On the commentary stage, Hui Ling sighed: "I didn't expect that the battle would reach this point."

"We should thank Lin Xing and Xia Jianlong for bringing us such a wonderful battle."

"Xia Jianlong's martial arts has been refined over time and has a deep foundation, showing the comprehensiveness of a martial artist."

"Lin Xing's sword intention is unconstrained, unexpected, and hard to guard against."

"What the two of them performed today are rare and rare skills in the past. I am looking forward to Xia Jianlong practicing the unique skills of the Shenlong Gang in the future, and I am also very curious about how far Lin Xing's sword will can go..."

The host smiled and nodded, and asked, "Can Huiling explain to us what is so powerful about Lin Xing's sword intent?"

Hui Ling talked eloquently: "According to my observation, Lin Xing's sword-controlling skills allow him to use anything as a sword to wield, and his sword intention should be derived from the second sublimation of sword-controlling skills."

"I haven't seen this sword intent before, and I was shocked at first."

"But even though I haven't seen it, I can still see the subtlety of this sword intention. It greatly enhances Lin Xing's control over swordsmanship, allowing all kinds of debris, smoke and even wind to become Lin Xing's. Someone who can wield a sword."

"In addition, judging from the failure of Xia Jianlong's several attacks, this sword will also produce some illusions and affect the opponent's perception. They are among the most difficult abilities to guard against when seeing them for the first time..."

Listening to Huiling's analysis, both the host and the audience in front of the screen nodded again and again, suddenly enlightened.

"Thanks for Huiling's analysis." The host said towards the camera: "Let's take a look at the slow-motion replay of the battle just now."

On the big screen in the distance, the slow-motion replay of the battle had started again.

As early as when preparing for this exhibition match, the officials had prepared various cameras and surveillance equipment, targeting every corner of the arena and above, for fear of missing something.

No matter who wins or loses in this battle, the entire battle process and various values ​​will be studied repeatedly and become important materials for the exploration of extraordinary power in this world.

At this moment, most of the officials and staff on the scene, as well as the audience outside the screen, also focused their attention on the slow motion.

After all, during the ring battle just now, both Lin Xing's flying sword and Xia Jianlong's shots were too fast. To ordinary people, it was like thunder and lightning. It was impossible to see the process clearly, let alone the secrets between the two sides' shots. up.

Even Xia Jianlong looked in the direction of the big screen after he stepped off the ruined arena, because he himself didn't fully understand the cause of his defeat.

As Lin Xing unfolded his sword intent in the camera, everything in the arena seemed to be turned into his weapon, attacking and killing Xia Jianlong.

Looking at himself in the camera fighting with all his strength and charging towards Lin Xing quickly, Xia Jianlong's eyes became more solemn. He knew that the next step would be the key to how he was defeated.

In the camera, a wisp of smoke and dust was forced away by his thunderous palm and drifted aside.

But as the smoke and dust rolled gently, after all, they still cut off a few strands of Xia Jianlong's hair while brushing.

Then the severed strand of hair was straightened suddenly, like a sharp sword unsheathed, cutting off a layer of his hair from bottom to top.

At the same time, Xia Jianlong in the camera was still fighting fiercely with Mantian'Flying Sword', and he didn't notice any abnormalities on his head at all.

His punches and kicks were like thunder exploding and dragons roaring. In this extremely fierce fight, the changes in his hair seemed so subtle and silent.

Seeing this scene, Hui Ling sighed: "Being able to control a strand of Xia Jianlong's hair silently while fighting like this, Lin Xing has terrifying control over sword control..."

As Huiling explained, the footage on the big screen continued to play, and soon the severed hair was seen falling all the way, sometimes flying, sometimes taut, like a swift flying sword that kept sweeping across Xia Jianlong's body. .

Huiling explained: "Sometimes these fallen hairs fall naturally, and sometimes they are controlled by Lin Xing with sword control skills. This not only makes it difficult for Xia Jianlong to detect, but also allows Lin Xing to continuously use sword control skills to control the peripheral swords and maintain the intensity on the other side. offensive."

"Sigh, this is the first time Xia Jianlong faced this style of play, so he was really careless."

Then he saw that on the screen, there were all kinds of swords surrounding and killing Xia Jianlong's clothes.

Nearby, some swords shot back and forth, scraping Xia Jianlong's exposed skin clean.

Huiling sighed again. Ever since she explained the slow motion scene, she had been trying to make up for Xia Jianlong, just to reduce the impact of this defeat, but now she felt helpless when she saw this.

If she could still say that Xia Jianlong was careless just now, then the scene itself at this moment continued to show the huge gap between Lin Xing and Xia Jianlong to all viewers.

While scolding Xia Jianlong in her heart for being useless, she said: "Lin Xing is showing off his skills. Every time he takes a shot here, he can defeat Xia Jianlong, but he just doesn't do it. Instead, he will play with Xia Jianlong like a cat playing with a mouse. It's a bit humiliating for the opponent to be shaved smoothly..."

When Huiling said this, she suddenly froze and seemed to be stuck.

And in the shocked eyes of everyone, as the hair sword fell all the way, several black things suddenly fell out of Xia Jianlong's trousers.

The host wondered: "What is that? Let's zoom in and take a look."

