I said I would turn back time

Chapter 161 Mental Tactics

Lin Xing watched Yijian clean up the ring again and Jian Ji, who invited him to fight, thought in his heart: "I want to show my style, beat this crazy woman to her heart, and stop looking for trouble everywhere. It seems that I can't start from breaking sword moves. .”

"Since this is the case, we need to change our style of play..."

In going back in time again and again, Lin Xing continued to fight with Sword Girl.

There was a huge gap from the first time they fought against the Taiqing Sect. He just wanted to delay the situation.

It was also different from the second time they fought in Zhou Tianhui, where he just wanted to use the opponent to stop the dragon.

Lin Xing thought to himself: "This time it's a pure one-on-one battle between me and the opponent, which makes me understand this opponent better."

In these fierce battles, Lin Xing gradually learned more and more information about the opponent.

Not only does she understand the sword moves, but she also has a deep memory of the Sword Princess' various fighting habits, personality and even her language.

Sword Girl felt like a sparring partner to Lin Xing, accompanying him in fierce battles day and night.

He could even gradually feel the changes in Jian Ji's mentality.

It was like Lin Xing was hit by the opponent with thirteen sword rays each using sword moves while going back in time again and again.

As he felt the sword light piercing his body again and again, he learned and tried to decipher the opponent's sword skills.

And watched as the opponent's mood gradually changed from happiness and excitement to doubt, frustration and even anger after taking out the sword...

During such repeated in-depth study, Lin Xing felt that he had gradually discovered a flaw in Sword Princess.

At the same time, Jian Ji, who was full of fighting spirit, locked her eyes on Lin Xing, and said the words Lin Xing had heard countless times: "Lin Xing, I'm going to fight, you have to hold on for a little longer today."

With a burst of laughter, twelve rays of sword light were summoned from her body, and they rushed towards Lin Xing's position along with Sword Lady.

In the fierce collision between the sword light and the 'flying sword', loud noises like thunder and lightning rang out continuously.

Dang Dang Dang...

I saw Sword Girl sweeping away the incoming 'flying sword' and thrusting towards Lin Xing's position like a bolt of lightning.

"Slow, slow, Lin Xing, why is your flying sword so slow?"

Sword Girl felt that the sword in her hand was getting hotter and faster.

All the attacks that came towards her were so slow and clear in her eyes, and they flew out with a single sweep of the sword light she controlled.

"That's it! That's it..."

Jian Ji strongly felt that the second sublimation Wuji Killing Dao in her body was on the verge of breaking through.

Next, she only needed to use the fastest speed and the strongest strength to pierce Lin Xing's body with the sword light in her hand, beating him into a cripple, and then she could complete the last step of the infinite killing path.

Fighting will, sword skills, strength, momentum...all were gradually pushed to the peak by Jian Ji at this moment.

But at this moment, seeing Lin Xing take out a stack of yellow talisman papers, a burst of fury arose in his heart: "Swordsman uses talisman papers to fight me?"

She stopped abruptly, the air around her was roaring like artillery fire, and the sword lights brought up shock waves in the air, tearing out sword marks on the ground around her.

Jian Ji yelled at Lin Xing: "Are you fucking underestimating me? I'm going to defeat you who is in the strongest state."

It seems to feel the impatience of the second sublimation that is about to be completed in the body.

She wanted to defeat Lin Xing who had truly displayed his full strength, not Lin Xing who was still using the first pass method.

Sword Girl stared at Lin Xing and said word by word: "Immediately throw away the garbage in your hands, use your flying sword, and use your strongest strength to defeat me."

Lin Xing fluttered the talisman in his hand and said calmly: "Sword Lady, it is not difficult to defeat you, but if I want to conquer you... even I need to think a little bit."

"I hope that after you are defeated by this trick of mine, you won't play tricks and make excuses everywhere."

Listening to what Lin Xing said, the fighting spirit and anger in Sword Girl's heart suddenly became even more boiling.

"Am I going to cheat?" Sword Girl yelled angrily, and twelve sword rays of light burst out from her body with soaring sword intent: "I will tear your talisman to pieces first, and then I will completely break your flying sword skills... …”


The next moment, the ground beneath Sword Lady's feet exploded, and under the sword light, her whole body shot toward Lin Xing like a bolt of thunder and lightning.

With the boiling anger and fighting spirit in her heart, Sword Girl felt that her strength and speed seemed to have broken the original boundaries again.

The sword light penetrated the air like thirteen thunderbolts, causing bursts of air explosions and heat waves. As the sword queen swept forward in fury, it seemed as if she was going to crush all the opponents on the way forward into powder, and crush all the opponents on her way to promotion. All the shackles were blasted to pieces.

Amidst the bang-bang-bang explosions, all the 'flying swords' that were launched were swept away by her, and it seemed that they could not stop her for a moment.

"All things are quiet. Look at me alone. I am not giving up and giving up. I am doing nothing but myself. Be still!"

