou Tianhui can use something like Longhu Bliss Powder, others can naturally use it too."

Then she pointed the camera at the people standing in front of the Duke's Mansion, and said softly: "In Jianyang City, some people can no longer stand Zhou Tianhui's governance with drugs and violence. These brave people chose to stand up and demonstrate... …”

The refugees stood for a while, then saw Zhou Tianhui's soldiers guarding the door approaching, and their feet suddenly softened.

They were just about to scatter and run away, but they felt an invisible force restraining them and actually nailing them to the spot.

The soldiers shouted at them: "What are you doing? Zhou Tianhui is in a strong position, retreat immediately."

Seeing that these refugees refused to take a step back, the soldier walked up angrily: "You are looking for death..."


A refugee's head exploded.

Jing Shiyu said softly: "Faced with the people's protests, Zhou Tianhui chose bloody suppression, and the people rose up to resist..."

Terrifying spiritual thoughts fell from the sky, and the refugees surrounded the soldiers like puppets under control.

In the blink of an eye, the entire scene was in chaos. With the death of the guarding soldiers, a large number of disciples and soldiers of Zhou Tianhui took action.

In a wing room in the Duke's Mansion.

As a disciple opened the door, Jian Ji and Hui Ling slowly walked out.

The disciple was slightly startled: "You..."

The next moment the sword light flashed and the disciple fell to the ground.

"The skills of your Daguangming Temple are still more useful. It's more useful for asking questions than if I beheaded his whole family."

Sword Girl licked her lips: "Finally here, where exactly is this place?"

The masked Lin Xing's appearance was reflected in her mind, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Damn, I must catch that kid this time."

On the roof of a building.

Du Chuang looked at the Duke's Mansion not far away and said in surprise: "Master, something seems to have happened over there. Isn't it really them?"

Xuan Jizi frowned: "I've only been in the city for a day, who would be so impulsive and messy. It's just a little movement, maybe for a meal."

Du Chuang said again: "Isn't it an old guy who broke in?"

Xuan Jizi criticized: "The old man is the suzerain no matter what, don't yell. Also, although he is a little confused, he would not be so absurd as getting lost in Ma Hong's house."

In the Duke's Mansion.

A hall.

Ma Hong was having a meeting with six Zhou Tianhui cadres, while the king of Hailan Kingdom stood silently aside, answering questions raised by several people at any time.

At this moment, the six cadres present suddenly felt a powerful sword intent coming from their pants.

Ma Hong's expression suddenly changed: "Be careful!"

"Don't move!" He opened his mouth and vomited, and a stream of green venom sprayed onto the pants of the six people present.

There was a popping sound, and the six pairs of pants that were still exuding sword intent just now were completely dissolved.

Several cadres looked at Ma Hong in shock.

Ma Hong's face turned red and he explained: "Someone is attacking you. Take off your clothes quickly..."

But before he could finish his explanation, sword intent emerged from the clothes of the six cadres.

Ma Hong cursed in his heart: "This despicable and shameless person!"

Before the six people could react in time to take off their clothes, they just watched Ma Hong open his mouth and spit out, and all the tops of the six people were dissolved.

One of the bald men looked at Ma Hong in disbelief: "Elder Ma, I am only responsible for the business you gave me and don't do anything else."

The other young man smiled slightly and said with some embarrassment: "Elder Ma, you are serious, how can the six of you play together?"

Several other cadres looked at him and Ma Hong with shocked expressions.

Ma Hong said angrily: "I said someone is attacking us, that is the swordsman Lin Xing from the secret realm."

As if to confirm what he said, sword intent came from the surrounding tables, chairs, doors, windows, and cups.

Ma Hong opened his mouth and vomited, and immediately dissolved a few more objects that erupted with sword intent, and then immediately shouted: "Rush out! He must be nearby!"

At the same time, golden centipedes emerged from the ground and wrapped around the bodies of several cadres, wearing them like a piece of armor.

Amidst the thunderous sounds, various objects around him continued to erupt with sword intent, and then brought bursts of air explosions towards the people present to assassinate them.

Everyone at the scene immediately used their skills and rushed out under Ma Hong's command.

One of them had bright lights in his eyes and shouted towards the southeast corner: "There!"

Ma Hong and a group of seven people immediately chased after them, and at this moment the six cadres also understood that the strange and unpredictable attack just now was really meant to deal with them.

In the blink of an eye, someone called for soldiers and disciples, someone destroyed the object that raised the sword intent, and someone tracked the enemy's location.

The seven of them worked together to not only block the wave of sword attacks, but also gathered many people to surround and kill the enemy.

At the same time, as the signal was sent out, more and more soldiers and horses in the city began to gather here.

Many Zhou Tianhui disciples and soldiers even took Longhu Bliss Powder and gathered around with excited faces.

After a moment, he saw a pair of young men and women, surrounded by many people, holding hands, standing like a couple of gods and goddesses, looking coldly at everyone present.

There was also a big man wearing heavy armor, standing beside him like a sword boy carrying a big box.

Ma Hong looked at Lin Xing with a fierce look and shouted: "Lin Xing, how brave are you, how dare you come here to act wild?"

Lin Xing said lightly: "The seven of you will die together under my sword today."

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