I said I would turn back time

Chapter 156 No sword is better than having a sword

Because Feng Chuang has practiced martial arts since he was a child and was one of the first to enter the realm, he is the first person in the exploration team to master the inheritance, and he is currently the strongest individual in the exploration team.

However, during his last capture mission in Changqing City, he saw Lin Xing cast a spell to kill a powerful man from the Mirror World, and knew that this man's strength far surpassed his own.

Feng Chuang looked at Lin Xing and smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just making up the numbers this time. When the time comes, I can be the first to go up and test your opponents. The rest will depend on the two of you."

Lin Xing waved his hand and said in an experienced tone: "The gap between the first inheritance and the second inheritance is too big. Even if you don't test it dozens of times, you won't be able to find anything."

Under the doubtful eyes of the other party, Lin Xing said: "You and Master Bai can watch from below together later."

"I'll go up and fight three games by myself and defeat them three in turn."

Feng Chuang was slightly shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but think: "You, Lin Xing, are very powerful, but when you talk about one versus three... are you underestimating the other party?"

In Building C.

Zhao Wanxi, who had just finished cursing Huiling and Xia Jianlong, was watching the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

I saw the host on the screen introducing the process and rules of the exhibition match to all the audience, as well as the identities of a total of six players.

Then the host looked at Hui Ling, who was standing aside, and asked, "What do Hui Ling think of today's arena match?"

Huiling smiled slightly and said: "The players in Xia Kingdom all have potential and courage, but in terms of martial arts and Taoism, the gap in realm is decisive."

"Except for the second inheritance mastered by Lin Xing in the Xia Kingdom, Bai Yiyi and Feng Chuang are only at the level of the first inheritance."

"As for Sword Lady and the others, they have all mastered the second inheritance and are absolute masters in the mirror world..."

With Huiling's popular science about the first and second heritages, many people who didn't know about them suddenly realized it, and then they began to worry about the results of the competition.

The host looked at Song Yan standing aside and asked curiously: "Is Huiling right?"

Song Yan nodded helplessly.

The host looked at Hui Ling again and asked: "I didn't expect that the gap between us and the mirror world is so big. How many opponents does Hui Lingqi think Lin Xing can defeat?"

Huiling smiled: "Lin Xing is a very talented person. He can master the second inheritance at such a young age. It is rare in the mirror world, but his opponents today are all the best in the second inheritance. He wants to It’s very difficult to win.”

As the host talked with Huiling and Song Yan, the audience's hearts gradually cooled down, and they had a bad premonition about the outcome of the competition.

However, in the live broadcasts on some platforms, many barrages with different opinions kept popping up.

"Bai Yiyi is the strongest!"

"I believe you."

"Huiling, have you forgotten that you dare not fight Bai Yiyi?"

At the same time, the first player from the representative team has already appeared on the stage.

I saw a short but extremely strong man with a big round face standing out.

He had a dark complexion, a straight nose, and a bushy beard on his chin.

It was Dabagan from Tianri Sect.

Dabagan looks like an honest and stout herdsman, always standing aside inconspicuously.

But Huiling knew that Dabagan, who seemed honest and honest, was a powerful man on the northern grasslands, with countless cattle, sheep, and herdsmen under his command.

However, this powerful setter from the Mirror World is the most low-key among the delegation. He has hardly appeared in any reports for so long since he came to this world. He has been silently observing and recording everything he saw in Xia Kingdom, and often communicated with him. Some officials asked about various current situations.

Last night, with the help of Huiling, he opened a social account and uploaded several videos of himself eating real food.

Because I ate more than 300 hamburgers in one go, it became a hot search.

Dabagan's legs look a little short, but they are extremely thick, giving people a strong sense of strength, like a giant tree rooted in the earth.

At this moment, he jumped up high with a bang, and hit the ring like a cannonball, causing the roar to continuously echo throughout the stadium.

And as he walked towards the center of the ring step by step, every step he took caused violent vibrations. The steel ring seemed to have experienced an earthquake, constantly shaking and making strange noises.

An extremely domineering aura surged out of him. At this moment, Dabagan seemed to have instantly transformed from an ordinary herdsman to a general commanding thousands of troops.

This earth-shaking power instantly shook the entire audience. It not only made many officials and exploration team members breathless, but also triggered a large number of barrages and messages on the Internet.


"What kind of humanoid Gundam?"

"What a civil engineering seedling."

At the same time, Dabagan's small eyes were already looking at Lin Xing and the others, and he said casually: "Which one of you will come first?"

"Of course, it's okay to go together. Anyway, two of them are one pass, so it doesn't matter if they can't go up..."

In the audience, Bai Yiyi no longer dared to look at her phone.

There are too many messages cheering her on and looking forward to her taking the field to defeat her opponents.

But she could only stand next to Lin Xing like a minion, not daring to go into the ring at all.

Bai Yiyi seems to have thought that after this exhibition match is over, countless fans will ask her why she didn't play.

"It's better not to go up than to go up and be knocked to the ground..."


"Strength, I want stronger strength, I must recover my skills faster!"

"The next time I encounter this kind of thing, I will never stand aside like this and stare blankly."

