I said I would turn back time

Chapter 272 Confirmation and Search

Looking at Lin Xing who came back, Jing Shiyu said: "The monster thing has become popular and is now being spread everywhere."

When she learned about Lin Xing's approach, Jing Shiyu was slightly surprised.

Because in her original impression, Lin Xing had always disdained such deception.

But she didn't hate Lin Xing's approach, she was even somewhat pleased and agreed with it.

"It seems that turning back time this time has indeed changed Lin Xing's character, making him not as kind as before."

Bai Yiyi on the other side suddenly shouted: "Xingxiao is out."

Jing Shiyu's eyes moved: "Finally he came out."

As early as when Xingxiao's memory was released, they knew that the leader of Xingxiao Sect in the current world would definitely react.

And his reaction is nothing more than two, either admitting the authenticity of the memory, or denying the authenticity of the memory.

Tianlian from Shilin Temple looked at the video released by Xingxiao and said calmly: "Xingxiao can only admit it."

"What happened on the reincarnation stage shows that Lin Xing has mastered part of Xingxiao's memory."

"So Xingxiao doesn't dare to bet. He doesn't know how much of his memory Lin Xing still has."

"Once he denies it, Lin Xing will probably release more of Xingxiao's memories to refute him."

"What's more, for Xingxiao, being destroyed by the evil sect is definitely not the ending he wants."

"On the contrary, admitting it will not only destroy the evil sect's plan, but also increase his reputation among several sects, and also leave room for mediation in his subsequent negotiations with Lin Xing."

Tian Lian looked at the prayer beads in his hand and saw that the originally broken one was safe and sound, but the other one became gradually darker.

"But what I didn't expect was that Lin Xing changed so quickly, and that he would deceive the world like this in order to achieve his goals..."

Looking at the dark Buddhist bead, she said: "The righteous heart left in his body has begun to waver. It seems that the actions of the evil sect in the future will really have a great impact on him."

The young novice monk on the side heard this and asked worriedly: "So, Lin Xing is no longer as law-abiding and upright as before?"

Tianlian shook his head: "Believe in justice, disbelieve in justice, and finally choose to believe in justice even though you know that justice does not exist objectively. This is the three realms."

"The original Lin Xing has always been in the first stage. Although he is relatively safe for this world at this stage, as his life experience continues to enrich, this stage will eventually pass one day."

“The next step is where it matters.”

“After realizing that the concepts of justice, impartiality, and selflessness are all lies created by human society for the sake of stable development, and after realizing that various events and battles often stem from the game of interests, his thoughts will inevitably have a huge impact. Variety."

When Tianlian said this, he sighed slightly: "It's a pity that I originally planned this class for so long and wanted to arrange this class in the Mingshan Sect to grasp the direction of Lin Xing's ideological changes, but now it has been completely interrupted."

"The evil sect...did they do it intentionally? Or was it a coincidence?"

At the same time, in the video on the mobile phone, the leader of Xingxiao Sect was facing the camera and said calmly: "The memory provided by Lin Xing did come from me."

"The next Xinke City is about to face a disaster."

"I call on everyone around the world to unite to fight this disaster..."

As Xingxiao admitted and the video of the flesh-and-blood monster spread, many people on the Internet began to change their minds and began to believe the intelligence provided by Lin Xing.

After watching Xingxiao's video, the leader of the Shenlong Gang felt something strange. He always felt that things were different from what Lin Xing and Xingxiao said.

"These two people were at odds with each other before, and now they suddenly cooperate again?"

However, he was destined to be unable to guess this question, and soon he focused his attention on Xing Xiao's strength.

The leader of the Shenlong Gang has been repeatedly watching the video of future memories, carefully observing Xingxiao's performance in it, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

When he originally thought this memory was that of Lin Xing, he felt that the combat power shown in it was too powerful and unreasonable.

But after knowing that this was actually Xingxiao, the leader of the Shenlong Gang felt a sudden realization.

"The rumors are indeed true. Xingxiao not only mastered the third inheritance of magic, but also mastered the third inheritance of martial arts. This person is both skilled in magic and martial arts. Coupled with the ability to predict... this strength is already profound. Unpredictable.”

Not only the leader of the Shenlong Gang saw this, but many masters from the other nine sects also more or less noticed the terrifying aspect of Xingxiao in that video.

They had already heard about Xingxiao's ability to predict the future when they were in the Mirror World.

