I said I would turn back time

Chapter 205 Network and Sublimation

Dukong listened to the beeping sound coming from his cell phone and said in disbelief: "He hung up on me?"

The Great Bright Buddha looked at the "Internet Surfing Skills" in his hand, and said, "Maybe he guessed your purpose, so he wants to show off and ask you to charge more."

"I know." Dukong took a look at the big Guangming Buddha with a relaxed face, and couldn't help but said: "My Buddha, don't you go to meet the believers? They are looking forward to meeting you. If you want, we can Hold a small meet and greet."

The Great Light Buddha waved his hand: "Offline meetings, don't you think it's too outdated?"

"Ah?" Dukong was stunned: "Are you out of date?"

The Great Light Buddha raised an index finger and saw waves of faint black air wafting out from the fingertips.

"The live broadcast that Huiling used before was pretty good?"

"Since we have come to this world to spread Buddhism, we should adapt to local conditions and actively integrate into the technology and culture of this world."

As he spoke, he saw that the black energy on his fingertips had flowed into the network cable and disappeared in an instant.

"Worship the Buddha online." The Great Bright Buddha smiled slightly and said, "I think it's feasible."

Under Jing Shiyu's arrangement, Lin Xing and Du Kong had a phone call again.

Du Kong said, "Lin Xing, if people in this world really know the identity of the reincarnation of the Great Bright Buddha, can they still trust you as much as they do now?"

Lin Xing said, "What do you want to say?"

Du Kong said: "Temporarily concealing your identity is beneficial to all of us."

When Lin Xing was about to nod his head in agreement, Jing Shiyu suddenly said, "Hui Ling must apologize first."

Du Kong frowned: "This time, Lin Xing attacked us first."

Jing Shiyu said: "She must send a video to apologize to Lin Xing, explaining that Lin Xing attacked her to save those believers, and the apology video will be on the top for a month."

She secretly said in her heart: "After this incident broke out, many people thought that Lin Xing bullied Huiling and lost a lot of fans, so Huiling has to take the blame."

Du Kong said coldly: "Woman, don't push yourself too hard."

Jing Shiyu said: "Then let's play the video. The Great Bright Buddha himself admits that Lin Xing is his reincarnation. When the time comes, let all your believers come to worship Lin Xing."

After a moment of silence, Dukong said: "It is impossible to record a video, at most a text statement..."

Jing Shiyu smiled and said, "Okay, then you have to reveal some more information about the Two Realms Conference."

"During the battle at Sacrifice Cliff, Da Guangming Temple lost so much, Xing Xiao took all the benefits, right?"

"If the Xingxiao family continues to dominate this two-world conference, do you think it's really okay?"

Dukong smiled slightly and asked, "Let's talk about what you want to know first."

Lin Xing saw Jing Shiyu and Du Kong constantly negotiating, and suddenly felt that he had nothing to do here.

He walked aside: "Master Bai, accompany me to exercise."

And when Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi went to the mirror world to practice, Zhao Wanxi, who was playing with her mobile phone, suddenly felt a shiver.

"Am I catching a cold?"

Just as she was thinking this, a voice sounded in her mind.


"Huh?" Zhao Wanxi suddenly raised her head, looking in all directions.

"Something has entered the network."

"It's the same thing as us."

Only then did Zhao Wanxi realize that the voice came from the bottom of her heart.

Perceiving this, her heart sank suddenly: "No way."

The image of Lin Xing muttering to himself from time to time appeared in her mind: "Am I crazy too?"

In the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Director Su looked at the secretary in front of him and said angrily: "Lin Xing is really too arrogant."

"We must deal with him severely this time, otherwise countless national events will be ruined in his hands."

"The country has cultivated his extraordinary power, not for him to use it to bully others and do whatever he wants."

"You remember to contact Daguangming Temple and ask them to join us..."

Just when Bureau Su kept making phone calls and contacted acquaintances one by one, mentioning the bad impact Lin Xing had caused today one by one.