Bai Yiyi is still making up her mind here, but Lin Xing has already entered the ring step by step.

Lin Xing thought in his heart: "The next three battles are not only for my personal honor and disgrace, but also for the confidence of the people of Xia Kingdom, for the advancement of the entire country's policies, and to prevent the mirror world sect from encroaching on Xia Kingdom. A heroic deed for the country and the people."

Thinking of this, Lin Xing's heart was already full of righteousness, and the fog in his mind seemed to be rippling: "So in the next three battles, I not only want to win, but also win beautifully, and fight against the world's best. Style.”

On the other side of the ring, Dabagan twisted his neck, looked at him curiously and asked, "I heard the Sword Girl talking about you, you should be a swordsman, right? Aren't you coming up with a few flying swords?"

Lin Xing stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Since I mastered the swordsman inheritance, I have studied the art of sword control day and night, and gradually understood the secret that everything in the world can be used as a sword. Until a few days ago, I finally stepped into the world where no sword is better than having a sword. Since then, I have given up all the swords on my body."

He looked at Dabagan and said: "The strength of your feet can shake the whole audience. In terms of strength, you can rank at the forefront of all the warriors I have seen, but you are still a little behind in defeating me." Far."

Lin Xing looked at the weapon rack not far away, and then said: "There are all kinds of cold weapons such as knives, guns and sticks here, you can choose a few to use."

Hearing these words, Dabagan felt that the tone of the young man in front of him was too loud and arrogant, and he burst out laughing.

His laughter was like thunder, sweeping out with terrifying sound waves, shaking countless people present dizzy.

The host quickly put on the headset and earmuffs, then looked at Hui Ling aside and asked: "Hui Ling, what is Lin Xing's point of saying that no sword is better than having a sword? Is it really as he said, Dabagan and him Is it very different?"

Huiling smiled slightly in the direction of the camera and said: "I have never heard of a realm where no sword is better than having a sword. Divine weapons are more powerful than flesh and blood. Even if a warrior has practiced the magical power of body protection, he has to wear an extra layer. The armor is stronger, this is common sense in the world, our world is the same as yours in this regard."

"As for Lin Xing's saying that having no sword is better than having a sword, maybe it is his misunderstanding of the way of the sword..."

Just when Huiling was halfway through speaking, she heard the exclamation of countless people at the scene.

Hui Ling quickly turned her head to look at the ring, and then instantly opened her beautiful eyes wide.

I saw Dabagan fell headfirst to the ground, his lower body turned into a pool of blood.

The host was shocked and said: "Instakill! It turned out to be an instakill! Dabagan was instakilled by Lin Xing!"

"Let's go back and forth in slow motion and see what's going on?"

I saw a slow motion of the battle between the two sides just now on a large screen.

After Dabagan laughed wildly for a while, he strode towards Lin Xing. With every step he took, his originally short body seemed to grow a little bigger, like a big mountain pressing down on Lin Xing little by little.

Lin Xing raised his sword lightly.

Dabagan's jacket seemed to be torn apart suddenly by an invisible force, and even the beard on his face was cut off by the sword intent.

Dabagan smiled disdainfully. He raised his hands, and the muscles all over his body twisted like giant pythons: "Not only have I practiced the thirteen body protection techniques of this sect, but I have also completed two Sublimate the 'Red Flame Body Protection Technique', you don't have a flying sword in your hand, how can you hurt me with just your sword intent..."

Following Dabagan's words, his whole body turned red with the intense circulation of Qi and blood, and every piece of flesh and blood was like the hardest steel at this time.

At this moment, Dabagan was like a huge body-refining furnace, slamming towards Lin Xing with astonishing heat and power.

Lin Xing's raised sword finger pressed down gently.

The few hairs that had just been cut off from Dabagan's face instantly erupted with shocking sword intent, and hit Dabagan's face hard, making a series of sounds of gold and iron.

But the next moment, Dabagan, who was still extremely fierce, seemed to have a pause button pressed. His whole person suddenly froze in place, and the expression on his face changed, ranging from surprise to confusion. It seems like pain and confusion...

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of blood stained his pants, and Dabagan fell to the ground with a thud and lost consciousness.

Lin Xing shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, it seems that your Dharma Protector Technique still has flaws and has not yet reached a truly perfect state."

Seeing the replayed footage, many people present were still shocked and confused.

Thinking back to what Lin Xing just said about the situation where no sword is better than having a sword, I felt that Lin Xing standing on the stage at this moment seemed so enigmatic.

People on the Internet sent countless exclamatory messages, as if they were going to overthrow the entire Internet, and even caused lags on all major platforms.

"That's awesome."

"Lin Xing is invincible!"

Huiling's eyes were fixed on the camera on the screen. Suddenly she looked at Dabagan's hair that had been chopped off by the sword, and recalled the scene where the hair that had just fallen off was turned into a flying sword.

Then when she looked at Dabagan's blood-covered pants, she couldn't help but blush on her face: "Is that so? Fortunately, I'm not afraid of this trick..."

She couldn't help but turn her head to look at Jian Ji and Xia Jianlong, and thought to herself: "Jian Ji should be fine, but I don't know if Xia Jianlong can block this move."


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