I said I would turn back time

Chapter 243 Crazy (25)

When Lin Xing walked out of the martial arts battlefield, he could see a large number of reporters rushing in, all of them came to interview him.

Because of the heat of this battle and Lin Xing himself, the number of reporters interviewed this time was actually more than all the reporters who had performed martial arts in the past few times combined.

At the same time, Xiao Lin Xing was floating beside Lin Xing, angrily said: "Why do you want to intervene?!"

"Didn't you see that I was about to win just now?"

"Now it's as if I lost to that shitty Tianfeng."

"Refine another body for me, I'm going to fight him again now!"

Lin Xing greeted the reporters with a smile, completely ignoring the grumpy Xiao Lin Xing.

As the flash lights lit up continuously, reporters began to ask Lin Xing questions.

"Lin Xing! You showed amazing skills and strength in the battle just now. How did you master them in such a short period of time?"

Lin Xing responded: "Diligent cultivation. In the face of absolute diligence, any talent is meaningless. For example, I have to practice for more than tens of thousands of hours every day."

The reporters at the scene all laughed at Lin Xing's humor, knowing that Lin Xing was talking about his diligence.

Another reporter asked: "As the only living player, your last statement that you would definitely win the championship caused a lot of controversy. Some people questioned your statement as being too arrogant. What do you think of this matter?"

Lin Xing said calmly: "I'm not arrogant, I'm just telling a fact. If we are both the second inheritance, there should be no one stronger than me in the two worlds."

Hearing this, the reporters at the scene became excited again.

Another reporter asked: "In the battle just now, you seemed to have shown a clone ability that you have never shown before. Is this your new Taoist skill?"

Lin Xing pointed with his hand, and another human figure made of sand rose slowly under his feet: "Is this what you are talking about?"

"It's just a human-shaped magic weapon that I refined with sand."

"But this battle also gave me a lot of inspiration. I found that I was too limited to kendo in the past."

"In fact, since I have practiced the Six Secrets of Immortal Refining, my combat effectiveness depends not only on my realm, but also on my imagination."

"I should develop more creative tricks in the future."

The reporter asked: "Is Six Secret Immortal Refining the name of the secret skill you practice?"

Lin Xing nodded and said, "It's the secret skill I'm practicing."

The reporter quickly asked: "Will you make this secret knowledge public in the future so that more humans can learn from it?"

Lin Xing nodded casually: "I think there is no problem. If everyone can learn the Six Secrets of Immortal Refining, the world will become a better place."

After Lin Xing's words spread on the Internet, there was another wave of uproar.

Some people think that Lin Xing is just talking casually.

Some people think that it is useless to be a unique skill.

Some people think that Lin Xing's approach is worthy of admiration.

Various discussions have made the incident more heated, as if adding fuel to the fire, it has become more and more heated.

Accompanied by a light click.

The wine glass in Bai Mei's hand had been crushed to pieces by the burst of spiritual energy.

But just now, he was looking at the live broadcast with a satisfied face, but now it was already clouded.

No one could have imagined that the battle in which Tianfeng had the upper hand just a moment ago would turn so sharply in the blink of an eye, with the outcome reversed.

Especially in this battle, Tianfeng has used the Emei Sect's Thousand-Year Holy Sword, which in the eyes of many strong men is already a way for adults to bully children.

But now he lost, because Lin Xing did not use any weapons in this world or magic weapons from the mirror world, and defeated Tian Feng completely by relying on his own strength.

In Bai Mei's view, this not only demonstrated Lin Xing's strength and talent, but also demonstrated Tian Feng's incompetence.

After this battle, Bai Mei felt as if Emei's face had been thrown to the ground and rubbed hard.

In particular, this battle has been witnessed by more than billions of viewers in the world. It can be said to be the most humiliating event in the history of Emei, and it will have a huge impact on the future development of the Emei Sect in the world.

Originally, what Bai Mei was thinking about was that after Tianfeng's victory in this battle, he would take advantage of Emei's victory to have a good talk with Lin Xing about the Six Secret Immortal Refining and the Master's Flying Sword.

As a result, unexpected losses occurred before the Six-Secret Immortal Refining matter was even discussed.

The ringtone of his cell phone rang. Bai Mei glanced at it and found that it was a call from Tianfeng. He hung up without answering.

At this moment, a series of thoughts flashed rapidly in Bai Mei's mind, and he was already thinking gloomily about how to remedy the situation in front of him.

At the same time, a guest not far from Bai Mei let out a chuckle.

Bai Mei raised his head and looked at the old man beside him who was chuckling. He was the leader of the Shenlong Gang.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang smiled and shook his head: "This Tianfeng of your Emei sect is such a waste. He even lost to Lin Xing even after using the Heaven-Destroying Demon Sword."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, but you still lost so miserably, and you were fooled around by Lin Xing."

"I think it's time to change the rules of your Emei sect. If you continue to accept so many mediocre people, each generation will only become worse than the last."

"The disciples trained by our Shenlong Gang are all carefully selected. If the qualifications are not good, even my son will not be able to be trained. But once he is trained, he will be a talented person..."

