I said I would turn back time

Chapter 201 The storm is rising (Thanks to the leader of ‘12:05’ for the reward)

Tian Jizi looked at the men, women, and children in the conference room and said, "You ask me for my opinion?"

"Now that Xingxiao has united so many sects and countries, there will definitely be many powerful people from the Mirror World coming to participate in this meeting."

"So I suggest that we just blow up the meeting place and kill them all in one go."

Looking at the excited people in the world, Tian Jizi smiled slightly and said, "It's alright, alright, I'm joking."

"Of course we must participate in this conference, we cannot be excluded..."

Suddenly, Tian Jizi's cell phone vibrated.

He turned on his phone and suddenly laughed: "Before the conference, it is difficult for us to influence the sects in Mirror World."

"But in this world, we still have many ways to influence countries."

"Before the opening of the conference, I suggest that we continue to launch a public opinion war against Daguangming Temple to weaken their right to speak in this world."

He picked up the phone, and it was Bai Yiyi's video: "This one is well done."

The next moment, Tian Jizi's face became serious again: "But these are icing on the cake."

"Based on my understanding of the Mirror World, you'd better be prepared to negotiate with force during the meeting."

"The fusion of the two worlds has changed the morals of the world. It is no longer the era when you can just hold meetings and talk to solve problems like you did before."

"According to Mirror World, this kind of event is the Martial Arts Tournament and the Hero Tournament. It is impossible to continue without first determining the strengths and weaknesses."

"Sufficient violence can make other people in the conference listen to us quietly and have enough right to speak."

"You guys, let's carefully select the people who will participate in the conference."

A small country in this world.

Xia Jianlong was kneeling in the yard with a dissatisfied look on his face.

He raised his head, looked at the majestic back in front of him, and said, "Dad..."

"I don't have a son like you." The other party said coldly: "You have completely embarrassed the Shenlong Gang."

On the TV screen in the living room, a variety show in which Xia Jianlong participated was playing.

Looking at Xia Jianlong in the show, the anger in the eyes of the leader of the Shenlong Gang continued to rise: "I sent you to the world for the development of the Shenlong Gang, not to embarrass you."

"You were shameless after being shaved in the ring? Why don't you seize the time to practice martial arts and increase your strength to avenge your previous shame?"

"As a result, these useless things are being fixed day by day..."

Xia Jianlong said helplessly: "Dad, why are these useless?"

"Do you know how many fans I have online now?"

"It is by relying on these things that I have been able to successfully get many countries in the world to accept us and be willing to cooperate with the Shenlong Gang, hire warriors, and train warriors."

"Do you know Ma Hong from Zhou Tianhui? He calls me every day and wants me to play with him."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang showed disdain: "You remember not to associate with a laughingstock like Ma Hong."

"Of course I don't care about such things." Xia Jianlong quickly climbed a few steps, came to the head of the Shenlong Gang, took out his mobile phone and said, "Father, look at this."

"This is the loss of the Daguangming Temple in the White Eagle Kingdom before and after Bai Yiyi's latest video was uploaded."

"Look at how many fewer followers they have. How much less advertising and endorsements there are? It's all money."

"There are also many companies that have previously announced cooperation with Daguangming Temple, and their stocks have almost fallen to the limit..."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang frowned slightly: "Stocks?"

Under Xia Jianlong's explanation, the leader of the Shenlong Gang said thoughtfully: "Just such a... video, did Da Guangming Temple lose so much?"

"Yes." Xia Jianlong said quickly: "Dad, the world has changed."

"The future is the fusion of the two worlds. The days of relying on fighting and killing are over. In the future, our Shenlong Gang will have to learn more about this world so that we can get along."

"We must participate in the conference between the two worlds organized by Xingxiao Sect."

A piece of lawn.

A figure is practicing a boxing technique.

With each punch of the figure, the lawn with a radius of hundreds of meters rose and fell, like ocean waves.

Mu Tianjiao looked at this scene and thought to herself: "Master's martial arts has improved so fast, is this method of martial arts dual cultivation so powerful?"

Mu Tianjiao hurried up after the leader of Xingxiao Sect stopped his boxing, and she asked curiously: "Master, you have completed the inheritance of 'fighting'?" Training in the direction of the Three Legends of Martial Saints?"

Xing Xiao nodded slightly: "Since I comprehended the method of both Taoism and martial arts, I have gradually broken through the limitations of the celestial master's inheritance."

"When the conference opens two months later, no matter whether it is the mirror world or the real world, no one will be my opponent."

"This time I will lead the development plan of the two worlds, and it will definitely bring true peace to everyone."

Mu Tianjiao couldn't help asking: "What about the great changes that day? The catastrophe five months later..."

Lin Xing's figure flashed in Xingxiao's mind, and he said lightly: "The two nodes of Taiqing Gate and Da Guangming Mountain have been completed as I expected."

"This catastrophe can no longer pose a threat to the world."

"Just wait for the day when the brainstorms, and I will completely end him..."

After a while, Mu Tianjiao talked about the Daguangming Temple again.

Xingxiao nodded and said: "Bai Yiyi's video? It would be good to weaken the influence of Daguangming Temple in the world."

"Lest the Great Light Buddha receive too much help in this world and affect the conference two months later."

Fixed gate training ground.

Wei Zhi, who has been participating in the training of the exploration team, sighed, and complained to the old man in front of him: "Boss Su, the two coaches you invited from the Shenlong Gang were racing in Xihai City yesterday, and they crashed into six cars in one day. car……"

Director Su frowned and said, "My friends in Mirror World have just learned to drive, so it's inevitable that they will be a little excited. Besides, they are not familiar with the traffic rules on our side, so they will inevitably have some bumps."

"Don't worry, I have arranged for someone to communicate with the owner of the car that was hit. The bureau will compensate them."

Wei Zhi said helplessly: "It's not about money. These two masters of the Dragon Gang live in a five-star hotel every day, and they have to cook a small stove for them in the kitchen every day. Everyone's heart is not balanced."

"It turns out they beat my team members three days ago..."

Director Su said impatiently: "I sent someone to ask. The master in the mirror world teaches the apprentices, and there is always beating and scolding. You have to respect other people's habits."

"I think all the members of the exploration team are too arrogant. Their thoughts are on the Internet every day. They want to be Internet celebrities all day long, right?"

"You tell them that everyone's social platform accounts will be handed over next, and they will be managed by the bureau from now on."

"Let them concentrate on practicing martial arts, and don't think about gaining followers and becoming stars all day long..."

At this moment, an official hurried to Su Ju's side and said in a low voice, "Hui Ling came to protest, saying that someone on our side is making rumors and slandering Da Guangming Temple, saying that if we don't take the video off the shelves, then people will If we apologize, we will terminate cooperation.”

Bureau Su's expression changed and he walked out quickly: "Where is Huiling? I'll tell her in person."

Seeing Bureau Su leaving in a hurry, a female explorer walked up to Wei Zhi and said angrily, "Captain, have you heard? Bureau Su's daughter is from Northern Real Estate Finance. Many projects were originally scheduled to be relocated.”

"As a result, what kind of development zone is being established with the Shenlong Gang, Daguangming Temple, and Tianrizong now, and all her daughter's land has been included in the development zone, and this is why people who have been holding those people in the mirror world..."


Thanks to ‘The Innocent JO Taro’ for giving Lin Xing an Oscar trophy

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