I said I would turn back time

Chapter 186 The secret is opened

As Jing Shiyu opened the door on the ground, Lin Xing, Bai Yiyi and huge metal boxes emerged one after another.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi, everyone present was slightly startled.

"That's..." The evil-killing sect's leader frowned slightly: "The old monster's two followers?"

Thinking of Zhao Wanxi, the head of the Evil Killing Sect felt quite dissatisfied.

After all, when she and Fairy Yunxiao fought against many masters, Zhao Wanxi barely moved and had no intention of helping.

There was also the confrontation between Dong'er and the Great Light Buddha just now, as well as Zhao Wanxi's action of taking out her mobile phone.

This made the leader of the Evil Slayer Sect feel that his previous judgment seemed to be wrong. Zhao Wanxi and the Great Light Buddha in front of him looked more like enemies than friends.

Seeing the appearance of these two followers and a pile of metal boxes, the leader of the Evil Slaying Sect couldn't help but think: "What has this old monster arranged?"

Fairy Yunxiao on the other side looked at Zhao Wanxi and thought to herself: "This senior has opened the Immortal Gate before, claiming to deliver news to the disciples of Daguangming Temple who have moved to the secret realm. Is it just to transport these boxes?"

Both the leader of the Evil Slayer Sect and Fairy Yunxiao focused their attention on Zhao Wanxi. After all, in their eyes, Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi were just the other party's subordinates, and the arrangements in front of them must have been made by Zhao Wanxi.

On the other side, the second elder Zhou Tianhui, who was dressed in black robes, also noticed the appearance of Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi.

But his attention was more focused on the metal boxes rising from behind the fairy gate.

"Is it a weapon from the secret realm?"

As if thinking of the time when Taiqing Gate was bombed, a gloomy look appeared on the face of the man in black robe.

I saw his right hand gently tugging, and the many masters controlled by him with his silver wires had already retreated one after another.

Just like this, because of the sudden opening of the Immortal Gate and the appearance of Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi, the two sides who were originally fighting stopped temporarily to observe the situation.

What was surprising was that the moment Bai Yiyi appeared, she was almost stunned for a moment. The next moment, she was carrying a huge metal box and ran out of the battlefield in a hurry.


Looking at Bai Yiyi who retreated from the battlefield as soon as he appeared, the leader of the Evil Killing Sect was a little confused, and for a while he didn't quite understand what the other party was trying to do.

At the same time, Lin Xing was already floating in the air, ensuring his highest mobility.

The spiritual vision was launched immediately, and every plant and tree on the scene was included in his observation.

After ten days of hard training in the apse, as well as countless time travels, Lin Xing felt as if he had been practicing hard in seclusion for many years, and his memories of many people were already very blurry.

After launching his spiritual vision at this moment, the first thing he did was to recognize the person.

Jing Shiyu was the first person he recognized.

It's true that he died at the hands of this woman too many times.

Time and time again, Jing Shiyu occupies Lin Xing's memory for an unusually long time, far longer than any other person in his memory.

The next person he recognized was Zhao Wanxi. After all, he was a companion who had been in contact with Lin Xing for several months.

After confirming that his two companions were fine, Lin Xing began to observe other people present.

Whether it is the Great Bright Buddha, the Sect Master of the Evil Slayer and Fairy Yunxiao who are standing in front of the Great Bright Buddha, or the second elder of Zhou Tianhui not far away, as well as the masters controlled by him with silver cords, and even Luo Wen who is further away. High class people...

At this moment, everything was reflected in Lin Xing's spiritual vision.

So not only did everyone wonder about his appearance, he also had some questions about the situation at the scene.

Originally, he crossed the Immortal Gate as planned, thinking about dealing with the Great Light Buddha and the secret skill of collecting the Cliff of Sacrifice.

But the scene seemed to be divided into two distinct groups of people, and there were even a lot of traces of fighting.

For example, various burnt ground, the yellow scarf warrior standing proudly in front of Fairy Yunxiao, the corpse of an old man lying on the ground...

Lin Xing thought in his mind: "Is there internal strife in Daguangming Temple? But..."

At this moment, Lin Xing suddenly felt a slight itching on his back, and an invisible force turned into lines of writing and pressed gently on his back.

Lin Xing knew that it was Jing Shiyu who was secretly conveying news to her.

"The Great Light Buddha controls the evil-killing sect leader and Fairy Yunxiao..."

"The dozens of people on the other side are all Arhats and Bodhisattvas from the original temple..."

Jing Shiyu suddenly felt itchy on her back, as if countless palms were gently caressing her back.

That was Lin Xing asking him: "I can't tell the difference. Please tell me who is who first. I'm afraid I'll kill the wrong person later."

Jing Shiyu knew that Lin Xing had been practicing for too long and couldn't remember clearly.

She thought in her mind: "If you kill the wrong person, you can turn back time."

Jing Shiyu even thought that Lin Xing should get a truckload of explosives and detonate them to test the resistance of the many experts present to modern weapons.

But she also knew that Lin Xing didn't like to act recklessly by turning back time.

