I said I would turn back time

Chapter 257 Crazy (39)

Just like when he broke through to the first and second inheritance in the past, Lin Xing also awakened many memories in his mind after breaking through to the third inheritance this time.

Most of these memories are related to improving strength, such as the training steps in the third inheritance period, methods to enhance combat power, training goals, and even the choice of the fourth inheritance.

The content is quite complicated, and Lin Xing couldn't understand all of them for a while.

But at least he understood the first step.

At this moment, in his sea of ​​consciousness, that trace of immortal energy was like a faint glow of fireflies, appearing extremely gray and weak.

The first step in practicing Sanxian is to cultivate this ray of immortal energy in yourself.

Lin Xing sensed this trace of fairy energy and set the fairy energy at this moment to 1.0 according to his inner thoughts.

As for the method of cultivating this ray of immortal energy, it is the same as digesting the secrets of the swordsman's way of heaven in the past, that is, to be a true loose immortal.

Various characteristics of Sanxian emerged in Lin Xing's mind: "No sect, no sect, no position, no power, no name, no teacher, no restraint, no hindrance, carefree..."

"The more it conforms to these characteristics, the more immortal energy will be generated by itself and the easier it will be to grow stronger."

Xiao Linxing sighed at the side: "Unfettered, free and carefree, this is really suitable for us."

But Lin Xing suddenly raised his head and looked at where Bai Yiyi and others were.

Just when he completed this breakthrough, as his consciousness was no longer focused on himself, the spiritual sense originally used to sense the surroundings was gradually released.

In the process, he gradually felt that something was wrong with the faces of many staff and soldiers around him. The information some people were reading on their mobile phones and computers also made him feel confused.

So at this moment, Lin Xing looked in the direction of Bai Yiyi and asked doubtfully: "Master Bai, what happened?"

After a while, Lin Xing listened to Bai Yiyi's story while flipping through the news on his phone.

"Extremely cruel! Bai Yiyi launched a massacre in Xinke City!"

"This is the worst terrorist attack in history!"

"Hundreds of thousands of people in Xinke City turned into monsters, and the government said it was sending troops for rescue!"

"All citizens are warned to hide at home and not approach anyone who appears unusual..."

Lin Xing looked at a blurry video on his phone. Judging from the interface, it seemed to be a live recording of a live broadcast platform.

From the shooting point of view, it should have been taken from the window of a certain building. The camera seemed to be constantly searching for something in the sky, and it was constantly stretching and moving.

Finally, a girl in black appeared in mid-air.

Looking at the vibration of the camera, I can feel the tension and fear of the photographer at that time.

From the camera, it can be seen that when the girl in black waves her hand in mid-air, black sword light shoots out, shuttling through the crowds on the street like lightning.

The camera quickly focused on the crowd on the street, and saw a large number of humans turned into monsters, and the whole street seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth.

The next moment, the owner of the phone seemed to have heard something. He turned around with the camera and saw a little girl walking in from outside the room step by step.

The little girl raised her head to the sky, her mouth opened 180 degrees as if it had been torn apart.

One tentacle after another stretched out from the mouth, and then the tentacles brought up a series of afterimages. The camera shook for a while, fell completely to the ground and pointed at the wall beside it.

You can no longer see what happened in the footage at this moment, only the cries and screams can be heard.

Then a piece of blood was sprinkled directly on the wall in front of the camera, and the entire video ended completely.

Lin Xing, who learned about the current situation in Xinke City, felt a strong anger in his heart: "Another extremely evil person from the Mirror World. He really deserves death."

The command room of the White Eagle Kingdom.

Everything seemed to be in a mess.

Although a large number of combat forces are still being sent in the direction of Xinke City, blocking and surrounding the entire city.

But the commanders and intelligence personnel here are almost completely unable to understand the various extraordinary phenomena occurring in Xinke City today.

As long as the army is sent in, a large number of soldiers will turn into monsters, and long-range firepower will continuously fail on the opponent.

So they immediately thought of Xingxiao and the strong men of the nine sects. After all, as the peak combat power of the mirror world, these strong men's explanations of extraordinary power are the most authoritative.