After the secretary answered the phone, he suddenly said: "Su Bureau, the two coaches from the exploration team have resigned."

"Which two?"

"Those two from the Dragon Gang."

"What?" Bureau Su thought of all the efforts he had made to cooperate with the Shenlong Gang and quickly asked what was going on.

The secretary was puzzled: "It is said that a new coach named Zhang was arranged to come over, and he defeated the two masters of the Shenlong Gang by himself."

"Wei Zhi said that this new coach is a martial arts master of setter."

Having been in contact with the powerful people in the mirror world for so long, Su Bureau also knows that master setters are also very rare talents in the mirror world, and all of them are the overlords of one side.

He had previously wanted to ask the Shenlong Gang to send out powerful setters to teach extraordinary powers, but was rejected outright.

"A setter?" Su Bureau said in shock: "Where can we find another master of setter?"

The secretary said: "It says that he was taught by Lin Xing."

Su Ju asked in shock: "Lin Xing? He taught a master of setter?"

At this moment, the door to the ward was opened with a bang.

Several staff members walked in: "As for your private transfer of refugees from the Mirror World, please go back and explain to us."

Bureau Su was stunned and said, "What are you talking nonsense about? This is a cooperative project between us and Daguangming Temple."

The other party put the mobile phone in front of him, and the content in it was Huiling's apology statement.

"Hui Ling took the initiative to apologize?" Director Su said incredulously, "How is it possible..."

He saw with his own eyes how angry Hui Ling was after being bullied by Lin Xing.

He couldn't imagine Huiling actually apologizing.

Moreover, in the apology statement, the blame was vaguely placed on his head.

Director Su was shocked and angry: "She actually said that I took the initiative to send believers to her, which caused Lin Xing's misunderstanding?"

The staff said, "Let's go."

Bureau Su said angrily: "I still have work to do, and the cooperation with Da Guangming Temple is related to the overall situation of the country..."

The staff member in front of me said calmly: "The Daguangming Temple is very dissatisfied with your work and requires you to be replaced before the cooperation project can continue."

Director Su listened to these words in a daze, and murmured in his heart: "I was given up?"

Mirror World, Dongya Mansion.

Lin Xing released the spiritual perception skill after the transformation of the spiritual vision skill, and instantly reflected every plant and tree in a radius of 200 meters in his heart.

After transforming into a spiritual sense, Lin Xing's sensory ability also had a qualitative breakthrough.

At this moment, he could not only see all kinds of things within a radius of two hundred meters, but as long as he focused his attention, he could even smell the smells everywhere and hear the sounds from every location.

A large number of sights, smells, and sounds kept pouring into his mind, which even caused his brain to be confused for a moment.

Until he gradually got used to this detection ability, slowly began to learn to ignore a large number of noises, and began to master how to amplify or reduce certain sounds and smells.

"Practice the spiritual sense to the full level first, and then complete the sublimation of the second pass to form a picture."

"Then you will be able to practice the ultimate skill."

Then Lin Xing devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cultivation of spiritual perception.

Spiritual Awareness (0% on the first floor) → Spiritual Awareness (0% on the sixth floor)

As Lin Xing thought about it, various things within a radius of 400 meters were reflected in his mind.

Whether it is the sound of blowing wind and sand, the smell of green grass, or the shaking tree shadow...

All of this was seen by him, and Lin Xingsheng had the illusion of holding everything in the world within a radius of 400 meters in the palm of his hand.

"The next step is sublimation."

Lin Xing looked at the two Buddha statues in front of him.

Although under the camera, the Buddha statue has turned into a mummy.

But because of the heart curtain placed by the Great Bright Buddha on the statues, to Lin Xing's naked eyes, these mummies were still Buddha statues.

As soon as he pointed, his sword intent tore the two Buddha statues apart, and two streams of black energy poured into his body in the blink of an eye.

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