Bai Mei looked at the Shenlong Gang leader's comments coldly and said calmly: "This Lin Xing is very powerful and is not so easy to deal with. If we are both the second inheritance, I don't think anyone in the Shenlong Gang can be his opponent."

The leader of the Shenlong Gang said disapprovingly: "That's because you have no use for fighting. To deal with this Lin Xing, you should win by surprise. Attack him first and don't give him the opportunity to use all those fancy tricks."

Seeing that the other party was still chattering, the murderous intention in Bai Mei's heart continued to condense and dissipate. Just when he thought that he should give the other party a sword to shut him up, he saw a subordinate of the Shenlong Gang coming to the Shenlong Gang. There was a whisper next to me.

The next moment, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, who had just leisurely commented on Tian Feng and Lin Xing, suddenly changed his face and stood up angrily: "How dare he? How dare he?!"

Seeing the leader of the Shenlong Gang leaving with anger on his face, Bai Mei was filled with curiosity. He couldn't think of what kind of thing could have made the leader of the Shenlong Gang so angry.

At this moment, his phone vibrated again. He originally thought it would be news from Tianfeng, but when Bai Mei looked at it, a hint of surprise flashed in his heart: "Great Light Buddha?"

Great Light Buddha: Is the Emei Sect interested in the secret of why Lin Xing is so powerful?

Baimei sent a voice message: "What do you mean?"

Great Light Buddha: If you are interested, there are some things we can cooperate with next.

After Lin Xing finished the interview, he returned to Jing Shiyu and Bai Yiyi.

On the other side of the martial arts battlefield, the second martial arts performance has begun. The contestants on both sides are Taiqing Sword Girl and Taihe Men Yunchong.

Jing Shiyu held the phone screen in front of the other party, and could see that all displayed on it were the changes in public opinion on the Internet after Lin Xing defeated Tian Feng.

Jing Shiyu said: "Since you defeated Tianfeng, we have detected that there are a large number of trolls taking the lead on various major platforms and issuing announcements to attract the public's attention to your rapid improvement in strength. "

Lin Xing looked at his phone and said, "These powerful people in the mirror world have learned very quickly in manipulating online public opinion."

Jing Shiyu said: "It may not be that they learn quickly. It is very likely that the White Eagle Kingdom is also behind the scenes and has already colluded with them."

"The question now is, what is their purpose?"

Jing Shiyu clicked on a video, and it was the topic proposed by several small country representatives to let Lin Xing share the secret of becoming stronger.

"We have temporarily suppressed the popularity of this matter in the Xia Kingdom, but with the speed at which this matter spreads outside, it will only be a matter of time before the whole people know about it."

"And take a look at this again..."

It was an online poll on a related issue.

Almost all hope that Lin Xing can disclose the secret of his fast cultivation.

Lin Xing nodded slightly: "I would choose the same way if I were in it."

"Actually, I would have spoken out long ago if my travels back in time hadn't been too inappropriate to publish."

Jing Shiyu looked at Lin Xing helplessly, feeling that the other party was really kind.

Jing Shiyu sighed, and then said: "Whether it's Xingxiao or Daguangming Buddha, it's not like they don't know your secret."

"Under such circumstances, they still want to create this kind of public opinion. Obviously they want to be able to attack you legitimately and avoid military conflicts with current powerful countries."

"Now the White Eagle Country is seriously affected by the nine sects...I'm afraid they will take action. They may hold a hearing against you, and they may ask the prosecutor to prosecute you. In the worst case, they may The nine sects will arrest you directly."

Bai Yiyi said unexpectedly from the side: "It won't be so serious, right? The present world is not on the side of the mirror world, and the country here should be quite reasonable."

"It's just that it's been more reasonable in the past hundred years."

Jing Shiyu reminded: "I have looked through the history of this world, and the peace in this world has only lasted a hundred years. But a hundred years ago, there were all kinds of battles and conspiracies, and similar incidents emerged one after another."

"Although I don't know why there is this hundred years of peace in this world, no one can guarantee that this peace among countries in this world will last forever."

"The actions I just mentioned all took place on this land, let alone the Nine Sects and Xingxiao behind it now."

Just when the martial arts performance was in full swing and various public opinions on the Internet were constantly fermenting.

In a manor on the outskirts of Xinke City.

Da Guangming Buddha said indifferently: "Bai Mei has already responded, and will put pressure on with us next."

Then he asked doubtfully: "Where is Fairy Gushe?"

In the hall, besides the Great Bright Buddha, there were also the second elder of Zhou Tianhui, and Yun Hezi of the Supreme Harmony Sect.

The second elder of Zhou Tianhui, or Taiqing, shrugged at this moment and said: "Fairy Gushe and the leader of the Shenlong Gang have some minor conflicts. It seems that they have differences over the shares of the pharmaceutical factory."

"They agreed to go to the mirror world to communicate."

"Fairy Gushe probably won't be able to catch up today."

"But it doesn't matter, everything is going according to plan, Lin Xing won't have a chance."

"We can just send a copy of the results of today's discussion to Fairy Gushe."

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