So she returned at this moment: "The one in red robe is the master of the evil-killing sect. Next to him is Fairy Yunxiao of Lingbao sect. She was the one who created the yellow scarf warrior..."

Lin Xing sensed the lines of writing that appeared rapidly on his back, and thought to himself: "Zhao Wanxi is the lone star of the evil spirit after all, and there seems to be some kind of powerful evil power in her body, perhaps because she has not been affected by the Great Light Buddha."

"But Jing Shiyu doesn't seem to be affected too much? Could it be because she has mastered the second inheritance?"

Lin Xing shook his head. Although high-level abilities can indeed produce high resistance to low-level abilities, for example, when he faced Zhou Tianhui's first-pass cadres, the opponent's ability would be reduced if the opponent's ability was applied to him who was second-pass many.

But even the Sect Master of Zhanxie Sect was affected, and it was absolutely impossible for Jing Shiyu to rely on his realm to resist the Buddha's voice and heart veil of the Great Bright Buddha.

At this moment, Lin Xing frowned slightly.

Just because he sensed what Jing Shiyu wrote on his back: We may have wrongly blamed the Great Light Buddha...

Sensing Jing Shiyu's continuous writing and explaining what the Great Bright Buddha did, Lin Xing secretly said in his heart: "It seems that Jing Shiyu is still influenced by the Great Bright Buddha."

"Even if she opened the door as agreed, maybe it was no longer for me to deal with the Great Bright Buddha, but to help the Great Bright Buddha?"

While the two were communicating secretly, the Great Light Buddha first broke the silence: "You are finally here."

"Great Guangming Buddha?" Lin Xing looked at the corpse with a bloody light continuously radiating from the wound on its head, and asked doubtfully, "Are you dead now? Or have you become an evil spirit?"

The Sect Master of Zhanxie Sect and Fairy Yunxiao frowned slightly when they heard the words. They felt the disrespect towards the Great Bright Buddha in the words of the other party, and they couldn't help feeling dissatisfied in their hearts.

The leader of the evil-killing sect shouted: "How can I, Buddha, be plotted by evil people to save others, and then I was seriously injured? How can I tolerate slander?"

Lin Xing glanced at him and thought to himself: "Sure enough, as Jing Shiyu said, the leader of the Evil Slayer Sect was also influenced by the Great Light Buddha."

Da Guangming Buddha didn't care about Lin Xing's answer, and said indifferently: "Since you have come, then what you left here should also be revealed."

I saw the already rotten index finger of the Great Bright Buddha turning slightly, and Taoist Buddha's light instantly surged from Luo Wengao and the twenty temporary believers beside him.

Luo Wengao and others felt that their souls seemed to have separated from their bodies at this moment, and under the guidance of the Buddha's light, they instantly crossed a distance of more than 100 meters and came to the front of the Great Bright Buddha.

At the same time, the sect master of Zhanxie Sect, Lin Xing, Luo Wengao, and the twenty disciples on Sacrifice Cliff, a total of twenty-two people all had a strong feeling at this moment, as if something was calling them.

And at the moment when these twenty-two people arrived at Sheshen Cliff, layers of starlight spread out in mid-air and gradually turned into lines of writing.

Watching this scene, the second elder Zhou Tianhui was shocked: "The Great Bright Buddha also knows how to unlock the secret of Sacrifice Cliff?"

On the other side, the leader of the Evil Slaying Sect also had a flash of enlightenment in his mind: "We need to gather all of us before this secret can be opened? Did the leader of the Xingxiao Sect consider this and invited us?"

"But...how did the person who set up this secret place calculate this? How did he know that people like us would one day gather on Sheshen Cliff?"

Just when everyone was looking at the stars in the sky, various thoughts emerged in their minds.

The handwriting transformed by the starlight gradually became clearer.

"I have been practicing martial arts since I was five years old. I became a swordsman at the age of six. I have learned all the swordsmanship in the world at the age of seven. At the age of eight, I feel that the world is limited. My path of cultivation has come to an end. It is a pity."

"So he spent nine years traveling around the world, learning from everyone's strengths, creating the method of Taoism and martial arts here, and opening up a second inheritance path."

"Then it took another three years to realize the way of the Sword Immortal again when I was twenty years old. Since then, I have become both a Taoist and a martial artist, and I have become a Sword Master and a Sword Immortal."

"On a whim, I sensed that a great catastrophe was coming a hundred years later, so I left this method here to wait for the fate."

Looking at the lines of handwriting, everyone present was first shocked, and then felt intense disbelief.

Whether it was the experience revealed in the handwriting or the so-called dual cultivation of Taoism and Martial Arts, it seriously violated their common sense, making it difficult for them to believe the information revealed in these words.

The leader of the Evil-Slaying Sect shook his head and said: "Impossible. How could someone become a swordsman at the age of six? There is also a method of dual cultivation of Taoism and martial arts, which is even more ridiculous."

"No, these words are all true." The Great Bright Buddha looked at the writing in the sky and said lightly: "Because this person completed the dual cultivation of Taoism and martial arts in front of me."

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