As the camera zoomed in, revealing the strands of curly hair, the staff quickly cut the camera back to the host.

The host said with some embarrassment: "It seems...Lin Xing...has indeed shaved Xia Jianlong from head to toe."

Some staff members in the audience seemed to be unable to hold back their laughter, and quickly covered their mouths to hold back.

In the spectator seats on the other side, Bureau Su frowned and seemed a little dissatisfied with Lin Xing's style of play. He said to the side: "Send someone down to tell Lin Xing that you are representing the country in this arena and you must pay attention to your methods. Don't cause bad influence or even cause dissatisfaction among friends overseas and in the mirror world..."

At the same time, viewers on major platforms were either shocked or laughed.

There were even more barrages and messages at this moment than when Lin Xing defeated Xia Jianlong just now.

Under the ring, Xia Jianlong himself had already disappeared. When he saw that a layer of his hair had been shaved off, he had already picked up his pants and ran away.

Huiling knew in her heart that this time Lin Xing had completely nailed Xia Jianlong to the pillar of shame, and even the Shenlong Gang would be shamed.

She looked in the direction of Lin Xing and thought to herself, "Oh, this person has really hindered the cooperation between the two worlds."

Thinking of this, she looked at Jian Ji again and thought in her heart: "Jian Ji has wanted to take action against Lin Xing for a long time, and she should punish Lin Xing severely in the next game. In this way, the world can also understand what she wants. To master martial arts techniques, you must ultimately rely on the sects of the Mirror World."

Thinking of this, Huiling felt as if she was a little angry because of two consecutive defeats. She sighed in her heart: "No sin, no sin, everything is for the purpose of spreading Buddhism and guiding the world to the Buddha..."

On the other side, Lin Xing watched the content played in slow motion and nodded secretly in his heart: "Being able to shave his hair means that I can kill him. Only by attacking Xia Jianlong from head to toe can I show the power of my sword control. "

"Seeing this, the audience will definitely think that I want to kill Xia Jianlong just like killing a chicken and a sheep. I can shave him off and kill him at any time."

"In this way, the confidence of the people in the world will definitely be inspired by me, and they will be more inclined to the sect in this world instead of the mirror world."

Since Zhou Tianhui's battle, the video has also exploded on the global Internet. Lin Xing has felt the support of countless people on the Internet, and has become more and more determined in his heroic behavior.

These days, he has been killing people from time to time, digesting the mysteries of the way of heaven in his mind very quickly, and the fog that shrouded the skill of Sword Heart Sympathy has dissipated nearly half without realizing it.

This once again made him lament that choice is greater than hard work. Compared with practicing flying swords or doing small chivalrous things, it turns out that major events involving two worlds, countries, and civilizations are the real chivalrous ones.

At this moment, when he thought that he had done something good for the country and the people, Lin Xing felt the righteousness surge in his body, and the fog in his mind dissipated faster again.

At the same time, the staff had begun cleaning the venue and clearing out the arena that had been reduced to rubble.

A staff member ran over to remind Lin Xing not to shave his hair in public like he did just now.

Lin Xing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I know you can't use this trick against Sword Girl, so you don't have to worry."

On the other side, Bai Yiyi said towards the live broadcast room: "Lin Xing's first martial arts was taught by me step by step. To be honest, this kid's talent is very average. Not to mention compared to me, compared to many people in the mirror world. Geniuses are far inferior."

"But he is diligent enough. Others practice eight hours a day, but he can practice eight thousand hours a day. This is where Lin Xing is great."

"I just said that eight thousand hours was an exaggeration. Do you understand what an exaggeration is..."

At this moment, a loud noise came from the ring.

I saw a sword energy falling down as if it was about to tear the sky and the earth apart, chopping up and sweeping away the arena that had been reduced to ruins, and flew out in all directions.

This slash of sword energy not only cleared up a large space in an instant, but also formed a circle with fragments of various arenas, which was almost the same size as the arena just now.

I saw Sword Girl walking into the circle step by step, looking at Lin Xing with fighting intent in her eyes, and said impatiently: "To us, this arena is no different from paper. I don't think I need to clean it." , let’s fight on this flat ground.”

Sword Girl has mastered the swordsmanship of the second inheritance for many years. Over the years, she has continuously honed her sword skills and fought against masters. She has finally completed the transformation of each skill and developed it into a second sublimation.

At this moment, she only has the last skill left, Taiqing Wuji Sword, which has not yet completed its second sublimation.

According to the secrets of the Taiqing Sect, the second sublimation of the Wuji Killing Way she wants to complete from the Taiqing Wuji Sword requires her to continuously defeat powerful enough opponents in the process of condensing the sword's intention with secret techniques.

But since she has been practicing all the way, as the Wuji Killing Way is getting closer and closer to completion, her strength has become more and more terrifying, but it has become more and more difficult to meet a suitable opponent.

At this moment, Lin Xing has become the most suitable opponent in her eyes after losing to Dabagan and Xia Jianlong in a row.

The sword intent in his heart kept gushing out like boiling lava.

Sword Girl had a strong premonition in her heart, that is, as long as she defeated Lin Xing in front of her, she would be able to complete the infinite killing path and sublimate her four doors to form a picture.

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