As a result, in the conference room, pictures of the White Eagle Kingdom's senior officials and the powerful people of the Mirror World appeared on the screens one after another.

At this moment, the two parties held an emergency online meeting to discuss solutions to the current situation in Xinke City.

The Great Light Buddha solemnly said: "The situation of the new nemesis is called an evil land in the mirror world, but even I have never seen such a large area and such a serious evil land."

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, I am afraid that tens of millions of people in the entire city will turn into evil spirits. In that case... the entire world will face a crisis of annihilation."

An old man from the White Eagle Country asked: "Is there no way to stop that woman? Can you send a strong man from the mirror world to assassinate her, completely eliminate that woman, and prevent the situation from deteriorating? If you need anything, we will do our best." All efforts are made to support.”

The background behind the leader of the Shenlong Gang is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, and outside the window is Xinke City, which has fallen into chaos.

Next to the leader of the Shenlong Gang, a fairy gate was gradually opening.

At the same time, a series of folding doors were placed all around. Obviously, the leader of the Shenlong Gang had arranged for manpower to open the fairy gates for him, so that he could evacuate from Xinke City at any time.

He snorted coldly at the camera and said, "It's possible, but God knows how many masters will die. I think the only solution now is to destroy the entire Xinke City."

As he spoke, he laughed: "Don't your country have many powerful weapons? As long as you blow up the whole city, the crisis will be resolved."

Another old man in military uniform from the White Eagle Kingdom said angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about? There are fifteen million people in Xinke City!"

The second elder of Zhou Tianhui said: "If the situation worsens, it will not be 15 million people, but tens of millions of monsters. These monsters will spread from all directions to the whole world in every way you can think of or unexpected ways."

"The power they carry may even turn more people into evil spirits."

"If you continue to make mistakes, you will suffer chaos. You should be more decisive."

The high-level officials of the White Eagle Kingdom gritted their teeth and looked at these peak powerhouses in the mirror world, and looked at the calm expressions on their faces, as if they didn't pay attention to the disaster in front of them.

At this moment, Taihemen Yunhezi, who had been silent all this time, coughed and said, "The situation in Xinke City is indeed very bad. Only when the forces of our two worlds work together can we solve this problem." Annihilation crisis."

"I think we need more in-depth cooperation. For example, in order to solve the crisis, we need more free arms to hold power, and we don't want to be affected by the power of the world in this battle..."

The second elder of Zhou Tianhui added: "After this catastrophe, even if Xinke City survives, there will be many sequelae. The environment here needs us to heal for a long time."

Listening to the various demands put forward by the powerful people in the mirror world, the senior officials of the White Eagle Kingdom took a deep breath.

Although the other party talked about all kinds of cooperation required to quell the disaster, what the senior officials of the White Eagle Kingdom heard was the free possession of various weapons, extrajudicial jurisdiction, autonomous regions, trade...

They had thought that the masters in the mirror world in front of them were raising their prices and waiting for the price, but they did not expect that their appetites would be so big.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang laughed and said, "I advise you to hurry up."

He looked at the evil energy in the sky and said, "I guess this thing may not be in its final form yet. If it continues to run like this, then even if we want to solve it, we may not be able to solve it."

Just as the two sides in the meeting were arguing fiercely and the senior officials of White Eagle Country all looked ugly, another news came.

"Xia Guo asked for a call. They said they would send Lin Xing to Xinke City for support and asked us to arrange a fairy gate for him."

An old man in military uniform from the White Eagle Kingdom said angrily: "What time is it? What's the use of him coming? Don't pay attention to them..."

"Well, they said Lin Xing came directly."

The old man in military uniform frowned and said: "The hotel he stayed in before was burned down. There is no location. How did he get here?"

"The Xia national team evacuated to the suburbs before and used a temporary folding door to pick him up. He should be 5.6 kilometers outside the new nemesis..."

"Wait a minute, the guards at the blockade saw something advancing at high speed. It was Lin Xing. He broke through the third blockade."

"The second blockade discovered him... No, he has already broken through the first blockade... He is still accelerating..."

"He has already crossed the Xinke Bridge...too fast..."

"The satellite is lost."

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