At this moment, a series of high-speed incantations poured out of Lin Xing's mouth, as if sweeping towards Sword Queen's position with an invisible wave.

At this moment, what Lin Xing was casting was the first spell he had learned, the Calming Talisman.

This was a spell that he brought along with the memory in his mind after he first understood the skill.

Originally, this talisman had been used by him on himself to enhance the effect of his meditation and breathing.

But as he continued to use it, he vaguely felt that this meditation talisman might not be used in battle.

It just needs to be selected against a specific opponent to use it.

And the sword girl in front of him constantly showed surging fighting spirit in the battle with Lin Xing, and showed her furious side before turning back time again and again, which made Lin Xing feel that the meditation talisman should be able to influence the sword in fierce battles. Ji's mentality.

At this moment, with the explosion of the ten meditation talismans, Jian Ji, who was still full of blood and fighting spirit just now, felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her body after being swept away by this invisible force.

At the same time, the huge yellow scarf warrior suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xing and slapped the sword girl in the air.

The Sword Princess dodged quickly and directly avoided the position struck by the palm in the air. However, she still felt that her whole body was swept by an invisible force, and an unprecedented calmness filled her heart.

The anger and fighting spirit that were burning just now suddenly calmed down.

The strength, speed, and sword intent that had been continuously pushed to the peak also declined rapidly, as if they were about to fall from the peak all of a sudden.

This kind of forced meditation and forced interruption of fighting spirit made Sword Princess feel extremely awkward. Even the sword light around her no longer seemed so sharp.

"You..." Sword Lady opened her mouth, feeling that she should be angry, but she was extremely calm in her heart: "I..."

While Lin Xing continued to attack with his flying sword, he said calmly: "Jian Ji, haven't you noticed yet? You want to win too much today."

"You are addicted to killing and enjoy the madness brought by the Taiqing Sect. This makes you brave and diligent in your journey as a swordsman, but it also makes your mentality never stable."

"When you bully the weak, your madness will scare your opponents and make you all the more disadvantaged."

"But when you encounter an opponent who is evenly matched or even stronger than you, this unstable mentality is a flaw..."

Seeing the 'Flying Sword' strafing, Jian Ji waved her sword light to block again, but retreated two steps in a row.

It was the first time she had retreated since she started the war.

"Do you think that just a few words of yours can mess with my mind?"

Sword Girl sneered, and while neutralizing Lin Xing's offensive, she concentrated again and mustered the fighting spirit in her heart: "I must defeat Lin Xing today and complete the picture..."

Under Lin Xing's continuous offensive, the fighting spirit and anger in Jian Ji's heart quickly rose again.

Just when she charged Lin Xing again, she saw that Lin Xing took out ten more talisman papers at some point.

"damn it……"

Seeing this scene, Jian Ji was furious in her heart, and rushed to Lin Xing desperately, trying to prevent the other party from casting the spell just now.

"Heaven and earth are natural, listen to my command, fire will come!"

This time, what emerged along with the super-speed incantation was a sky-high flame.

With the punch of the yellow turban wrestler, the dazzling flames swept across the audience, directly igniting the weeds under their feet.

The Sword Lady dodged the incoming fire, and then discovered that Lin Xing's attack was followed by a large amount of burning objects, causing more flaming swords to appear in the surging sword force.

And when Sword Girl rushed towards Lin Xing again, this time the spell released by the opponent was replaced by the Calming Talisman.

The fighting spirit and anger that had just been accumulated dissipated again, and the originally sharp and fast sword moves softened in an instant.

The skill of sword control allowed Lin Xing to block Jian Ji and gave him the opportunity to release the spell.

Lin Xing's spell is not very powerful for Sword Girl, but it can always draw her energy and enhance the change and power of sword control.

Sword Girl felt like the battle between herself and Lin Xing was like being sucked into a quagmire...

She wanted to push her state to the peak again and again and defeat Lin Xing.

But every time, Lin Xing's meditation talisman was forcibly pressed, forcing him to enter a calm state, and in this subversive emotional change, he felt a kind of emptiness and loss.

Although she was able to quickly recover from this state through a fierce battle with Lin Xing and push herself to her peak state again, she couldn't stand it anymore and Lin Xing gave her the Calming Talisman again.

Especially with Sword Girl's expectations, today was supposed to be the day when she defeated Lin Xing in one breath and completed the picture, but now she was stuck in a hard fight with Lin Xing.

Wonderful expectations ushered in difficult results. This huge contrast also seriously affected the spirit of Sword Girl.

She felt that her current mood was like being repeatedly kneaded and played with by the other party, which affected her performance in combat.

Even the host on the commentary desk seemed to notice something was wrong with Jian Ji, and said doubtfully: "Jian Ji's offensive seems to have weakened? Lin Xing seems to be getting more and more comfortable? Huiling, is that true?"

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