I said I would turn back time

Chapter 267 Can’t go back

On the building of a listed company in Xinke City.

Tianlian of Shilin Temple, who was waiting to contact Lin Xing, looked very solemn at the moment when she looked at the Buddhist beads in her hand.

I saw that one of the ordinary strings of beads was already blood red, as if scarlet blood was continuously pouring out of the beads.

"Is the seal broken?" Tianlian stood up suddenly and was about to do something, but found that the mutation on the beads was still continuing, and tiny cracks spread crazily on the beads.

Seeing this scene, Tianlian's complexion changed suddenly: "How is it possible...what happened?"

She knocked open the door of the room in an instant, and the whole person came to the roof of the building like a phantom.

But in the short period of time she was sprinting all the way, the Buddhist beads in her hand mutated at an accelerated rate, and the original fine cracks continued to spread and deepen.

When Tianlian arrived at the rooftop of the building, the entire Buddha bead had completely cracked, and dazzling blood was rising from the center of the Buddha bead, illuminating the rooftop.

"The seal is completely broken..." Tianlian looked at this scene in disbelief: "How could it be so fast? Who took action? No, in such a short period of time, could something happen in the future?"

Looking at the buddha beads gradually shattering in her palm, Tianlian's heart kept sinking, and she had already begun to prepare for the worst in her mind.

But at the next moment, the process of breaking the beads suddenly stopped, and then it was like going back in time. The originally broken position quickly reorganized and healed, and the entire beads returned to their original intact appearance.

Looking at the Buddhist beads that recovered in an instant, Tianlian also became more and more puzzled.

Just as Tianlian was thinking, a large group of men and women in suits and leather shoes hurried over.

"Uncle Master, what happened?"

"Master, what happened to the beads?"

"Uncle Master?"

Tianlian came back to her senses, shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

After driving everyone away, one of the remaining disciples asked, "Master, is there something wrong with Lin Xing?"

Tianlian said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid Lin Xing has mastered how to suppress the inner nature, otherwise there is no way to explain the current situation."

"But what kind of state of mind he is in now, and how much his nature has been guided, I don't know anything now."

"It looks like we have to change our next plan."

Tianlian tried to contact Lin Xing, but found that the other party didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to the message, and it seemed that she couldn't get in touch at all.

Lin Xing sensed his own state, and found that after returning to the past, he still possessed the ray of immortal energy in his mind, and possessed the cultivation base of the third inheritance.

"You actually brought back the immortal energy, as well as the changes in your physical body?"

"Can I do this?"

Lin Xing waved his fist slightly, and with the howling wind of the fist, a strong wind blew across the room. In the blink of an eye, the curtains, sheets, and clothes were blown everywhere.

Then his spiritual thoughts swept out, instantly crushing a soda can on the table into the size of a thumb.

After repeated self-examination, Lin Xing was able to confirm that there was nothing wrong with his induction, and he had indeed brought back his future cultivation base.

Xiao Linxing said with a smile: "So you understand, right? Dalin, this is our magical power. The whole world is a playground for us, and everyone is a toy for us that can be played for fun over and over again."

He smiled seductively: "Everything can be repeated, and you will become stronger and stronger in the process. Everything in the world is meaningless to us."

He pointed to Bai Yiyi and Jing Shiyu beside him, and said slowly, "The only thing you need to do is kill them both."

After hearing the other party's last words, Lin Xing's breathing seemed to become much heavier at this moment.

Xiao Linxing continued: "It is indeed difficult at the beginning, but as you practice more times, you will gradually get used to it."

Seeing Lin Xing's cold eyes and his chest rising and falling, Xiao Lin Xing continued to persuade: "They are not really dead, and they will not remember everything you did to them."

"This is just a ritual, a process..."

Lin Xing raised his head, looked at Xiao Linxing and said, "I didn't really kill Jing Shiyu, but I already completed the jump."

He showed a forced smile: "Whether it is communicating with the future, going back to the past, or jumping in time, what is needed is resentment, not anyone's life."

"To arouse my resentment, she doesn't have to die."

"The moment I realized Kaname was already taking action, the resentment welling up in my heart was enough to make me jump out of the shackles of time."

Xiao Linxing said with a smile: "Yes, so besides killing people, you have many other options, such as torturing them, cutting off their hands and feet, or sending them away..."

Just hearing the content of the words spoken by the other party made Lin Xing feel fierce anger in his heart.

Xiao Linxing laughed and said: "Yes, yes, this is the feeling. You have to maintain this feeling to do these things."

"Anyway, when time goes back, everything will return to the way it was..."

Lin Xing said word by word: "What if time doesn't go back?"

Xiao Linxing froze slightly.

Lin Xing continued: "You said you will gradually get used to it, which means... maybe doing it at the beginning is enough to jump over."

"Then you find out that you have to torture, and then you find out that you have to do more things, more things that you can resent yourself."

"Your behavior is getting worse and worse, until one day, you find that even if you release all the malice in your heart to the other person, you can't go back to the past."

"You look at the 'thing' that has changed beyond recognition, but you find that you have no way to restore the other party..."

"You can't go back."

"But it's not that the other person is completely unimportant to you, but that in the 'rituals' one after another, you have become accustomed to the process of the other person getting injured or even dying, then recovering and forgetting."

Xiao Lin Xing took a deep look at Lin Xing, and said coldly: "Do you still remember?"

Lin Xing said: "Not only are you getting more comfortable with this body under my influence, I am also affected by your memory."

Xiao Linxing snorted, and his phantom instantly sank into the ground, disappearing in the eyes of Lin Xing and Xingxiao.

At the same time, Bai Yiyi and Jing Shiyu looked at Lin Xing's movements with doubts in their eyes.

Jing Shiyu asked concerned: "Lin Xing, what happened?"

Lin Xing opened his mouth, but thinking about the scenes he experienced in the future and the scene where he finally initiated the time jump, he found that he really didn't want to tell many of the details.

So after thinking for a while, he just said: "I came back to the present from tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Xinke City, there will be a disaster that can affect the whole world."

"The powerhouse of the evil sect will introduce the evil spirit into Xinke City, turning tens of millions of people in the entire city into evil spirits."

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