At this moment, not only did he see this kind of precognitive ability, but he also saw the terrifying strength that Xingxiao showed in the battle.

Even the current governments, major forces, and ordinary netizens are more or less analyzing the combat effectiveness shown by Xingxiao in the video, and then got many horrifying answers.

At this moment, the leader of the Shenlong Gang's cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and thought to himself, "Humph, it looks like he's ready to take action."

After Xing Xiao released a video acknowledging the authenticity of the memory, White Eagle Kingdom also quickly reached a cooperative relationship with Xing Xiao and the masters of the various sects.

Soon, masters like the leader of the Shenlong Gang, with the assistance of the White Eagle Kingdom, began to arrest those puppets hiding in Xinke City.

The Great Bright Buddha led the Sect Master of the Slaying Evil Sect to search for places where the evil qi dissipated relatively strongly, looking for ways to stop the ceremony.

As the head of the Emei Sect, Baimei, was the first to encounter a puppet, and a fight broke out with him on the street, the video also began to circulate on the Internet, and more and more people began to believe in the so-called precognition, or maybe it was Feeling dubious.

At the same time, the streets of Xinke City became more and more congested, and many citizens planned to evacuate the city by car.

"...at the junction of Riyadh Avenue and Fifth Avenue, the leader of the Shenlong Gang captured a puppet..."

"...Puppets were found in Polanli Square, citizens are advised to take refuge..."

"...Fairy Gushe caught a puppet on the east side of Thirty-ninth Avenue..."

With the cooperation of the experts from the White Eagle Kingdom and the Mirror World, more and more puppets were found and captured from Xinke City.

Seeing that the information provided by Lin Xing was confirmed one by one, many netizens who didn't believe it at first gradually changed their minds.

"Lin Xing, I was wrong, I shouldn't doubt you."

"Blogger, please delete those ridiculing jokes. It has been proven that what Lin Xing said is true."

"I said at the beginning that Lin Xing doesn't seem like a person who can lie to others."

"I came to see the big face-slapping scene."

On the rooftop of the building.

Bai Yiyi looked at the messages everywhere on the Internet and laughed unconsciously: "Haha, Lin Xing, did you read it? Someone came to apologize to us."

Lin Xing said: "Isn't this what was expected..."

At this moment, Lin Xing's eyes suddenly moved: "Here he comes."

He stretched out his hand, turned Bai Yiyi into the size of a palm, and held it directly in his palm.

The next moment, Lin Xing jumped slightly and jumped out from the rooftop towards the street.

At this moment, a truck was slowly driving south on the street.

The truck was escorted by military tanks in front and behind it.

But under such tight guard, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed the chassis of the truck.

Immediately afterwards, a large piece of the chassis rippled like water, and then Lin Xing and Bai Yiyi got into the truck.

The two guarding soldiers were about to take action, but they felt a slight pain in their heads and passed out.

Lin Xing, who was covered in black robes, had already looked at the puppets in the car.

These puppets all looked exactly like Bai Yiyi's puppets, except that some had broken hands and some had broken legs, like broken corpses.

What was transported in this truck was the puppet captured by the White Eagle Kingdom and the masters of various factions.

At this moment, Lin Xing took Bai Yiyi and sneaked in secretly in order to let Bai Yiyi read the memories of these puppets.

Lin Xing watched Bai Yiyi put her hand on the head of one puppet, and then walked to another puppet after a moment.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it didn't get stuck like last time."

Lin Xing still remembered that after the last time he used nearly 600 missiles to kill the girl in black, he also took Bai Yiyi to look through her memory, but Master Bai was stuck there.

Now that Lin Xing thought about it, he guessed that the puppet was different from ordinary girl puppets and had something special about it.

Bai Yiyi on the other side looked at each puppet's remains one by one, and the more she looked at them, the more excited she became.

"So many martial arts skills!"

"The bodies of these puppets are exactly like mine."

"These martial arts skills can all be transferred to me."

"Using puppets to practice skills for oneself, this is the purpose of making these puppets."

After constantly flipping through the memories of these puppets, Bai Yiyi gradually realized how these puppets were really used.

"So many puppets are helping her practice. No wonder the woman in black is so strong. God knows how many skills she has learned."

"But now these are mine, hahahaha!"

The next moment, when Bai Yiyi's palm was pressed on the head of a puppet, her eyes froze slightly.

"Lin Xing, I may have found the location of that woman."

There is another chapter being written and will be posted when it is finished.

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