"Xingxiao is really showing off now."

"He's so envious."

"Obviously all of us were present, but the woman failed to successfully initiate the ceremony, so she had to retreat."

"As a result, they now call him the savior, prophet, and the best person in the world..."

Bai Yiyi looked through the contents on her phone and said unconvinced and angrily: "He has stolen all our limelight, and now the whole Internet is discussing him."

Jing Shiyu nodded and said: "After all, nominally speaking, it was Xingxiao's ability to predict the crisis that warned him of the crisis in advance."

"The next battle between him and the girl in black is also very eye-catching. This should be the largest, highest level, and most destructive battle that the world has ever seen so far."

"It is normal for such a battle to shock the world."

Bai Yiyi was still unconvinced and said: "Oh, it would be great if we found the woman in black. Not only can she act like a big dick, but she can also let me absorb her memories. Then maybe I can directly step into the third realm. ”

Jing Shiyu rolled his eyes: "Don't be too ambitious. You should seize the time to break through to the second inheritance."

"It should be relatively calm in the next period of time."

"Come on, come on." Bai Yiyi said: "When I digest this harvest, I will soon break through to the martial arts master."

Xiao Linxing stood next to Bai Yiyi, looking at the content on the other person's phone and pouting: "When these people in the world saw Xingxiao's combat power, no one asked him to share his precognitive ability. Instead, they worshiped Xingxiao. It’s a bunch of bullies who bully the weak and fear the strong.”

Xingxiao Xuying smiled slightly and said: "Everyone in the world is interested in profit. Of course, few people will do things with higher risks than returns. This is human instinct, and it is also an advantage."

"Throw aside hatred, hostility, ideas, etc...interests are often the root cause of battles in the world..."

The more Xiao Linxing listened, the more irritated he became: "I'm so annoyed, stop preaching."

"Anyway, at the end of this martial arts performance, wouldn't it be enough to beat up Xingxiao?"

Xingxiao Xuying shook his head and said: "Indeed, if you can win, then this is indeed a good way. When the time comes, you will be famous all over the world and give orders to all factions, so that you can unite all parties to fight against the catastrophe."

Xiao Lin Xing floated in front of Lin Xing and said eagerly: "Let me come when the time comes, and I promise to help you win."

Xingxiao Xuying said from the side: "Don't think too simply. After all, it is a peerless master that I helped create. You can't guarantee victory even if you take it."

"Today's Xingxiao, with the experience of countless rebirths in the past, should have practiced both of his two major inheritances to the peak of the third inheritance."

"If you want to defeat him, Lin Xing's current cultivation level has just entered the third level, and the time for the immortal energy blessing is limited, which is still not enough."

Lin Xing did not speak, but felt the trace of immortal energy in the sea of ​​consciousness. He felt that this immortal energy seemed to have grown a little bit stronger today.

Lin Xing thought in his heart: "Unfettered, free and carefree."

"Before time went back, during the battle with the girl in black, my immortal energy didn't grow much. Could it be because of the contradiction in my heart?"

"And now..." He glanced at Xiao Linxing: "Am I acting more or less according to my own will?"

At the same time, Xingxiao Xuying looked at Lin Xing and said: "Although the foundation and system of the first two inheritances are very good, you have entered the third inheritance for the first time. With the help of the power of immortal energy, you are extremely powerful. .”

"But if you want to defeat Xingxiao, or even fight against the catastrophe more than two months later, you need to master more means."

"Otherwise, your opponent will just delay until your immortal energy is exhausted, and you won't be able to do anything."

"Also, we must seize the time to strengthen our immortal energy and raise our cultivation to the limit of the third inheritance."

Lin Xing nodded slightly when he heard this, but the first thing that came to his mind was not defeating Xingxiao or fighting against the great calamity, but the process of tearing Jing Shiyu's skin apart.

He didn't want to go through this again.

So he wants to have stronger power, so strong that he can implement his will without changing the past.

"The same goes for Master Bai. As long as Master Bai cultivates the Feathered Reincarnation Medal as soon as possible, she can help me treat my illness and remove those unnecessary memories from my head."

With the end of the crisis in Xinke City, the whole city seems to have regained its calm once again.

Bai Yiyi is digesting the harvest of memories this time, and Jing Shiyu is arranging the work of the next two conferences and performing martial arts.

Lin Xing was also recalling the memories that revived in his mind, those cultivation materials about the third inheritance.

The rare silence in the room became, and everyone seized the time to improve themselves.

In the midst of this calm, there was a sudden knock on the door of the hotel, but what surprised Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu was that in their perception, there was clearly no one outside the door.

"Who?" Jing Shiyu activated his sky eyes and continued to look outside the door, but he still didn't see anyone.

But at the next moment, a figure appeared to be invisible, directly across the door and into the room.

Jing Shiyu was about to launch an attack when she realized that the figure had come to her side unknowingly, looking at her computer screen curiously.

Looking at the content on the screen, the other party laughed and said: "As expected, you are organizing people to hack me. Lin Xing has your help, so this journey has been much easier."

"When?" Jing Shiyu was startled when he saw this scene: "When did he come to my side?"

At this moment, Jing Shiyu felt a sense of panic, because she knew that at that moment, the other party could kill her.

When she saw the other party's face clearly, Jing Shiyu's heart sank: "Xingxiao?"

Then Jing Shiyu discovered that countless sword lights had already passed through Xingxiao's figure at some unknown time.

Apparently, at the moment Jing Shiyu failed to notice, Xing Xiao had already started fighting with Lin Xing.

But Lin Xing's sword light seemed to penetrate a shadow, unable to affect the opponent at all.

Xing Xiao smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to Lin Xing, and asked with a kind face: "Have you had enough fun in the past two days? Now... can you give me back my memory?"

A chill instantly surged in the hearts of Jing Shiyu and Bai Yiyi.

As Xingxiao's coercion surged in like an overwhelming force, both of them found that they could no longer move a finger at this moment.

Lin Xing slowly walked up to Xingxiao and said face to face: "Originally I wanted to defeat you in martial arts, but now it seems... you can't wait any longer."

The ground beneath Lin Xing's feet also undulated slightly, and the runes quickly spread from his feet to the walls and roof of the entire room, wrapping the entire hotel room.

"With such confidence, it seems that you have already entered the third inheritance?" Xingxiao tilted his head and said helplessly: "If this is the case, then it seems impossible to resolve this matter quietly. .”

"Tsk, why don't you all want to go as I arranged?"

Talismans emerged from the air around Xingxiao, and thunder light shone behind him, carrying bursts of heavenly power.

Seeing that a war was about to break out, Jing Shiyu and Bai Yiyi felt as if they were soaked in cold sweat. It seemed that they could already see countless buildings collapsing and streets being leveled.

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